
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: EliteGamer83 on April 02, 2009, 11:01:57 AM

Title: Direct Contact LEDs With a Switch PLEASE help...
Post by: EliteGamer83 on April 02, 2009, 11:01:57 AM
Ok just to let you know, that please do not flame/comment about the lenghth or same colors of the wires etc. This was just a test to see if my orange LED was still working which it was. This is not permanent or anything just a light test. Well I tried DIP switches for the first time (I normally use 3 pin switches) and I soldered the - wire to the same pin on the DIP, well even if I slide the switch left or right the LED remains lit. Now am I doing something wrong???


Actual Pic:

How it should work? (Is this correct?):
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a DIP Switch help...
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 02, 2009, 12:37:22 PM
you need to solder 1 wire to 1 side of the switch and the other one to the other wire :P
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a DIP Switch help...
Post by: treemty on April 02, 2009, 12:37:54 PM
no thats wrong,
you need one part of the wire on the on sie and one part on the off
because the way the switch works, is there is a little piece of metal in there and when you slide the switch it pushes it down and completes the circuit
EDIT: DD beat me to it
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a DIP Switch help...
Post by: EliteGamer83 on April 02, 2009, 01:05:25 PM
you need to solder 1 wire to 1 side of the switch and the other one to the other wire :P

You mean like it shows in my diagram? or like 1 wire to 1 pin and the other wire to the other pin?
Can you please make a quick diagram on paint to show me? I don't understand what your saying.

Ok I got it, just wondering, is there a way to have it so the left is sound reactive and when you turn the switch right it's fader? or can this only be accomplished with a 3-pin switch?
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a DIP Switch help...
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 02, 2009, 02:40:54 PM
won't work with a dip switch ;)
and it won't work for direct contact with the fader ;)
unless you get a 4 pin (which enables you to connect pin1 and 2 together or pin 3 and 4)

because the voltage changes on the speaker when it's on, and for the fader you need a certain amount of power and not a changing one)
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a DIP Switch help...
Post by: EliteGamer83 on April 02, 2009, 02:48:47 PM
won't work with a dip switch ;)
and it won't work for direct contact with the fader ;)
unless you get a 4 pin (which enables you to connect pin1 and 2 together or pin 3 and 4)

because the voltage changes on the speaker when it's on, and for the fader you need a certain amount of power and not a changing one)

Oh ok, cause I wanted fader and then some sound reactive, but I was thinking I couldn't find room for so many switches and I would have to have 2 sets of LEDs.
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a Switch help...
Post by: EliteGamer83 on April 02, 2009, 04:36:39 PM
Ok so is this correct?
And there would only be 1 slider but I just put 3 to show all 3 positions.
Also position 2 would be all LEDs off on that circuit.


And is this a good switch for my needs?:


Sorry for double post guys.
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a Switch PLEASE help...
Post by: DubbleDutch on April 03, 2009, 01:36:17 PM
well never let your the + or the - share !!
with that i mean

the + from the speaker should NEVER be connected to the + of the fader (which is in your case)
thesame counts for the -
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a Switch PLEASE help...
Post by: bustinthejustin on April 03, 2009, 01:44:31 PM
Yeah... I'm not really getting your diagram. 'tis confusing.
Title: Re: Direct Contact LEDs With a Switch PLEASE help...
Post by: EliteGamer83 on April 03, 2009, 02:43:16 PM
Yeah... I'm not really getting your diagram. 'tis confusing.

Well that's as simple as you can make it.

well never let your the + or the - share !!
with that i mean

the + from the speaker should NEVER be connected to the + of the fader (which is in your case)
thesame counts for the -

But the + from the speaker is below the switch so the + from the fader like the 1 wire from + side of the LEDs is just going to be shared and the 1 - wire from the LEDs is going to be shared. And so you can't have the ground from the fader connected with the - from the speaker? I thought that two -'s connected means nothing will happen.

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