Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: redrider on March 15, 2009, 12:07:46 AM
ok so im doing the swap right now(trying) and I cant seem to get them to light up..heres what i have done
1. they are both blue 0603 leds
2. soldered the neg to the neg for both
3. ran small peice of wire from the 2v led spot to both pos sides of the leds.
here is an image o edited from l0rdnic0 to show what I mean..
anyone have any ideas of what im doing wrong?
Got a voltmeter and measure across the leds see if you are getting the right voltage when the LEDs are suppose to be on.
about how much do those cost?
about 5-50$
i think lordnic0s powerboard pinout is wrong.... try 4dps pinout :)
i tried with nic0s too and i couldnt get it to work, and then i noticed 4dp's diagram is different, and everyone says it works
why is it still up then lol...ok i will try 4dP's and let you know how it turns out
ok just to make sure this is how it is suppose to be right?
and i am using blue leds so i don't need a resistor right?