
AcidMods Resources ----- ( These are helpful tools for modding ) => Open Source Code & AcidMods Free Code => Topic started by: Modded Matt on April 15, 2009, 10:48:50 AM

Title: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on April 15, 2009, 10:48:50 AM
WAW was patched again on 6/11/09, there curently is not an effective fire rate for WAW.. but this code still works for all other maddable games

this walkthrough is a second installment to the open source rapid fire codes provided by Hazer. Here we will discuss the code entitled “burnmeup2”

lets first talk about the code,  or I guess I should say codes. There are two codes out there each accomplishing the same affect, but in different ways. They will both provide you with 4 mode rapid fire. both codes can be used for COD5,  both have LED indicators, and both can be used on a matrix or a CG controller

The first code as discussed in a previous thread, is called  “GameplayRF” this code has four selectable  preprogrammed speeds. This will add a momentary switch to control each trigger. Notice I said control, rapid fire remains naturally on the triggers. You will press the added button to turn rapid fire on/off, and you will hold the same button for 2 seconds to change modes.   

The second code is called “burnmeup2” this can be a complete sleeper mod, or it can work with an added button for rapid fire it will be discussed in full in this thread. With the burnmeup code as a sleeper (no added buttons or switches) it utilizes the sinc button to change modes, and rapid fires when the trigger is held. unlike the gameplay code, there is not a quick on/off function, mode number 4 is taken for the off function and you must cycle through these modes to get back to off.  The burnmeup code can also be wired to use a momentary push button to rapid fire, in this instance you would press the trigger for normal fire and press the added button for rapid fire.

Now you should understand the difference between the two codes, and must choose, sleeper, or quick on/off. Keep in mind these codes are similar, but completely different. They are two different codes, and they wire differently. If you chose to procede with burnmeup, you must also make the decision of sleeper, or added push button.


Step one Needed files/ items
Ok, the first thing you need to do is download the Burnmeup2 zip file. It can be found here (  this file has six items inside. It has:

.asm file-----this is the file we need, it is the raw code before it is converted to hex
.hex file-----origional hex file—needs to be modified for COD WAW
CG rapid on button picture---wiring diagram
CG rapid sleeper picture---wiring diagram
Matrix rapid on button picture---wiring diagram
Matrix sleeper picture---wiring diagram

I am going to teach you to change the fire rates for this chip so it can be COD 5 compatible, this will also allow you to make future adjustments for newer games.

You will also need a code compiler. I use a free program called MPLAB. You can download this free program here: (you are welcome to use your own if you have one) (

Now you will need another program to write the code to the chips, yet again, another free program, called winpic800 (you are welcome to use your own if you have one) winpic800 can be found free here: (

The next item you will need is a programmer,  there are a lot of choices out there. If you plan on using it for other things, by all means buy a nice one, but you can make your own cheap programmer with help from gameroms and acidmods.  Here is the schematic: (

The last items you need are hardware items, that will be used for installation. Installation will be discussed in a later chapter, but here is the part list.
Chips----------12f683 I/P get 4 free samples from microchip direct
PIC socket---- (
100ohm, 330 ohm, 2K ohm resistors I recommend the 500 pack (
momentary push button---my fav— (
small wire—20-30 gauge

step two code modification/code assembly

the only thing you need to change is the fire rate,
before you start, drag and drop the asm file onto your desktop

ok here we go
1) open mplab
2) click the project tab
3) click project wizard
4)click next
5)set desired chip, in this case it is the 12f683
6)hit next
7) hit next again
8) create file path (this is where most errors come from, the file path must be only so many characters
click browse, hit the drop down menu, click desktop, and name it a short name like RF it dont matter as long as the path is not too long, click next
9) import asm file, here again the file path cannot be too long, drop the asm on the desk top before you start. click next
10) click finish
11) now you are back to the mplab main screen and it looks like nothing has changed, but it has, click view
12) click project (under the view tab)
13)now you should have a small box that is the name of your file path. you will see a few tabs and one that reads "source file" and underneath it will be the asm file you dropped on the desk top. double click it. to open
14) scroll down to the part of the fire rates, it will look like this:
;**********Speed settings: change these to change speed (0x05-0xFF)
FIRERATE1      equ      0x2D
FIRERATE2      equ      0x0F
FIRERATE3      equ      0x0B

you will notice some stuff is colorful and some is not, the green stuff is instructions, the colored items are code. only change the fire rate!!! when you start to change the fire rate just click the end of it and backspace the last two digits and input your will notice when you delete the digit, that part of the code will turn black this means that part of the code is no good, well duh you just erased it, once you input your entry it will return to its normal color

**the fire rates can get tricky to figure out. Here is a list  to convert the fire rate to hex so you can adjust the rates for your games. (

15)now look back at the main mplab page again and click project
16) scroll down to where it reads "build all" click it
17) a box will pop up with a status bar mine goes very fast and reads build succeeded
18) click to close mplab, it asks for save I say yes.
19) look at desktop, or wherever you saved it, find the file that ends in .hex, this will most likely be a file windows cant open, send everything else to the recycle bin you don’t need anything else keep the hex file handy you will need it in the next chapter.

