Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: eyelykeknives on March 25, 2009, 10:09:01 PM
can anyone give me a direct link to where i can get some really bright blue 0603 leds ? i cant find any that are more than like 110 mcd .. ?
Goto this auction site on ebay. This is where I got my blue LEDs from. (this is the actual auction) Just search for the other auctions by this seller and you will find more blue LEDs in his other auctions. (
These blue LEDs are rated at 150 MCD. Pretty sure these are about as bright as your going to want them. Let me know what you think?
here you go (
haha alright thanks :P
here you go (
Wow Blazin, those have GOT to be bright! at 100 mAh a piece, I hope he does not want to use TOO many. lol (would be prefect for SR triggers!)
he did say bright lol
there are different blue set that lil less bright then that i use them and there bright
but his choice hopefully he doesnt fry them.
lol those leds i showed make sure you look at the specs of how much voltage you need to light them so dnt use to many idk if there going try or not just did that to scare ya lol... srry
lmao but im using like 4 green ones that are 500 mcd each and like 2 1.8 mm blue ones that are pretty high mcd too .. theyre all direct contact / connect whatever its called lol
ok but look at the volts they need.
just to make sure if you connect all these leds it wont drain ur psp like crazy.
lol okay . if i do the lm386 thing where do you put that piece? o.o
you place that here (
a TUT on sound reactive for 2000
how come the links dont work ? like once i get to the tut , when i click on like "JRF tutorial" or something its goes to here ( and its just ablank page with acidmods on top ? o.o
wow thats really weird report it to the admin something may be wrong..
so that link i posted doesnt work at all..
nah the link you gave me works , its the links inside the link you gave me .. so i dont know how to make the lm386 piece D: i dont know how to report to admin . wanna do it for me ? :yess: :yess: :yess: :yess:
oh those links jsut use that one i gave you..or you can wait till i finish mine and ill have pics of my work cuz im doing one almost the same
oh nevermind i found this and i totally get it now . i'll just do exactly like the picture LOL (
also, when you bridge that wifi switch it means that it'll always be on right ? so the switch becomes only for the lights ? o.o
oh forgot bout that link nice find :hifive:
um yea if you bridge the wifi it will always be on then if you try turning it off it will just turn ur leds on.
nice i see .. :] where can i get 30k and 191k resistors at ? i dont think they have em at radioshack .... what are resistors even for ? what if you take out the resistors :P
what can do is link resistors that will add up to those like i thin i found 30k at radioshack i dnt remember but i go to this electronic store that had 30k but for 191k i have to get 11k and 180k
ohh .. so where the 191k resistor i just cut each leg shorter to connect em ? what are resistors for ?
what can do is link resistors that will add up to those like i thin i found 30k at radioshack i dnt remember but i go to this electronic store that had 30k but for 191k i have to get 11k and 180k
Yep, as long as the values for the resistors (if you link 2 or more together) add up to the required value, then it will still work. But for the sake of space, try to find ones as close to the values you need as possible. I would also suggest getting a resistor with the gold band on the end, representing a good tolerance to voltage spikes and heating.
This link might help with some other questions you might have. (
Resistors limit the amount of current that flows through an electrical circuit. Used to allow low-power devices to run on higher-powered sources without being damaged.
You can connect resistors in either direction, it does not matter. They are not like diodes, where the current is restricted to one direction. Keeping the legs a bit short would be good, but not so short where you have trouble soldering them together.
nice that helps . but that link definitely doesnt help LOL its so confusing D:
Its just there for reference, in case you have a question later on. As you get more into modding, and electrical stuff, it will become helpful, but take your time. You have to start somewhere you know! :tup:
lol yeah :P hey help me out again lol in this diagram ( what does the CUT TRACE HERE mean ? its on the XYAB board on the right
Ok, when it says to cut the trace, it means cut it! lol Split the trace to break the connection. When you cut that trace, it prevents the HOLD funtion of the power switch from activating the HOLD function on the PSP. Then solder to the part of the trace that is attached to the switch, to make the HOLD position act as the on/off for the mod. (HOLD activated LEDs)
OHHH i get it now :] lol do you think slim or fat lm386 is easier ?
personally, I would rather do the 2n2222 (Folklord36's new method) instead. There are less components, but you still need the proper resistor value for the LEDs. As far as I know, the 2n2222 method give better responses to music, and I will be able to confirm that on a Phat in a few days, once my LEDs arrive.
ooh can i get the link for that ? :yess: and does it also use the wifi switch too ?
either on is good man i personally like the lm386 but then again i havent tried the other chip just yet but here the link to it. (
nice nice thanks blazin . but whats the point of doing the 2n2222 or lm386 mod ? i use direct connect and it works perfectly fine lol xP
Some people say better on/off change between beats with the 2n2222 or LM386 method as opposed to the direct contact method. With direct contact, as long as there is sound the LEDs will light, depeding on how much power is being pushed through the speakers.
If you use the other methods, then the LEDs will light up if the power passes a certain point, so they wont be on ALL the time, but only when the power specified rises ABOVE a certain point (better on/off changes)
so its mainly for the fact that you can turn it on and off ?
