Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Go => Topic started by: Slim Hacker on June 05, 2009, 04:41:08 PM
I think we will be able to get dual nubs on a Go, we will probably loose the start and select buttons but that would make the perfect spot for a 2nd nub.
I think we will be able to get dual nubs on a Go, we will probably loose the start and select buttons but that would make the perfect spot for a 2nd nub.
I think the start/select buttons are going to be on a little plastic film similar to the way the slim face buttons are done now. If that's the case all we have to do is remove the film, sand the spot down and connect the nub. We don't actually have to lose the start/select buttons either, we can get some micro tact switches and solder them to the fpc connector and we are done. The problem is we won't be able to do this if all the buttons are on one big board which can be possible since the unit is so tiny.
So true i wonder what mods we will be able to do to the Go.
Well I already started saving for one launch day and my B-day is in a few weeks so thatl help probably going to get a white one.
I really want one, but the only problem is no CFW... If it is hacked I will definitely buy one.
I'm sort of take it or leave it. I defiantly won't be getting one because of the cost. I'd sooner buy a PS3. If I had $250 I'd keep saving for a PS3, not something I already have.
I'm sort of take it or leave it. I defiantly won't be getting one because of the cost. I'd sooner buy a PS3. If I had $250 I'd keep saving for a PS3, not something I already have.
yeah, that's kinda where I sit... It doesn't add anything new to the gaming experience.
I'll buy one at launch if I have the money to spare. Launch day things are easier to get hacked.
I would put the start and select buttons next the the play station logo.
I'll buy one at launch if I have the money to spare. Launch day things are easier to get hacked.
Which is exactly why I will be buying one on launch day aswell.
Unless I can get one before launch day O.o
how bout one of u guys buying me one on launch day ??? :P :tup:
start button seems to be the perfect place for the dual nub it seems and shouldnt be that difficult , hopefully...
For all of you wonder ing I found a pic of the real PSP Go!
Look Im already modding the Go and its not even out xD
Looks smexy :dribble:
if only they put it there to start with
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there will be aboard under the start + select. guaranteed. it wont be that easy. also, relocating those buttons you moved will be hard.
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relocating it will be the hardest unless theres a bunch of extra space. but we might still need to extend a ribbon cable .
wtf? button relocattion is the easyiest, The hardest part is ftting the nub on there
I'm a little late to this thread but I would like to put my 2 cents in.
I'm always up for a challenge but, I'm not sure this is feasible....with the current way we do it by using the Razor-X.
the minimum dimensions of the Razor-X is around:
X - 1.5 cm
Y - 1.5 cm
Z - 3mm
So we would have to some how fit that into that space.
Plus, I bet you that on the inside of the PSP GO its just one big motherboard and the buttons are similar to the a TV remote.
To relocate the actual Start/Select buttons wouldn't be hard, but you would have to cut into the motherboard to fit the Razor-X into that space. If you could do that without splicing or shorting out any connections.... that would be amazing.
I could be proved completely wrong and I really hope so, but without having a PSP GO to open up in front of me I cant see this happening.
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this is what i meant
You might need to extend the ribbon on the start/select two
and if the start/select thing one piece we will have to separate them.
because on go there above each other. in that pic there side by side.
I don't think the start/select buttons are a separate board, I think the whole unit is one big board.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's all soldered onto one main board much like a DS.
BTW that's a bad Photoshop, the Start and Select are off center lol.
I don't know whats up with all the pessimism about moving the buttons,give me 3 wires and 2 mini tact switches....sorted
The only thing worth pondering is where to put the buttons,which depends on where there's space.
The arrangement in the shooped pic above will most likely be impossible,as there will be a ribbon cable going from the motherboard to the screen there.
I'm thinking opposite the PS button,because it's more than likely that there's nothing there to get in the way,and the best bit is there's no problem with getting it to conform to the sliding mechanismjust stick it beside the ribbon cable from the fpc.
Im up for this challenge :hifive:
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I expect the mobo to look like this
but after some thinking it probably looks like something else
because of the depth of the buttons, which make it nearly impossible to be placed on the mobo
(new picture coming)
Post Merge: June 16, 2009, 07:45:00 AM
hmm i was thinking about something like this
but after drawing it, i was thinking about the connector that is in the trim of the psp go, that multi connector thing, Which is used for charging, video transfer, USB etc.. That would need to be attached to something too, so now i'm thinking of the 1st design i made
i wonder who will be the FIRST to get the dual nub mod done...
i hope one of the guys here in AM..that would be awesome...
i wonder who will be the FIRST to get the dual nub mod done...
i hope one of the guys here in AM..that would be awesome...
dude... AM is probably one of the ONLY places that would even THINK about cracking one of these puppies open for a dual nub...
dude... AM is probably one of the ONLY places that would even THINK about cracking one of these puppies open for a dual nub... (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://)
want more?
- (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://) (http://)
want more?
okay, I'm just saying that not many people will buy one opening day, JUST to risk breaking it for a second analog...
o and we need a new select button beacuse if we just moved it it would be upside down or the letters would be upside down.
Just use some from the 1000,2000, or 3000, Simple.
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Just use some from the 1000,2000, or 3000, Simple.
BRILLIANT!!! This is an example of perfect think, and I have an extra white set too :winker:
We can also make a new revision to the razor board if we need too to get it to fit. there's nothing that says we need to stick with old tech.