***the biggest problem is the file path length as I already stated, if the file path is too long it will say build failed, and if you read the other crap it tells you it will say C:documents and settings.......file path exceeded so many characters.***

Step three programming the chip

this step is painless and very quick if you already have a programmer, if not build the one I linked above, here it is again (  or  for just schematic 
I suggest building the first diagram gameroms showed in this thread, the desktop serial programmer. I can vouch for this I use it all the time. The other ones I cannot speak for nor can I speak for a store bought programmer, but they should all be similar, and they should have directions with them

1)   Open winpic800
2)   connect your programmer and put chip in the programmer, make sure it is oriented correctly. 
3)   Click file
4)   Open the .hex file you just created
5)   Click the icon that reads “program all” or CTL+P
6)   Done

Step four installation

Inside the Burnmeup2 zip file there are four pictures we spoke of above, two for matrix, and two for CG. First find out what type of controller you have you can look here if you are having trouble. (

The install I will leave fairly open, feel free to experiment here, just connect it like shown in the pics, but placement of the chip is up to you. If you are doing rapid fire on added buttons, make sure to place them out of the way of the mobo, and in a location that feels comfortable

*in the pictures provided, the chip is in the “crawling position”
*if only one side is desired, leave off the right side led, and trigger wire
*the CG controllers work flawlessly, there has been some issues with matrix controllers, this issue only affects 1% of all matrix controllers and usually only affects the older limited edition controllers,  these can be fixed, but they will be done on a case by case basis, pm me for details. Chances are most of you wont have to worry about this.

CG sleeper:

cg on button:

matrix sleeper:

matrix on button:

solder all components to the pic socket



Do NOT use this for personal gain. Hazer put a lot of work into this code and released it to the general public, as his gift to the world. Consider this a test, and the results will determine if AM will release other free codes in the future

I will modify this thread as needed

Please feel free to ask questions about any of the steps provided in this tut. 

All credit for this code goes to hazer, he is the sole author of this code
Credit for hi-Res install pics goes out to RDC at xbox-scene
Credit for finding the programmer belongs to Gameroms
Credit for the fire rate conversion (found on internet, and I forgot the name sorry)
Credit for writing the tut goes to modded matt.
Thanks to the acidmods support staff for hosting all these files and allowing this to be posted to the community.

Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ben. on April 16, 2009, 06:25:13 AM
Is The First Mode Programmed To Work On Both Triggers.. ?

And Also, There Is Only 3 Modes In This One, Unlike 'Gameplayrf' Which Has 4, The 4th Being Rapid Fire Off. Is 'Burnmeup2' Supposed To Be Like That, With Only 3 Modes.

Thanks  :tup:
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on April 16, 2009, 06:37:27 AM
yes mode one activates both triggers, but you dont have to use both triggers

gameplay has 4 dirfferent fire rates, off is another state (so technically 5 modes, 1,2,3,4,off)

burn me up has 3 different fire rates and the 4th is off (1,2,3,off) burn me up dosnt have a off state, like gameplay there for one of the fire rates had to be consumed. you cant even see the 4th rate in the ASM code. but if you count them there are 4 modes 1,2,3,off
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ben. on April 16, 2009, 06:46:45 AM
Oh Right.. thanks for clearing that up..

On this code, am i able to just add another mode on to the bottom of the different speed settings, or is it not as simple as that..?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Jumbo on April 23, 2009, 02:19:45 PM
i jsut made a video showing how to change modes so ill edit and throw up to utube asap
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ben. on April 23, 2009, 02:25:37 PM
So can you add a extra mode just like that..?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Jumbo on April 23, 2009, 04:45:24 PM
Editing Speeds on Hazers BurnMeUp2 Xbox 360 Rapidfire Code (

Ben, no you cant do that.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ben. on April 24, 2009, 10:26:23 AM
Thanks Jumbo,

Is it deffinetly a 100ohm resistor coming off the chip, not a 10k.. ? I keep hearing it is a 10K.. :confused:

Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on April 27, 2009, 05:07:43 AM
I believe the origional used a 10K, but the LED would be very dim. it has since been revised to use a 100 OHM  to make the LED as bright as the stock LEDS
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ben. on April 27, 2009, 09:57:08 AM
Ok thanks Matt.. :D
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: jbizzel on May 16, 2009, 08:45:44 PM
Hello. Just wanted to say thanks Hazer for all the time an effort into your open source code.

