Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: H-Sauce on February 27, 2009, 12:23:05 PM
I'm sorry, but that's it. I'm leaving. Nothing to do with you guys, You make such a great community. But I just can't deal with it. The last couple of weeks have eased up for me, the only time I haven't been active.
I'll stay in contact with some.
Peace out,
aww man sorry to see you go - you will always have a place here and can come back any time. is the reason for leaving anything special that we could help with
Yeah man that sucks that you're leaving... Any reason in particular that AM is being a stress on your life?
Damn dude.
For whatever it is, I hope things fix up.
Devoted members leaving just ain't a nice thing.
Well, as Robin said, you always got a place here.
Peace dude.
you cant leave now
who's gunna take care of the stuff you take care of...
and what bout Mr. cotton ball?whos gunna take care of him?
well, sad to see you leavin, but you always have a place here at Acidmods
Thanks guys...
Not stress, more the devotion... I used to spend most of my days just sitting at home being unsociable. It's time to turn that around.
Ah more like AcidMods is starting to control your life... I understand man. Get out there, take a break, and come back! It's impossible to leave AcidMods forever... It's like a drug :)
Good luck with life while you're gone though.
Good Luck With Your New Found Social Life :D
You'll realise how much better it is compared to being a cybah hoe, No offence guys :P
Hey Frost,
Rules Of the Forum: The Froum Rules: Rule Number 10.
When you are ready to leave our fourm, on good terms or bad, don't post anything that says your leaving, as your posts will be deleted.
This has been discussed a few times. I'm pretty sure we agreed that this rule is allowed to be bent.
This has been discussed a few times. I'm pretty sure we agreed that this rule is allowed to be bent.
Sorry Dude. IM Gonna enforce the Rule.. Cause I dun like you.
:hifive: lol Just kidding. Well it was said before. your welcomed Back any time... Just Promise me you will come back and Tell me what Outside looks and Feels like. I never seen what outsiders call the sun moon or stars..
take it easy man
That's what I asked earlier, but nooo nobody will answer me. I bet you 50 bucks it's a joke, or a temporary thing for bud just so he looks cool
frost, i didnt talk to you much but it was cool having you here, take it easy and get a nice girl/guy whatever your into. but do stop by every now and then
no, I just asked wolf, he said its true
What the hell... Why weren't we informed? -.-
where did sauce post at on this thread?
:fear: frostBYTE: is it because bud is now an admin? :laughing: if so dont worry I can fix his butt with a couple clicks.....
seriously tho, cheers on taking steps towards being happy with urself, it wont be easy but it will be worth it. Sorry to see you go, looking forward to seeing you return. take care of urself :victory:
byebye frosty :( will miss youuu
sad to see you leave :(
good luck with your life but don't forget to stop by once in awhile ^-^
It's buds fault! >_<
J/k. Thank guys, I appreciate it.... :)
Oh, By the way...
Robin (Here & trying to sort out some stuff) says:
still i wish you didnt leave - i dont like seeing members leave
I will still pop in for tea if you get what I mean... every now and again see how everything is going
I removed The Unneeded Comments On the Subject Instead of breaking rules and hijacking a topic I suggest you all just MSN or PM. Me about the matter.
:'( dont leave us
hope to see u around its always cool to have a old member come back from a life enhancing moment
(still waiting on optix)
Sad to see you go frost, I guess we all have to leave sometime.
Catch ya round man,
what a Cliché but as said there is always a place for you here.
Ahhhh. We needs you :(
but, Good luck with your REAL life :D
Have fun,
jumbo you are truly funny :D
jk-but for which part?
Hey Frost ! never spoken to you , well actually anyone here except a bit to Robin, coz i've been a silent member of the forum for around two years lol ! But all the best for your life away from the keyboard :) get a girl , enjoy urself ! And May the force be with you ! :)
k bai c u l8ter
:boxed: I just start to check out how AM is doing then Hsauce is leaving. Have fun being social :yess: