Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: redrider on March 22, 2009, 10:14:46 PM
Here I will be editing this post every time I do a new mod to my PSP SLIM. Check back daily for updates on what I have done and How I have done it. And if you have seen my thread on my slim is going to match it..
READ>>>I see that this thread is turning into a "BIG" discussion on how everyone does there modding and their experiences. THAT'S GREAT LOL....Stop apologizing for "hijacking" my thread lol...this is good bc any time someone needs to know how to do something, they can simply come here and find out what will work best for them and so on. Keep on disusing as I put up my steps and this will be a one stop place for anyone new to modding or just wants to find new ways how!! :tup:
3/22/09-Thread Started
3/23/09-Jewel In Door
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So here I have a blank Jewel in the Slim UMD door now. I Spent about 3.5 hours doing this...No joke lol. All i used is what you see in the third pic which was a box cutter and a fine file that has a curved edge. Using power tools like a dremel to cut and sand are just asking for trouble.
Steps I took-
1. Peel off the ring
2. Cut out the middle circle with the PSP name with the box cutter.
3. Sanded with the fine curved file until PERFECTLY circular...not kidding, this is a perfect circle.
4. When I thought i did enough I tried putting in the jewel.
5. It fit, but was still a little to tight so I sanded some more.
6. When it fit snug I put very little amounts of supper glue spaced evenly apart around the circle
7. Put the jewel back in flush with the door and let dry.
8. When dry, washed with water.
DONE!! This mod takes a lot of patients and time to make perfect so take your time! :tup:
3/25/09-Swapped out power/charge/mem card/ WiFi led to all blue! Pics soon.
OK!!!So I have opened a paypal dispute with they guy who I bought my stuff from on ebay bc its 20 days late on delivery and he wont contact me back! so I figured I would do all that I can with the stuff I have! here is what I got done today...
But both red and blue led's in each trigger. the red are going to be solid on with a switch and the blue are going to be sound reactive with a switch also!
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Led Swaps!
Here is my wifi and mem card led swap(both blue) can you tell i even did it lol? and it works haha
Here is my power/charge led swap(both blue also) looks kinda messy bc I followed the tut that is wrong on the tut boards. But I got it figured out lol. looks ok and it works so whoooohoo!
This is ganna be the switch for the sound reactive blue led's (works lol and is supper glued in). and yes, im not going to be using the umd drive any more.
Here is where Im getting my power from (I think I did a great job on this lol) whata ya think?!
And here is the 2n2222 sound transistor all ready to use. (supper glued it in)
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And here is a full view of the the psp now. Trying to keep the wires nice and neat. (I striped the neg for the speaker a little to much confused!
nice nice :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess:
Today I put a blank jewel in the UMD door!! Check it out and tell me what you think! :w00t:
nice perfect circle
Good idea.
Can help nubs.
Take a pic from the back and see how it looks like. Where do you get that jewel?
You can make em' out of CD cases if you can cut them out in a circle and you use the thick kind, of course you can't have them engraved but they work for plain jewels :)
CD cases break very easily.
Not very trustworthy if you ask me.
And, good job dude!
I know your pain.
I had to do that with a razor blade, and a nail filer....
Took me a LONG time.
I got my jewel from my woodshop teacher :O
I asked him for his thinest peice of plexi, and asked to cut it 52mm, and a jewel was born.
Is there anywhere were they sell these jewels with pictures or text on them or do guys do them themselves?
I got my jewel here, don't remember from who though. And I think its 50mm not 52mm...But doesn't really matter. And NO, you cant really make it out of a cd case. What you could do is cut out a square of it and put it behind the circle you cut in the door..Only thing that is wrong with that is that the glass wont be flush with the door. But again, this mod really shows and any imperfect thing wrong with it, basically defeats the purpose of doing it..So in saying that, if your going to do it, do it right lol. :tup:
What I wouldn't mind doing is cutting out a jewel the size of the chrome ring and putting that on the umd door (ring of light). Its just hard to make it fit near perfect.
You can get them,
Either ask here on the jewel shop section or go to It's called a ring of light jewel.
Or what you could do that would be easier would to cut out the middle circle on the door really well and then place it behind the blank jewel. it would probably look cleaner to.
CD cases break very easily.
Not very trustworthy if you ask me.
And, good job dude!
I know your pain.
I had to do that with a razor blade, and a nail filer....
Took me a LONG time.
I got my jewel from my woodshop teacher :O
I asked him for his thinest peice of plexi, and asked to cut it 52mm, and a jewel was born.
Not if you have the good kind and you do it right, it will last unless you drop your PSP or TRY to crack it.
Or what you could do that would be easier would to cut out the middle circle on the door really well and then place it behind the blank jewel. it would probably look cleaner to.
nah if you can cut it right, then it will look better using a RoL jewel because it'll be flush. Also, i'm pretty sure its 52cm. i want some calipers to measure but im broke right now LOL
Not if you have the good kind and you do it right, it will last unless you drop your PSP or TRY to crack it.