I have 1 question.  I used this BurnMeUp2 code ,I changed the rate of fire for mode 2 COD4 (hex--0x12) (fire rate--27.78)and 3 COD5(hex-- 0x3C) (fire rate--8.33)So I won't get mod caped.

Here is my question I left mode 1 untouched. When I use it inside halo it works fine, but it pauses every few shots. I think the ideal fire rate for halo 3 is (hex--0x2F) (fire rate--10.64 shots per second)

I have a controller that I made the 555 time and pot adjustment. I can get the same accuracy with it with out the pause every few rounds.

Is it the way the code is written or maybe I have installed it bad.

I am using BurnMeUp2 code 12F683 chip USB PIC programmer (with supplied software) My controller has the New CG board. I am using the Sleeper install. I followed the tut to the T. I have changed the Green 0603SMD LED's to Blue. Could This be the reason?

Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Hazer on May 17, 2009, 06:55:27 PM
You have done nothing wrong. I have seen the exact same thing on my end. I programmed every speed from 5 SPS to 40 SPS in increments of 1 millisecond. And the speed for Halo3 is exactly what you have seen. In one SPS, it 'stutters' slightly but there is no recoil. In the very next SPS setting, the stutter is gone, but the recoil gets bad as often as the previous stutter. The very next SPS setting and the stutter is back but the recoil disappears again. Etc Etc.

I never found an exact firerate setting in my code that was 100% perfect. Since everbody who codes PICs codes inthier own unique way, it stand to reason that there are slight differences in the timings from one modchip to another (code wise). As for the 555 timer, it is an anlog part, it can be adjusted to linearly through the speed timing, whereas my code changes the timing on very accurate digital steps. To be quite honest, the code was written for specifically accurate and unobtrusive signal. You can use the chip as an accurate squarewave generator since the signal flips at exactly the same timing.

Accuracy was not really a requirement, but the way the code generates the signal has another advantage: You can run other code inside the chip and the timing is still perfect. Since the RF signal is completely handled inside the Hardware Interupt Service Routine, you can other code inside the main routine and the RF signal doesnt get paused.lagged. This other code could be, oh lets say: macro functions, serial communications, signal transformation, button polling, eeprom reading/writing, LED specialized control, analog conversion, etc etc.

As a reminder, it does not take that much effort to change the ISR to happen every 250 microseconds and add another quad of resolution so you would have 4 more firerate settings around the 11SPS to play with. The only drawback is that the effective range of SPS would change from 8-200 SPS.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: jbizzel on May 17, 2009, 07:33:12 PM
Thank you for the speedy reply. I feel a lot better now. I was thinking that it had something to do with the blue LED's used more forward voltage then the green ones. But what you said makes sense. Thank you again Hazer. 

Has anyone used this on a wired controller? I have 2 Wired controllers laying around and got enough parts left to mod them. Would the pin outs be the same?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: dersen6554 on May 19, 2009, 06:46:09 PM
First of all, nice guide, and thanks hazer for the code.

I was just wondering it it would be possible to get a sleeper with 4 or more mods? And what would be the code be like?

Also, how do you change the LED's to a different color.

Another thing is does anyone know the max (or good or best) fire rate for GoW2, Halo3 and Cod:Waw

And finnaly (yay), would it be possible to make a three round burst?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and (hopefully) answer back

Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ben. on May 19, 2009, 11:20:43 PM
First of all, nice guide, and thanks hazer for the code.

I was just wondering it it would be possible to get a sleeper with 4 or more mods? And what would be the code be like?

Also, how do you change the LED's to a different color.

Another thing is does anyone know the max (or good or best) fire rate for GoW2, Halo3 and Cod:Waw

And finnaly (yay), would it be possible to make a three round burst?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and (hopefully) answer back

I'm Not To Sure About Adding Another Mode, Or 3-Shot Burst.

But The Best Fire Rate For Cod:WaW Is (hex-- 0x3C) (fire rate--8.33 MAX) And Halo 3 Is (hex--0x2F) (fire rate--10.64 shots per second). Not To Sure On Gears Tho...

