Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: tmandt on April 11, 2009, 11:05:55 AM
well after i seen pspkicks theme... i never knew the ipod touch can get this far with the themes etc but i guessed wrong. ive always wanted an ipod touch since i sold mines but im happy with my video right now but i like the touch :D
and why did u sell ur touch in the first place, and the 2nd gen is not only better because of the speaker, but it is faster, ive noticed a little lag in the older versions
but not as much as the 2nd gen
could a mod please move this?
well there releasing a new iphone this summer almost certainly so that usually means that in the couple of month following they will release a new ipod touch so if oyur wanting to customise either get a ipod touch now or at least this style or wait till the new one is released and wait till it is jailbroken if it is
well it should either be here or in spam and chat as he isnt talking about an ipod mod just the ipod in general so its actually placed rightly
well there releasing a new iphone this summer almost certainly so that usually means that in the couple of month following they will release a new ipod touch so if oyur wanting to customise either get a ipod touch now or at least this style or wait till the new one is released and wait till it is jailbroken if it is
well it should either be here or in spam and chat as he isnt talking about an ipod mod just the ipod in general so its actually placed rightly
i think that the poll aspect belongs here, but the rest belongs in S&C lol
well teemty just let it be for now. i sold the touch because i got the 16gb when it first came out. jailbroke it a couple days later and eventually i got bored sadly. so i sold it. and my sis 2nd gen has froze up on her quite a few times idk why...
I love my iPhone. And Hackulo ftw.. :drunk:
You know, I never knew the ipod touch could be themed that far either, and I've had one since June... Tut pl0x!
*hijacks thread*
But honestly, the speaker on the 2g isn't that good, but it's good if you're in a quiet room, or you put your ear up to it in a loud room. Although I heard it's faster, and it's jailbreakable now, so might as well buy one.
40_ounce, don't talk about hackulo here.
Justin, if you're going to be upgrading I suggest waiting until the 3g iTouch is out(Later this year) and jailbreakable.
uhh apple and its maniacs. why cant they just release everythign now :( so we can see if we want it or not. give opinions and let them change it. i guess ill stick with my video for now :D
40_ounce, don't talk about hackulo here.
Justin, if you're going to be upgrading I suggest waiting until the 3g iTouch is out(Later this year) and jailbreakable.
Nah, I meant tmandt might as well get one, but then again, you have a point... Waiting for the 3g is the best idea.
uhh apple and its maniacs. why cant they just release everythign now :( so we can see if we want it or not. give opinions and let them change it. i guess ill stick with my video for now :D
You need to stop complaining and learn how the world works.
Nothing revolves around you.
who said anything revolves around me?
i think the speaker on the 2G iPod Touch is crap, imho.
It's behind the metal plate at the back making it really quiet, as opposed to the iPhone's one at the bottom, only covered by a weeny grating.
Agreed. My excessively immature friends decided to use the fart app in the middle of a test to get some laughs... I sat right in front of them and I could barely hear it.
uhh apple and its maniacs. why cant they just release everythign now :( so we can see if we want it or not. give opinions and let them change it. i guess ill stick with my video for now :D
Oppss.... sorry......
the 2g itouch speaker sucks, better to get a iphone 3g, its much louder.
The ipod touch 2g also has a faster processor, so apps would tend to run smoother, and a longer lasting battery. I tried my friend's ipod for a day and the speaker was pretty good for watching a movie in my room. so far I like it way better than the 1st gen.