Not really.. Just the pressure of your pocket could break it.. Its very unsafe to us CD plastic IMO. Plexiglass, or Acrylic.
You can make em' out of CD cases if you can cut them out in a circle and you use the thick kind, of course you can't have them engraved but they work for plain jewels :)
I did that before and from what ppl say it is not reliable better of buying a piece of plxiglass and shaving it down.
For example i did ring all hand done with power tools and hand shaving tool take a look.
I did that before and from what ppl say it is not reliable better of buying a piece of plxiglass and shaving it down.
For example i did ring all hand done with power tools and hand shaving tool take a look.
That is pimpin'
yea i also made a regular clear jewel i have video here.
PSPM3 Modded PSP (
Or what you could do that would be easier would to cut out the middle circle on the door really well and then place it behind the blank jewel. it would probably look cleaner to.
I tried that as one of my first mods. It looked, well.... cheap in my opinion. I'd rather buy or make my own RoL jewel using plexi then glue part of a cd case to the back of the umd door.
Blazinkaos, nice vid :)
Dremel'ed out my spare UMD door. I tried using a CD jewel for the ring but I just bend it a little and it broke off since its so small. Will try to get a hold of some plexi glass though.
Very smooth cuts :tup:
I tried that as one of my first mods. It looked, well.... cheap in my opinion. I'd rather buy or make my own RoL jewel using plexi then glue part of a cd case to the back of the umd door.
Blazinkaos, nice vid :)
Thanks aphex
Also want show you guys something i thought i couldnt do but i tried it and may not do it again cuz how hard it was. But it actually turned out better then i thought it would. This was all done with a dremel with a very tiny bit and hand sanding tools. Check this pic out.
I watched him do that :tup:
Another way to do it is if you have a drill press, ramp up the speed get a very very small bit or dremmel bit and the just start it up, then drag your jewel under it in different directions to make your design. Works well if you watch your fingers =]
elite for some reason i see alot more kids goiing to the emergency room with that trying to get fingers sewn back on LMAO :laughing:
Thats what i did i used very thin bit and did this on a dremel station.
elite for some reason i see alot more kids goiing to the emergency room with that trying to get fingers sewn back on LMAO :laughing:
Guys, I just noticed we just hi-jacked redriders mod steps log thread here, oops :w00t:
Ha I was gone for the past 2 hours or so making my own jewel from a CD case now I'm gonna make a vid and upload to prove it can be done. It's pretty scuffed up and not the right size, but I didn't care about the size cause it's just a proof of concept.
sorry for hijacking your post redriders
but yeah when i'm just doing a plain jewel or window for someones UMD door i just run up to the hobby store and pick up a small sheet of plexi glass it's only like .99 cents for a pice the size of a sheet of notebook paper and cut them outta that start off with the dremel and then move to sandpaper to do the finishing touches
Yeah it's a LITTLE thin but it will be fine if you glue it in.
DIY PSP UMD Door Jewel by EliteGamer (
i know it can be done cuz i can do it as well elite but i prefer plexi glass cuz it picks up light much better.
Here another one :D
Another DIY Custom PSP UMD Door Jewel by EliteGamer83 (
how u etching these?
I made a video,
kind long though and still in the camera, I use a drill press, different types of bits, my hands and a dremel with pen, sanding, grinding, and cutting discs.
But after I shape the circle I just drag it around under my drill press and before I start that I lightly etch outlines with a pen knife
Even if they suck they are really REALLY fun to make! =D
Ooppsss double post, my bad :drunk:
Hey guys..I was gluing my jewel in place with some super glue and I got it in and all but i accidentally got a bit of glue on the jewel. You cant really notice it unless you look for it but I just want to try and get it off. What works well to get supper glue off acrylic if anything?
Nail Polish remover.
yup. anything with acetone.
mine isnt that bad and all i used was a .35mm bit
Here another one :D
Another DIY Custom PSP UMD Door Jewel by EliteGamer83 (
its cool but still prefer plexi glass...
Yeah me too but i don't have any lol
wonder if anyone ever tried to etch a shape on their jewel using some kind of acid or chemicals.
wonder if anyone ever tried to etch a shape on their jewel using some kind of acid or chemicals.
I'm sure there's a dangerous way of doing that but I am not gonna try :D
wonder if anyone ever tried to etch a shape on their jewel using some kind of acid or chemicals.
i heard stories that glass etching could possibly work but then i heard results it doesnt. i also searched one time and found that nail polish remover works as well if you leave under a ho lamp then whip it away but i tested no good.
elite you can get plexi glass at home depot for couple bucks 11x8 sheet
Cool thanks,
I have other things I need to spend money on right now though lol.
lol dnt waste all of it bag habit
nah, I need to buy alot of modding supplies though cause I don't own any of em' I bought some wire already, now I nede some resistors, LEDs, flux, fader chip,
oo thats what ur referring to i c yea you need those stick up i got tons of wire and resistors and so on...i have 3000 feet of 38 gauge wire ill never run for very long time..
wonder if anyone ever tried to etch a shape on their jewel using some kind of acid or chemicals.
im going to try that on glass make some glass jewels with acid etched designs i'll let you guys know if it works
oo thats what ur referring to i c yea you need those stick up i got tons of wire and resistors and so on...i have 3000 feet of 38 gauge wire ill never run for very long time..