To Change The Colour Of LED, You Will Need To Remove The Exsiting Green LED, And Solder On Another Coloured One, PM If You Need Some LED's.

Hope This Helps.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: dersen6554 on May 20, 2009, 02:32:13 PM
It it helps alot thanks =) :clap:
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on May 21, 2009, 12:36:09 PM
you have to add 4 more modes for a total of you really want to cycle through eight modes.. why, just as a selling point on ebay?? it can be done, but not practical.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: treemty on May 21, 2009, 03:17:14 PM
how can you add just 1 more mode?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: jbizzel on May 30, 2009, 05:17:55 PM
Its not for a selling point on eBay. I don't sell any of this stuff. Its for personal use. I just play more then 3 games that use different fire rates. I have kind of strayed from this type of modded controller to a different one. With the XIM 360 controller I can do a lot more with out having to program a chip (learn C++). Any macro program(AutoHotkey) or PC peripheral, steering wheel, game pad (G13) or mouse can be used to play Xbox. I still tinker around with the PIC controllers but its just to much for a part time modder like me to learn C++. The open source that Hazer released will be enough for me I will just make 2 different controller with the fire rates that match best for the games I play or just take it out a reprogram. Thanks again for all the information and help guys.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: GhoSt on June 09, 2009, 01:34:59 AM
lol, I feel like such a nub. I have modded several of these, now I just did one on the matrix, eveything works dandy execpt when I turn on the rapid fire it doesn't require me to press the trigger, shoots at that speed by itself, then when the trigger is pressed it stops firing. Wtf it works the opisite than its supposed to, like its been inverted, any ideas?

OH btw soldering is fine and everything is wired correctly, code also programed fine. I was also recording a video tut for this thread at the time so its a bit of a fail.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 09, 2009, 04:34:34 AM
lol, I feel like such a nub. I have modded several of these, now I just did one on the matrix, eveything works dandy execpt when I turn on the rapid fire it doesn't require me to press the trigger, shoots at that speed by itself, then when the trigger is pressed it stops firing. Wtf it works the opisite than its supposed to, like its been inverted, any ideas?

OH btw soldering is fine and everything is wired correctly, code also programed fine. I was also recording a video tut for this thread at the time so its a bit of a fail.

dont feel bad dude, its not your fault... this has beenposted for a while and you are the first. I am not going to go through the normal responces with you as I am confidant in your skills. you will notice in the tut notes, I stated that there has been some trouble with some of the matrix boards, not all of them are created equal.

what you are describing (auto fire, and stop fire when pull trigger) leads me to think that your frequency is too high thus signaling rapid fire, and when the trigger is pulled it goes even higher thus overloading the controller and registering as a hold. thats basically how rapid fire works, you hold the frequency at just the point before the trigger pot regesters it then the added trigger pull makes it fire, and the pulsing keeps it going. make since?

so with some rare, and very few MATRIX controllers you need to increase the resistance from 330 to a higher resistance, you will just need to experament with it a bit until you find the correct resistance. another solution would be to wire 3-1N4148 in series to create a Zener effect, thus limiting the pics output. please play with it a bit, and let us know where it ends up. I have never had this problem myself, but it has been reported in the past.

once again thanks hazer
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: gamerdude767 on June 09, 2009, 11:37:52 AM
hey matt.. just wondering if you could guide me through adding 1 more mode onto this .hex
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: GhoSt on June 09, 2009, 11:54:02 AM
ok roger that, I was thinking I had stuffed somthing up along the line. ok I will experiment, I have to get this to the customer by tomorrow though.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 09, 2009, 12:12:33 PM
in a situation like that, I would swap the board with one of my own, send it out, then play with the troubled board. whats the difference?? then the customer is happy..which is what matters right?