Thats another perk. But can also do that with direct contact method, but you just need a switch somewhere that breaks the connection between the LEDs, and one of the speaker wires.
ohh well for the leds , i think direct contact is enough for me .. but whats a good way to make my speaker in the umd door louder .. im going to get a bigger one big is there a way to amplify is more ?
ohh well for the leds , i think direct contact is enough for me .. but whats a good way to make my speaker in the umd door louder .. im going to get a bigger one big is there a way to amplify is more ?
I can cut the hole out for you in the UMD door, I make nice circles :D
And if you add a switch, something useful Jumbo told me, NEVER add a switch to the + side of a circuit, dangerous, always add it to the -/Ground.
And if you add a switch, something useful Jumbo told me, NEVER add a switch to the + side of a circuit, dangerous, always add it to the -/Ground.
Thats true. Its because the power coming from the + side is higher and causes more heat in smaller components. But by the time it reaches the - side, it has been reduced, because the component your switching on/off, has used some of that power, so there will be less chance of damage on the ground side.
lol can you teach me ? i already have holes right now in the center but i wanna cut a big hole in the center of the metal ring . i want to keep the metal ring . my question was actually is there a way to power the speaker more ?
I can do it fo you... I'm great at doing that sort of stuff.
for freee ?! :]
Sure. There are also several amplifying ICs out there, but you need to find the one that matches the out put of the IC to the specs of the speaker, and make sure it runs on either 3.6 volt or 5.5 volt.
I can also cut holes in the UMD door for you, for cheap or free, depends on how much work you want done.
I can also cut holes in the UMD door for you, for cheap or free, depends on how much work you want done.
I was here first (
I was here first (
Dont worry, I wont take business from you like that. lol If he wants it done, you can do it. I was just mentioning that I can do it too. Just friendly competition. lol No hard feelings, ok?
lol! it was one of those sarcastic NO MINE! jokes lol =P
Props to OEM is for wussies lol I feel teh same XD.
I know. lol Arent all the modders on here "competeing" against eachother? lol
Edited last post =D
LOL WAIT ARKMAN .. what do you mean use 3.6 or 5 v power source or something ? i have two speakers that are like 5-10 mm bigger than a quarter and theyre both connect to speaker points .. is there somewhere else i shoud put it o.O
I believe they should hook up just like the normal speakers, as long as the bigger speakers are 2 ohm, 1/4 watt speakers. Some amp ICs use a direct power source to raise the power of the speaker, and use the signal from a source (the original speaker terminals), to pass the sound through. (similar to a car subwoofer amp)
ohh ohh i see . so i just leave em connected to the speaker things . where can i get the sound amplifier thing ?
I will look up a couple for you in a sec.
sweet sweet thanks :]
Part #: PA6021
Package type: DIP-20
2 watt stereo amplifier IC
Specs (in PDF): (
nice thanks :P but how do i install that .. its got like 4000 legs LOL
Pin 6 is the supply voltage (0.3 to 6 volts)
Pin 1 is the ground.
Pin 7 is LEFT channel - INPUT
Pin 8 is LEFT channel + INPUT
Pin 10 is LEFT channel - OUTPUT
Pin 12 is LEFT channel + OUTPUT
Pin 5 is RIGHT channel - INPUT
Pin 4 is RIGHT channel + INPUT
Pin 2 is RIGHT channel - OUTPUT
Pin 20 is RIGHT channel + OUTPUT
Maximum power required by the IC is roughly 10 mAh.
this is confusing . lmao
Simple. Power in and out, speaker inputs, to speaker outputs. Simple.
It may be a bit confusing to look at, but the idea is simple. This SHOULD give really good results.
okay imma try to draw a diagram later :P the ones you listed are the ones i use right ?
Yes. I would draw you up a diagram right now, but my girlfriend is teasing the hell out of me, and I have to get my bi-weekly poon! I will catch up with this thread the next time I get on. Post your diagram when you finish writing one up, I will check it over to be sure its right.
LOL got lots of hw tonight , dont know if i can make one tonight , but you can always make one :] LOL
what chip are you planning to use..
I am going to order one of the above chips and give it a shot. Specs say it should work, so I will try it and let you guys know.
okay thanks man
i suppose ur using a lm386
no hes talking about this one :P (
Not the lm386. This is a sound amp. Not sound reactive. Although you could add a sound reactive circuit to it.
ahh man i forgot to get adobe reader on this computer so i can see it
so its a amp for speakers not leds.
Right. This is a speaker amp. Should also work with most laptop speakers.
oh ok
i see it now its almost like the pic for the 360 controller..
so this will work on a slim for the speakers only tho.
Should work on either slim or phat. Try to use a 5 volt source, to be sure its fully powered.
oh ok so pretty much have nothing else connected to it.
now you said u were going to make a diagram of this like to see once its done.
also you think this chip can be found at radioshack.
yes, I will make a diagram. I am currently out of town with family, so it wont happen until I get back, but it WILL happen. I dont thing your going to find THAT one at a Radio Shack. they MIGHT have something similar to that, but the specs will probably be a bit off.
oh ok thats fine jsut curious about this mod.
umm i ahve this electronic store that has hundreds of ic chips different kinds but there all numbered in name like example lm386. is there a part number description on it.
That would be the part number. If they supply that many ICs, they should have a book that they can cross-reference that number with to something that they have.
not exactly they have them all in paper bags in sections and they dnt have book its store that its shipments from companies that close down so they all that stuff.