Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => XBOX 360 => 360 Controllers / 360 Rapid Fire Controllers => Topic started by: jeffgtx on May 01, 2009, 10:29:56 PM
Hey guys, I see that it's possible to run a macro with the spitfire mod, I'm just curious if there's a way to map one of the programmable button to do a quick 360-degree rotation of the right thumbstick... and make it rapid fire.
So basically it would just be spinning the thumbstick over and over again constantly when pressed.
From the tutorials it wasn't clear if those buttons could be taken over. Any insight would be appreciated.
That Would be quite effective, but tbh im not to sure if you can.. :/
if you look at the wiring diagram for the spitfire mod you can see you dont wire to the thumb-sticks... only the d-pad.
1: Left Trigger
2: D-Pad Left
3: D-Pad Down
4: D-Pad Right
5: D-Pad Up
6: Select
7: 360 Dome
8: Start
9: X Button
10: Y Button
11: B Button
12: A Button
13: Right Trigger
14: Right Shoulder
15: Left Shoulder
LOL I dont see it touching the dpad either!!! LOL there are not enough output pins to hit the face buttons, triggers, and dpad. (the verbage there states it, but this is merly showing the contact points for those buttons.)
I enagine it can be done, but you would have to sacrifice another set of four buttons for it.
I am not familiar with spitfire code but I can tell you electrically what needs to happen.
So here is the deal, you will only need 2 outputs, one for the analog x axis and one for the analog y axis. when the anolog stick is relaxed and not being pressed the signals for the x and y axis will be halfway between +V and ground. When the stick is being pressed in the y direction the Y axis output will be either +V or ground. Same goes for the x axis.
so in order to do the macro you want to do, the output of the spit fire will need to be on 2 pins one goes the x axis middle pin and one to the y axis to middle pin:
I = Input +V = output high G = output low
I +V (Down)
+V +V (Down+Left)
+V I (Left)
+V G (Up+Left)
I G (Up)
G G (Up + Right)
G I (Right)
G +V (Down + Right)
The above sequence may not be correct, whether or not up is Ground on y axis needs to be confirmed. the above sequence is just a demonstration of the concept, you will need to confirm your own values for the directions.
up is V+ and down is G..been working with this on the ir sensors up is 3v, relaxed is 1.5v and down is gnd..
I recently asked the roughly the same thing in the modders for hire section.
If anyone could do this setup for me I would be forever grateful.
I have no need for the D-pad to be a part of this setup, nor do I need the select, start, xbox guide or right bumper.
i have done the splitfire mode with 180 turn .. so when you press the one of the button on the back it will rotate you 180 or 360 ... the pin that i use was the data pin wich was never use on the original project.
its a diff code .. and you can hold the other butt for rapidfire lol