@ gamer due, you woud have to add another series of 4 modes for a total of 8.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: gamerdude767 on June 09, 2009, 12:27:59 PM
you've lost me lol...
you i just add "FIRERATE4
 into the .asm then add the shot rate?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 09, 2009, 12:46:28 PM
no those are just the fire rate settings, they are not the acctual funtion. they need to be added into the subrutine, and the interupt sequence, and then start thinking about the led flash...there is alot of code to be edited in order to make this work correctly.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: gamerdude767 on June 09, 2009, 12:48:41 PM
hmm... well thanks for you help, but i think ill just stick with 3-modes :)
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: GhoSt on June 10, 2009, 12:20:16 AM
yep im going to swap the board with another matrix. Here are some pics of the controller mobo just for info. Could help someone identify theres.

links because of size. ( (
one on left is standard matrix, one on right is the Un-rapidfirable xbox controller (UFC). (
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Hazer on June 10, 2009, 02:51:52 AM
Just to clarify: The only difference between those two controllers is where the potentiometer is when physically linked to the trigger. Most of the time, the 330 Ohm resistor is matched with the resistance of the wiper when the trigger is pressed. Every so often, theres a resistance that is off from the norm and requires upto a 1.5k Ohm resistor.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Frankie.R on June 10, 2009, 09:13:08 AM
Hi guys im new to this modding scene only done the the rapid fire mod for cod 4 with the momontary switch. In one of your other codes it has a 1000 rapid fire limit does this code have a limit and im in the uk what would be the best place to get the equiptment i would  need to program this chip and install it, i also need a new soldering iron as mine has broken :( and some solder.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ben. on June 10, 2009, 09:38:46 AM
Hi guys im new to this modding scene only done the the rapid fire mod for cod 4 with the momontary switch. In one of your other codes it has a 1000 rapid fire limit does this code have a limit and im in the uk what would be the best place to get the equiptment i would  need to program this chip and install it, i also need a new soldering iron as mine has broken :( and some solder.

This Code Does Not Have a Limit, And I Got All My Stuff From Ebay, Cheap As Chips... But You Could Also Try Maplin Or Somewhere...
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 14, 2009, 09:32:04 AM
hi guys, im new to all this but got a friend that knows alittle,

anyway i bought a modchip from ebay already assembled on a board here it is


the question i have is if i programed the chip just like said in the tutorial and the video would i beable to put it on a pcb board instead of just wireing everything to the chip?

secondly the wireing of the pad , in the pictures one of the wires go to the led d3 or something but on the kit i bought the wireing was different, here it is


so if i did what you said and could put the chip on a pcb board, could i wire it to the pad like this or has it got something to do with the programming?

again guys sorry if im sounding an arsehole but im new and aint got a clue :) but the tutorial seems too easy for even an idiot like me to do.

any help or feedback would be great, thank you.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 14, 2009, 12:53:02 PM
in this tut I tell you to solder everything to a pic socket.. I advise against soldering to the chipp..

now as for wiring..if you use the code provided in this tut you need to use the wiring diagrams provided here. if you use someone else's need to use there wiring diagram. each program can assing different uses for each pin, that is why it is imparative to get a wiring diagram with a chip or program.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: spankymcgee27 on June 14, 2009, 10:53:19 PM
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had some code that got past the 6/11/09 COD 5 patch. if so please put up some HEX. Thanks in advance
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ben. on June 14, 2009, 11:50:31 PM
Tbh I don't think there will be any more open source codes, so you may have to fork out a little..
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 15, 2009, 01:49:33 AM
in this tut I tell you to solder everything to a pic socket.. I advise against soldering to the chipp..

now as for wiring..if you use the code provided in this tut you need to use the wiring diagrams provided here. if you use someone else's need to use there wiring diagram. each program can assing different uses for each pin, that is why it is imparative to get a wiring diagram with a chip or program.

cheers for reply buddy,

so is it possible to program the chip to use these solder points has there much easyer than soldering to the led?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 15, 2009, 06:42:23 AM
you want to not solder to the led?? ok just follow the trace down to the ternination point (small hole) scratch some ot the green off and soler to it.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 16, 2009, 06:02:59 AM

could i just solder everything to a veroboard? and then glue that inplace like this?

Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 16, 2009, 10:15:54 AM
you can try, but I dont think your controller will close.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 16, 2009, 03:54:57 PM
ive actually followed this mod andit does close perfect, my problem is i havnt gott a clue how i would wire your mod up to a vero board and then wire up the mod.

Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: bayareakhiladi on June 16, 2009, 05:56:04 PM
Hey. I was about to use "BurnMeUp2", but found out about the patch for CoW on June 15. Will "BurnMeUp2" still work in this case? Wanted to know before proceeding into doing the mod.

