
Buy - Sell - Trade => Modders For Hire => MFH Requests => Topic started by: zolkev on April 11, 2009, 12:14:10 PM

Title: Psp 1000 modding WANTED (preferably in California)
Post by: zolkev on April 11, 2009, 12:14:10 PM
Hey, I need a psp phat modder for the following, just give me an estimate.

- Dual analog
- faceplate installation
- trigger led lights (blue)
- Lighted up umd door
- charge through usb
- I pretty much want the whole case to buy clear
-Also If possible i would like to trade my clear faceplate for a gold one (if that happen's i don't want the led light's)

I already have a extra analog stick and a clear faceplate

Contact me @ my email

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