Acidmods Gaming Area => Console Games => PSP Software & Gaming => Topic started by: pspmoder123 on February 11, 2009, 10:44:11 AM
having trubel macking mms wut program do u recomend
mms? no idea what you are refering too. (make sure you post in clear english)
Yer I Don't Have a Clue What You On...? :laughing:
By 'MMS' Do You Mean 'Memory Stick'
We speak English here. Wrong section, PSP Belong is PSP....
Magic Memory Stick Is what he is reffering to i think
also what OS are you running as im pretty sure there are automatic MMS makers
Ya, try Catb50's MMS Creator but FYI they only work on XP or under so yeah..
If anybody hasn't said this yet, welcome to AcidMods. Generally you will get some better responses if you use correct grammar so that people don't have to waste their precious time trying to decipher a simple question.
I think the best tool to easily make the Magic Memory Stick is PSP Pandora Deluxe. New updates are added quite frequently, and it should do the job by far; there are so many other bonus features. But, do be warned, the download file is about 68mb, which is quite big compared to other programs. You can find it at (
Do U have 8GiB MS ? U can make MMS with 1G,2G,4G thats all if U use another U waste ur time.
Do U have 8GiB MS ? U can make MMS with 1G,2G,4G thats all if U use another U waste ur time.
Err, 2 month bump :S. I'm guessing the problem is solved by now.