Thanks to HAZER!!!!
Thanks to Modded Matt!!!!
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 17, 2009, 02:55:45 AM
so does anyone no how i would go about putting all the wires and the chip on the veroboard and in what order and so on?

or am i just waisting my time thinking its possible?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 17, 2009, 05:02:15 AM
at this time neither of these codes will get past the patch. I am looking into the patch to find a new direction. it seems we the code needs to count in a range and loop back to start.

you put them on the board and follow the diagram, you will need to use a small bit of imagination, but I am sure you are capable if you have come this far. use small pieces of wire as "jumpers" if you need to, keep them short and glue them to the board. this is very easy, draw it on a piece of paper first
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 17, 2009, 07:07:19 AM
pmed you matt m8
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER..\"burnmeup2\"
Post by: codestirr on June 17, 2009, 09:38:35 AM
hi guys i have a question i changed the speeds and everything, i just want to know is there a specific code for the sleeper mod i want this chip to be a sleeper mod thanks

Post Merge: June 17, 2009, 09:42:42 AM

could i just solder everything to a veroboard? and then glue that inplace like this?


hmmm yes i have made a board like this, it is about 1 1/2 the size of the 12f683 chip and the resistors stand up. i thought it would be good until i put it into the controller for the first time, it was to big and the top half of the controller did not fit back on. Im going to try it this way and ill see what happends
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 17, 2009, 11:25:59 AM
i have actually bought one of these mods m8 and fitted as instructed and all closed up fine and works mint, thats why i want to make mine like this and put it in the same place, matt has very very kindly offered to give his help and i cant wait to try it  :hifive:
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: dersen6554 on June 20, 2009, 06:09:48 AM
I can't seem to fit the chip inside the controller. Would I have to put a hole throught my controller?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 20, 2009, 07:54:31 AM
surely if i can fit a board this big with the chip on it, then you can fit the chip in there alone
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: bayareakhiladi on June 20, 2009, 10:04:11 AM
at this time neither of these codes will get past the patch. I am looking into the patch to find a new direction. it seems we the code needs to count in a range and loop back to start.

you put them on the board and follow the diagram, you will need to use a small bit of imagination, but I am sure you are capable if you have come this far. use small pieces of wire as "jumpers" if you need to, keep them short and glue them to the board. this is very easy, draw it on a piece of paper first

Ok. Thanks for the info. Are there any codes out there that are still working. I'm still seeing a lot of kits being sold on eBay. But I'm thinking, that they're not legit or meaning that they wont work anymore. I've seen Hazer's youtube video, where his modded controller still works. But that's he's personal controller!!!
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: codestirr on June 21, 2009, 03:54:01 PM
okay can some one tell me what i need to make this mod; the CG sleeper mod and the MATRIX sleeper mod one the first page i cant read these i dont get them thanks guys
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER..\"burnmeup2\"
Post by: tomcat on June 22, 2009, 07:43:35 AM
Hi, thanks hazer your code is great, but i find if i leave say mode 2 on I will shut off my xbox. Then i Turn my xbox back on, but the led is not on  but it is still in mode 2. If i press the sync button it automatically skips to mode 2? This is not on one type of controller either it does it on CG and Matrix.

I was also wondering on how to make a three shot burst as i was a fan of the m16 in Cod 4,
 thanks again

Post Merge: June 22, 2009, 07:51:04 AM
Codestirr all you need to do is download the file "burnmeup2", use the link to download mplab. You open up project wizard, create a new project, when you get a little window that has a bunch of files on one side and a button thats says add. You select burnmeup2.asm and click add and it is now ready to be edited. Scroll down to the fire rate and change it accourding to hazers fire rate to hex pdf. Then you build it and you use winpic 800 or whatever software your programmer came with to write it to the chip.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: codestirr on June 22, 2009, 08:12:37 AM
LMAO I know how to make, edit and program the chips i just need a parts list
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER..\"burnmeup2\"
Post by: tomcat on June 22, 2009, 09:26:37 AM
ohh sorry, you need-  (matrix) (1)12f683 (obv)
                                         (2) 330 ohm resistors
                                         (1) 1N4148 Diode
                                         (1) 100 ohm resistor
                                         (1) 8 pin socket (optional)

                                  (CG) (1)12f683 (obv)
                                         (1) 100 ohm resistor
                                         (1) 8 pin socket (optional)

I thought you meant you couldn't read the whole tut. hope this helps

Post Merge: June 22, 2009, 09:30:15 AM
For the COD 5 mode, i have been using 7.89 and have never gotton patched and it is not much slower than the 8.33, so anbody is looking for a good speed there you go.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 22, 2009, 03:39:19 PM
welcome to acidmods tomcat, its nice to see some new blood in this area of the forum again. if you need anything or have questions feel free to pm me...

Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER..\"burnmeup2\"
Post by: codestirr on June 22, 2009, 11:13:11 PM
ohh sorry, you need-  (matrix) (1)12f683 (obv)
                                         (2) 330 ohm resistors
                                         (1) 1N4148 Diode
                                         (1) 100 ohm resistor
                                         (1) 8 pin socket (optional)

                                  (CG) (1)12f683 (obv)
                                         (1) 100 ohm resistor
                                         (1) 8 pin socket (optional)

I thought you meant you couldn't read the whole tut. hope this helps

Post Merge: June 22, 2009, 09:30:15 AM
For the COD 5 mode, i have been using 7.89 and have never gotton patched and it is not much slower than the 8.33, so anbody is looking for a good speed there you go.
THANKS MAN this helped alot
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: tomcat on June 23, 2009, 12:18:34 PM
thanks modded matt, i do have a question, how would you insert a burst fire. or would you have to write a whole new section of the code. your welcome codestirr
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: gamerdude767 on June 24, 2009, 08:34:54 AM
hey guys,

 just wondering if anyone can tell me the best code thingy for these games...

 Cod4, Cod5(so it doesnt get detected by the new patch) and Gears of war ONE...

 thanks in advance
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: UKSYL3R on June 27, 2009, 03:51:49 AM
just like to thank you modded matt, ive actually completed it :) but couldent have done it without your help, so thank you very very much m8.

here is my chip on the board, im not the best and neatest person so dont laugh lol

also only got 4 wires so had to use a couple colours 2wice since i needed 7 wires

first off here is the chip on back of the board


here is the board with chip and wires faceing


this is were i possisioned the board on the controller, bang in between the 2 holes as you can see


and here is the finnished wireing with all in place and ready to put back together


actually followed the track from the led and the selector button to the small holes and scratched the hole to bare the metal and soldered to that point instead as you can see the blue and yellow wires.

tested the pad and it worked great so thanks again :)
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: bayareakhiladi on June 28, 2009, 10:54:26 AM
Is "burnmeup2" still working. I had thought that the patch for CoD would catch the rapidfire. From what I'm understanding, tomcat is still able to use the code; just with change of rapid speed. Can anyone confirm if burnmeup2 is still working, because I planned on doing the rapid fire mod but heard about the patch and did not continue with the mod.

Confirm if burnmeup2 is working!!!!
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 28, 2009, 11:10:29 AM
it works at 7.2 but that is fairly slow. this only affects WAW. you can still use at a faster speed, but you have to be careful, only to fire in short bursts. pistol gets capped everytime
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER..\"burnmeup2\"
Post by: buickgnx on June 28, 2009, 06:19:40 PM
with the hex code, it has a fair mount of code then lots of 3fff. is that norm?

Post Merge: June 29, 2009, 03:13:43 PM
what do i do now? mi CG scynic looks nothing like yours. the bent in and wont solder? what should i do?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Jumbo on June 30, 2009, 10:00:10 AM
with the hex code, it has a fair mount of code then lots of 3fff. is that norm?

Post Merge: June 29, 2009, 03:13:43 PM
what do i do now? mi CG scynic looks nothing like yours. the bent in and wont solder? what should i do?
Yes thats normal its just blank.
And thats how all CG syncs look. Just know how to solder and its very simple...
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: preddy on July 08, 2009, 06:38:47 AM
on the diagram for burnmeup2 "cg button diagram" it suggest using 2k resistor,
i only have 2k2's available at the moment is it ok to substitute for those?
many thx
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Killer Mice on July 11, 2009, 08:08:00 PM
First I would like to thank all who has made this mod possible  :tup:

OK I'm really wanting to learn how to add 2 more modes to the  burnmeup2 code. Dose anyone have a tut on how to do this? Cause I have games that do well with other speeds and am just wanting to program 1 chip instead of having to use different controllers for different games.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: dersen6554 on July 21, 2009, 05:39:46 AM
I soldered everything correctly, checked the position and what not, however it doesn't work. It just works normally like a regular controller. I've checked everything and it doesn't work =(. Using Matrix controller, any help would be greatly appreciated. :help:
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER..\"burnmeup2\"
Post by: OxEpicOwnagexO on August 16, 2009, 09:59:02 AM
ok so what mode is what? when i put cod5 3c code for mode one which i think is the halo mode the left trigger bugged out and acted crazy, regardless of the speeds, what mode is for what game????(so the left trigger works for halo and doesnt work on cod)

