Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: tmandt on March 22, 2009, 11:57:40 AM
i was wondering do you guys know a trustable website where i can order off from? thats not expensive. im lookin for a green laser or a blu ray laser as well :). as long as it isnt red
my neighbor bought a green laser from dealextreme for about $20 and it works well :#1:
i want the one where you can actually see the beam at night and day :D
the U.S. has a new law now where you can't buy >5mw lasers (IE anything that burns) so I bet you can't find one like your looking for anymore
the DX one you can see the beam at night. he only got a 5w one though. Maybe at a higher wattage it would be visible during the day as well.
you could probably order it from DX higher than 5W. they send lighters with fluid in them no problem :hifive:
the U.S. has a new law now where you can't buy >5mw lasers (IE anything that burns) so I bet you can't find one like your looking for anymore
no cause how come is still selling them. im planing to just get a 20 or 30mw
Important FDA Warning for all >5mW Lasers: FDA advices all customers that these lasers may be purchased only if you are NOT a citizen of the United States and you are NOT currently living in the United States.
United States Customers Only: due to new regulations enforced by the US FDA and PayPal, orders of >5mW lasers units shipped to the United States are no longer accepted. Orders that were previously accepted and unshipped will be cancelled and refunded to customers. This affects United States orders only.
straight from DX
straight from DX
so i cant order from dx?
so i cant order from dx?
it sounds like you can't order it with paypal either
Wicked Lasers might still ship to the US.
Wicked Lasers might still ship to the US.
i thought they were located in the us
...I think you're right xD
its either wicked lasers or dragon lasers. their lasers cost to much :( i just want something i can play around with. hehe
- (
they'll teach ya how to harvest them and build them
Have You Tryed eBay..?
eBay dont sell them in america either im quite sure.
though in the UK i dunno. though you may inadvertendtly get someone in the :censored:
im not gonna buy from ebay. scammers...
will focal price ship to us? the green lasers?
the problem is that everthing that ships into the us, goes through customs, and the paper work must be filled out to send it through. when the customs dept reads that the incomming package contains a 30mw lazer, (banned in the us) it is going to get flagged. then the seller gets into trouble,
you may get lucky, but not many buisness owners are going to take that chance to send you a lazer they arnt making much money off in the first place. you should really try ebay. I hate ebay, but sometimes it is a nesecary evil.
if you know someone over seas, you should send them money and get them to send it in and write it up as "game hardware" customs dont even open my packages. then if something comes up play dumb.
yea just label them as something completely irrelevant. Or, get some old cheap clothes, wrap the laser up in that, and label it as clothes.
yea just label them as something completely irrelevant. Or, get some old cheap clothes, wrap the laser up in that, and label it as clothes.
Wrapping it in clothes wont do anything... The scan will go straight through it.. Best to use Tin foil, or lead ;)
DX labels the green lasers as LED Flashlights
Wrapping it in clothes wont do anything... The scan will go straight through it.. Best to use Tin foil, or lead ;)
meh, my mom managed to smuggle some random crap into canada labelling it as clothes XD
well i wont be ordering the lasers yet. gotta get my headphones first :D