Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: l0rdnic0 on April 16, 2009, 07:30:58 PM
Hey everyone I created a Facebook fan page want to be a fan of Nico? I figured why not... Check it out and let me know what you think.. (
And no I'm not full of myself, as most of you know I myself don't think there is anything special about me. (Cyber says 2%) :rofl:
:D I'm a fan
god nic0 ur soo full of urself psssh no one will become fans
*becomes fan*
OMG I can be a fan of Nic0!? Sign me up!!! WHERE!?!?! =D
Im a fan :D
OMG I can be a fan of Nic0!? Sign me up!!! WHERE!?!?! =D
your so mean... (cries)
your so mean... (cries)
:D you have lots 'o fans, nic0 XD
Geeze Nic0 where ya been?
*fans aswell*
Are you gonna share that wonderful discovery as to why the LM386 method isn't very sound reactive?
Thank you, at least some one cares.....
Hey here's a silly though.. How about 1000 fans by the end of MAY? Think I can pull that off????? :dntknw:
Are you gonna share that wonderful discovery as to why the LM386 method isn't very sound reactive?
Once I find the right replacement part... :P I dropped the ball on that..
Dun worry Nic0, I love you :)
1000 fans will be hard O_O we have like, 200 active members on AM, and I doubt half of them would be willing to be your fan/have facebook. XD
i believe it.. :tup:
im a fan
I'm happy with 20 :cool:
lol 980 to go u better start spamming if u want to reach 1000
Ha Ha this is gonna be nice :D , 1000 will definitely be a stretch though lol !..... maybe an Acid Mods Page ?
lol yea better make in the home page for everyone to see.
Making a new topic but just to note, i made an Acid Mods page on FaceBook, I've sent Robin and Justin friend requests and will probably add them as Admins.........
lol sweet ill take a look
There is nothing there on it yet..........
lol i kno i saw
Join up , i'll make u an admin n u can help me update it , i'm on pathetically slow internet so cant do much ......
ok i did added u and i guess i can help out idk to much bout facebook
theres nuthin much to it.... u just click a button and add info :D
oh i thought u have to use like lil of html..
lol there is already a facebook page for acidmods that i set up - its just not maintained very well and i started it whilst i was really busy at university (
*becomes a fan*
hai nic0
yea oh well then
Stop hijacking my post... This is for the Nico fan page not our AcidMods page :faint:
oo sorry nico hows the fans coming along
I don't like your page at all.. it is more of a conceited "Worship me and all my skillz" page..
Now this reply may make me sound equally arrogant, but I don't mind, it gets my point across :winker:
Your right IT DOES. Consider yourself blocked!
wow alien, nothing like being a :censored:
It's ok Skull, didn't you know that he was better then anyone else? :boxed: I bow before him wowowwowow :taunt:
eee everyone always criticizing someone world isnt ever nice
Sorry for insulting the one person gifted with the "skill".
I will have to find it and add it. :tup: I have facebook lol
it should be at the bottom the link
found it and added it thanks :victory:
No thank you!! :cool:
I think we need an Acid Mods group on there....o.o
We do have an AcidMods Facebook page. Robin started it a while ago.
41 fans ur getting up there lol
959 to go
I think I'll have a party when I hit 50... All of you who have become fans THANK YOU!!!! :#1:
:hifive: sweet... i tried having ppl add u
:hifive: sweet... i tried having ppl add u
will doo
We do have an AcidMods Facebook page. Robin started it a while ago.
link link link plz!!!
its some where below in this thread