First of all, nice guide, and thanks hazer for the code.
I was just wondering it it would be possible to get a sleeper with 4 or more mods? And what would be the code be like?
Also, how do you change the LED's to a different color.
Another thing is does anyone know the max (or good or best) fire rate for GoW2, Halo3 and Cod:Waw
And finnaly (yay), would it be possible to make a three round burst?
Thanks for taking the time to read this and (hopefully) answer back
lol, I feel like such a nub. I have modded several of these, now I just did one on the matrix, eveything works dandy execpt when I turn on the rapid fire it doesn't require me to press the trigger, shoots at that speed by itself, then when the trigger is pressed it stops firing. Wtf it works the opisite than its supposed to, like its been inverted, any ideas?
OH btw soldering is fine and everything is wired correctly, code also programed fine. I was also recording a video tut for this thread at the time so its a bit of a fail.
Hi guys im new to this modding scene only done the the rapid fire mod for cod 4 with the momontary switch. In one of your other codes it has a 1000 rapid fire limit does this code have a limit and im in the uk what would be the best place to get the equiptment i would need to program this chip and install it, i also need a new soldering iron as mine has broken :( and some solder.
in this tut I tell you to solder everything to a pic socket.. I advise against soldering to the chipp..
now as for wiring..if you use the code provided in this tut you need to use the wiring diagrams provided here. if you use someone else's need to use there wiring diagram. each program can assing different uses for each pin, that is why it is imparative to get a wiring diagram with a chip or program.
could i just solder everything to a veroboard? and then glue that inplace like this?
at this time neither of these codes will get past the patch. I am looking into the patch to find a new direction. it seems we the code needs to count in a range and loop back to start.
you put them on the board and follow the diagram, you will need to use a small bit of imagination, but I am sure you are capable if you have come this far. use small pieces of wire as "jumpers" if you need to, keep them short and glue them to the board. this is very easy, draw it on a piece of paper first
ohh sorry, you need- (matrix) (1)12f683 (obv)THANKS MAN this helped alot
(2) 330 ohm resistors
(1) 1N4148 Diode
(1) 100 ohm resistor
(1) 8 pin socket (optional)
(CG) (1)12f683 (obv)
(1) 100 ohm resistor
(1) 8 pin socket (optional)
I thought you meant you couldn't read the whole tut. hope this helps
Post Merge: June 22, 2009, 09:30:15 AM
For the COD 5 mode, i have been using 7.89 and have never gotton patched and it is not much slower than the 8.33, so anbody is looking for a good speed there you go.
with the hex code, it has a fair mount of code then lots of 3fff. is that norm?Yes thats normal its just blank.
Post Merge: June 29, 2009, 03:13:43 PM
what do i do now? mi CG scynic looks nothing like yours. the bent in and wont solder? what should i do?
pin 4 and 5 are not connected, 5 has no wires attached at all. I assume you do not understand how ic pins are numbered, and you are talking about pin 4 and 8 both connecting to ground in the cg sleeper diagram?
is there any cg2 digram? or will the cg wrok with both
i cant find the correct speed for mw2..each 1 i try is either 2 slow..or skips 2much..which speed should i use?