
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: SergeantCorbett on April 20, 2009, 01:06:40 PM

Title: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: SergeantCorbett on April 20, 2009, 01:06:40 PM
Hi. I just recently joined Acidmods because I wanted to learn more about modding my PSP. I have some experience working with electronic internal parts, so I thought i'd try to mod my case. I used a disassembly tutorial on this site with my silver PSP 2000 and I also installed a clear case. The entire mod went pretty smoothly, until the end when I tested it. Everything worked except for the down arrow, the up arrow, the left arrow, and the left trigger. I opened it back up and checked the connections and they all looked fine. After closer inspection, I noticed some of the pins looked damaged on the larger ribbon cable connector in this picture: (
I wanted to ask if you guys have any ideas on how I could possibly fix this or buy a new one? Thanks for your time.
If you want a picture of my PSP for reference i'll go find my camera and upload one if you want.
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: bustinthejustin on April 20, 2009, 01:34:08 PM
On the connector, or the cable? If the cable, then you can buy a new one. Otherwise, you will need a new motherboard.
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: Blazinkaos on April 20, 2009, 01:48:07 PM
yea if its the d pad side heres some links i found. ( (
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: bustinthejustin on April 20, 2009, 01:56:30 PM
Or just get this, which give you all 3 cables for only 5 bucks. (

I've personally bought that and I can vouch that they work.
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: Blazinkaos on April 20, 2009, 02:20:12 PM
wow nice find bustin
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: SergeantCorbett on April 20, 2009, 03:31:00 PM
On the connector, or the cable? If the cable, then you can buy a new one. Otherwise, you will need a new motherboard.

aww, i was hoping i wouldn't have to buy a whole new motherboard. I guess i was hoping i could just replace the connector without having to replace the motherboard, but apparently i can't.
Thanks for the links. I'll go ahead and buy a new d-pad replacement cable and see if it works.
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: bustinthejustin on April 20, 2009, 06:25:00 PM
WELL, I mean, if you found a dead motherboard, and desoldered the connector from that, and resoldered it on ur working mobo, it would  work. But you'd have to be good at soldering. As for the bent pins, you could try bending them back first, before buying a new connector. Worse that'll happen is you'll break ur pins off, but that doesn't matter since it's bent already.
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: Tri-edge on April 20, 2009, 07:58:58 PM
aww, i was hoping i wouldn't have to buy a whole new motherboard. I guess i was hoping i could just replace the connector without having to replace the motherboard, but apparently i can't.
Thanks for the links. I'll go ahead and buy a new d-pad replacement cable and see if it works.
it's easier just to solder tact switches to the dpad then to buy a connector and desolder it and then resolder it.
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: Blazinkaos on April 20, 2009, 10:48:26 PM
yea idk if he can attempted that tho
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: SergeantCorbett on August 01, 2009, 10:19:43 AM
WOW. Sorry i made this topic a while ago, and I'm just now coming back to it.
About 2 months ago I ordered the part to fix my D-pad and it WORKED  :tup:
Thanks again guys for helping me out. It works good as new now. there any place that I can donate to the site? And if I can, do they accept Paypal? I plan on using this site more and more often in the future
Title: Re: Need some help w/ my d-pad :\
Post by: Blazinkaos on August 01, 2009, 10:39:32 AM
Alright glad it worked out for you.
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