Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: killdog on March 16, 2009, 02:27:08 PM
is there a tut for hold activated buttons for the slim like on the d pad and the other pad
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Woo 100 Posts.. ;P
i did and nothing looks like im outa luck lol
i know a way but its very hard and u will loose that button for gameplay
i think somebody said if u can figure out which pin on the pobo zif is for hold, and cut the trace on the ribbon cable for hold, u can solder the negatives of ur leds to the hold pin and then use the hold switch to activate the leds without activating hold.
i mean as in u when u push a button on the d pad it lights up and when u release it turns off get me??
Oooooh like push reactive... U can do it but it's really hard. You first have to wire all the positives of the LEDs to a 5v point and add a resistor. Then u need to solder each individual negative from each led to the corresponding mobo point for it's button. You can find the pinouts for the points in the tut section. The reason this is so hard though is because you have to solder to zif connector pins that are really tiny.
Yeah man those small ass parts on the slim that you need to solder for the corresponding buttons are just so small.
Would be a nice mod though if you were to put leds in (4 in the d-pad) and (4 in each xyab button) and make them light up when you press them. Just hard to solder to those contacts since they really miniature.
U can see how small they are by checking out the dual nub tut on the slim.
(4 in the d-pad) and (4 in each xyab button) and make them light up when you press them.
lol i didn't know the slim had XYAB buttons...
btw bustinthejustin what if you add a little bit of solder/lead watever you wana call it, to the wires first, then solder them to the pins wont that make it easier?
according to jumbo the pins are 0.5mm apart, the pins themselves are about that big, and if you dont have steady hands/have too much solder, youll ruin the mobo and zif connector.
ok what if you get someone else to hold two exacto knife blades between the little part your gona solder wont that be a good way of keeping it from getting on the other pins cause i tryed sticking an exacto blade between the pins to see if it fit and it did so will that be a good way to keep other pins safe?
The solder will probably get stuck the the knife...
what if you put a little bit of flux?
Then its mroe possible..
Flux makes the solder spread onto metal easier...