38 gauge holy crap that must be thinner than a strand of hair. You better be careful though cause if you put more than a led or two you will need thicker wire. But to go with this topic i saw that kid with the silver psp with a ring of light looked like he had cut the psp letters out and thats what i wanna do either what he did or just cut the letters out and put some leds behind them. It would be hard but i thought about doing the same with the psp on the front over the home bar strip.
38 gauge holy crap that must be thinner than a strand of hair. You better be careful though cause if you put more than a led or two you will need thicker wire. But to go with this topic i saw that kid with the silver psp with a ring of light looked like he had cut the psp letters out and thats what i wanna do either what he did or just cut the letters out and put some leds behind them. It would be hard but i thought about doing the same with the psp on the front over the home bar strip.
hey 38 works for me.
yea i did that i drilled out the letter to have the leds shine behind and show the psp working.
wait on glass or plexi glass cuz it work on glass then again why would you want a glass jewel...
yeah the first time you drop that psp the glass jewel is going to shatter or sit it down to hard on the jewel and its history
I wanna see some pics of the router'ed out PSP letters. :yess: Its a cool concept but the PSP letters are just too small to be able to work on them, in my opinion.
I wanna see some pics of the router'ed out PSP letters. :yess: Its a cool concept but the PSP letters are just too small to be able to work on them, in my opinion.
Ok ill upload some pics of it today..
glass is good and bad in lots of ways...
I wanna see some pics of the router'ed out PSP letters. :yess: Its a cool concept but the PSP letters are just too small to be able to work on them, in my opinion.
with a small dremel cut off wheel or even a drill bit you could cut out the basic shape and then file it off
heres some more pics of it.
and yea i used a .35 bit for a dremel to do this wasnt easy.
not bad bro, looks pretty good. Any dark pics with them LEDs glowing?
not yet ill be placing leds in there should like the ring and the psp letters
heres one i am doing for someone similar to that its not perfect lettering cause the kid wants a graffiti writing look
hers the dremel bit i used to do it
that doesnt look anything like graffiti its just really wide cut
he thinks it does looking all rough like that i didn't like it but i gotta give the customer what they want i would have rather cleaned it up a bit more but if he likes it that way then i gotta leave it LOL
i did but he said he liked it the way it was :nono:
lol why dont you ask him if he wants you to clean it
OK guys got a new update!!!! One think im very proud of is the duel led's in the triggers!
tell me what you think and if you have any questions just ask! :tup:
Very clean great job on the placement of things and wires.
Looks great dude.
What else are you gonna be putting into the UMD drive bay?
Perhaps some leds on the door, and an SD memory card slot, or speaker?
yea that cut isnt so good i i suggest taking thin sand paper and sanding it down on the edges if ur abel to but u should cuz i did it to mine and mine is way thiner
ya thats what Im waiting on, the cr-5400 duel memory card slot thingy. other than that im ganna put some leds in there to.
here is a few ideas
Final Modded PSP Blue sound reactive & Red LED, hidden power button (
I am quite impressed with your soldering on the 5v resistor :) You won't believe how badly I ruined my 5v resistor lmao...
I am quite impressed with your soldering on the 5v resistor :) You won't believe how badly I ruined my 5v resistor lmao...
Lol it's not that hard I've done it okay.
Lol it's not that hard I've done it okay.
did u really, cause i think you didn't, post a picture
did u really, cause i think you didn't, post a picture
I'm not trying to worm my way out of it or anything honest not lying ether but it was on a PSP I sold not lying or making it up though when I get a customer or get another PSP to mod I'll PM u pics.
Dude... You suck at soldering. Last I checked, you had :censored: ALL OVER the mobo from soldering. Also, I haven't seen a single mod from you yet, so proof of atleast 1 mod pl0x.
Dude that wasn't my PSP to begin with that was MP's and I do not "suck" at soldering and like I said I don't have a PSP right now I'm shopping around for a slim to mod I mostly just repair PSP's and add simple direct contact if people want them locally not anything major or MFH but before I sold MP's I was practicing my soldering and tried to see if any of the 2n2222's jumbo sent me worked so I tried the 2n2222 mod which requires soldering to the 5v. When I find a PSP I will show you. It's so annoying everyone I email on craigslist takes like a week to reply or doesn't reply at all.
i hate that as well
here is a few ideas
Final Modded PSP Blue sound reactive & Red LED, hidden power button (
Great good
here is a few ideas
Final Modded PSP Blue sound reactive & Red LED, hidden power button (
no thanks, if you look at my psp in the pics so far you can tell what my plan is and that I am going way bigger than just led's like yours. in fact, I gave you the idea to do yours so just stop acting like an ass and if you dont have anything real to say, just dont say it at all.
Hey, what kinda switch is that? Link?
what was thread original about lol there like so much random stuff in it