Post Merge: August 17, 2009, 07:18:33 PM
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Hazer on August 19, 2009, 12:04:24 PM
It has reached the torrents...... (
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Ack Like You Know on August 19, 2009, 12:47:32 PM
Why would someone torrent an opensource code that is pretty much downloadable anywhere?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Hazer on October 20, 2009, 07:37:36 PM
Ahem: (
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: codestirr on December 21, 2009, 06:41:30 PM
hey guys i have been making and trying new mods for about a year now and i have gotten the hang of it. i decided to look at this open sorce code and looked at the schematic and was woundering whats going on with points 4 and 5 are the conected together or what?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: GhoSt on December 21, 2009, 07:28:21 PM
pin 4 and 5 are not connected, 5 has no wires attached at all. I assume you do not understand how ic pins are numbered, and you are talking about pin 4 and 8 both connecting to ground in the cg sleeper diagram?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: codestirr on December 22, 2009, 10:05:38 AM
pin 4 and 5 are not connected, 5 has no wires attached at all. I assume you do not understand how ic pins are numbered, and you are talking about pin 4 and 8 both connecting to ground in the cg sleeper diagram?

no i know how the IC pins are numbered i just said it like that sorry  any ways thanks for your help
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: jbizzel on February 21, 2010, 08:40:10 PM
I have installed this onto a few controllers and I just noticed that with the new CG boards. When I go to charge the battery pack it won't. It just thinks its fully charged when clearly its not. Anyone else having this issue, if so how can I fix this? I have checked all my connections and all seems to be clean and no cold solder points.
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: ITz Coldwar on March 24, 2010, 09:55:59 PM
is there any cg2 digram? or will the cg wrok with both
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: rafaliyo86 on March 25, 2010, 12:42:21 AM
is there any cg2 digram? or will the cg wrok with both

Its the same that CG
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: falo21 on June 14, 2010, 11:29:41 AM
use the hex code on a 12f683 pic but i can get it to work on my controller all it does its turn on and blink but it will not fire fast im testing it with call of duty 2 the new one but when i try to play with the rapid fire it does do anything it fires the same.can u guys help me please..
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on June 14, 2010, 11:36:21 AM
turns on and blinks? what does that mean? is it blinking now? is it blinking fast?
Title: 8 Mode Sleeper with Standby Mode
Post by: Sick89 on June 21, 2010, 11:34:24 PM
Hello, I've seen a few stealth kits on ebay with 8 modes. What I'm interested in is the standby mode they have. By pressing the LT + Sync. You can put the rapid fire in standby mode. My question is, does anyone have the code for adding this feature to the burnmeup asm?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: EasyE on July 01, 2010, 11:07:03 PM
Can this be used on button just like BMU2?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 21, 2010, 09:07:42 AM
so this rf code works for dual triggers correct? hence the wire going to the middle pin of the left trigger so i answered that question... lmao
next question...ill be using this code for mw2 from time to time i use akimbo weapons. so when i set the fire rates itll set for both triggers but what if 1 of the modes i dont want the rf to work on the left trigger? and im also wanting to know if this code has burstfire for auto weapons

basically im lookln for a rf code like this
mode 1: 15 sps (right trigger only)
mode 2: dual trigger 15 sps
mode 3: 5 burst for auto weapons (ump, p90, etc)
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on September 21, 2010, 09:42:54 AM
use the flex rapid fire system
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 21, 2010, 09:54:20 AM
already am for my paddle. wuz looking to make a b-day present for my brother his brain would fry trying to set the the modes n rates n wut not on flex lmao. i just wanted a simple sleeper for him but he likes using akimbo sometimes. wut would happen if u pull the left trigger without akimbo...would u just ads (aim down site) all crazy rapid fire like? lol
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: Modded Matt on September 21, 2010, 10:00:51 AM
in this code, mode one is the only moe which has duel trigger support. mode two three and four are right trigger only. so make mode one for akimbo, and the other modes for regular RF

this code dosnt support burst
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: siiNNiiSTer on September 21, 2010, 10:06:59 AM
ooo so in bmu2 mode 1 is the only mode that is dual rf the others are reg rf? sicccccccccccc thnx alot matt ur the man! :#1:
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: grizzlymodZ on October 22, 2011, 07:32:02 AM
i cant find the correct speed for mw2..each 1 i try is either 2 slow..or skips 2much..which speed should i use?
Title: Re: how to use free open source code by HAZER.."burnmeup2"
Post by: hyper999 on October 22, 2011, 08:59:07 AM
i cant find the correct speed for mw2..each 1 i try is either 2 slow..or skips 2much..which speed should i use?

the fastest speed that doesn't skip
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