What I'm worried about is finding the pinout of the buttons not the actual fitting of the razor.
BRILLIANT!!! This is an example of perfect think, and I have an extra white set too :winker:
We can also make a new revision to the razor board if we need too to get it to fit. there's nothing that says we need to stick with old tech.
What I'm worried about is finding the pinout of the buttons not the actual fitting of the razor.
Thanks :D
yeah I agree with Tri, we will need a new razor for the Go. It's just not logical to keep using the old tech over especially since it most likely won't even work with the Go due to space issues.
okay, I'm just saying that not many people will buy one opening day, JUST to risk breaking it for a second analog...
well that's really the point!besides modding is always taking a risk!
and many people are actually anticipating the lauch of the GO just to crack this piece open...
disecting it in every aspect that modders are looking for what can challenge them mooding it!
Thanks :D
yeah I agree with Tri, we will need a new razor for the Go. It's just not logical to keep using the old tech over especially since it most likely won't even work with the Go due to space issues.
I'm sure we wouldn't need to make a new revision of the board itself,what we do need to revise is the spring mechanism,design one that is thinner than the stock analog itself,I've got a few designs in mind.
Yea the spring is the only issue. If it could be magnetized to stay in the middle and be able to push and it goes that would be interesting. But then again that would interfere with components.
Yea the spring is the only issue. If it could be magnetized to stay in the middle and be able to push and it goes that would be interesting. But then again that would interfere with components.
I was thinking placing some small strips of magnet around the outside of the razor to push it to the center from all angles.
Because if we magnetise the washer as positive,and the middle of the razor is soldered to a ground plain(which it must be to be attracted toward the centre),then the magnet will lose it's charge after a few hours of use.But if you put a strip of negative magnet round the outside,and use a negative magnet as a washer,then the washer will never lose it's magnetism from coming in contact with the + on the razor,cos it will constantly be recharged by the ground,and it will be pushed to the center by the magnet on the outside!
Hmm that is an idea but difficult to map out. Your gonna need some small magnets. Now say we go with your idea but have thin circle magnet for the middle but then again remember will make contact with the point of movement on the nub its self. Im actually thinking of trying this but the hardest part is finding th magnets that size. Unless you can cut them into small bits.
I don't like the idea of magnets, to get enough power from such a tiny magnet we are talking about it would probably have to be neodymium and it may also interfere with the PSP components.
It may not because look at the speakers that are in the PSP there magnetized and have caused no issues. Im sure there are small enough magnets that can place a nub back in place. Doesnt hurt to try.
Here is the smallest *Powerful* magnet I can find: (
Thats a start now if we could cut it down to size then we got something going. But will it effect it idk.
Remember dudes,we ain't necessarily looking for powerful magnet,just small ones,neomydium are much too strong,you wont even be able to move the analog stick.I'll have a shot at showing a POC tonight.So u should be able to do it with a small amount of magnet tape.
Another idea I had in mind is if you half the diameter of the washer,you can half the diameter of the razor but it will still feel the same.This gives us space to mount x/y springs along the side of the razor instead of on top,saving both vertical and horizontal space.
Yea that came up to my mind bout how powerful the magnet can not make it move at all. Now is the magnet tape reliable.
magnets are out of the questions,I just rigged up a POC and it feels really really weird and crap.Looks like our only choice is scaling down the razor and more importantly scaling down the size of XY spring arrangment
Haha that's what I was telling you guys, but fridge magnets even if they did work for our use wouldn't be powerful enough. Maybe if magnets did work you could just use neodymium dust. Anyway enough with that magnet idea.
But we can't even design the new razor yet. I mean they fit a analog on it already, so that mean's it's small enough to fit. Now we just wait for the replacement part's or someone to buy 2 Go's and take the analog from one. Then we design the new razor around that. I HIGHLY doubt we will get ether the 1000 or 2000 analog's to fit inside that and look clean and "normal".
Haha that's what I was telling you guys, but fridge magnets even if they did work for our use wouldn't be powerful enough. Maybe if magnets did work you could just use neodymium dust. Anyway enough with that magnet idea.
But we can't even design the new razor yet. I mean they fit a analog on it already, so that mean's it's small enough to fit. Now we just wait for the replacement part's or someone to buy 2 Go's and take the analog from one. Then we design the new razor around that. I HIGHLY doubt we will get ether the 1000 or 2000 analog's to fit inside that and look clean and "normal".
We still don't know if there's going to be a recess big enough to fit an unmodified razor onto the right side,just because there is on the right.In fact I highly doubt that there will be,and the most likely design would be that some of the motherboard is under the start/select buttons,because they have to cram it all in somewhere.
The magnets weren't a bad idea,it's just finding magnets of the right strength and size is the problem.
Thats what i been saying. I mean if you find flat magnets at the right strength it may help.
Yeah I'm aware of that Ryan...
I say we drop the razor, get our hands on a second PSP Go Analog, then code a PIC for our needs.
Yea i see what hes getting at but whos knows till one is opened what if its more complicated we dont know. Trying to find the less hassled way of doing this.
Yeah I'm aware of that Ryan...
I say we drop the razor, get our hands on a second PSP Go Analog, then code a PIC for our needs.
2 Problems
If a razor won't fit,then a stock analog certainly won't.
Take into consideration the amount of pins and wires you will need to use,1st of all 3 for flashing it,2 for power,4 for input,4 for output,it also has to be extremely responsive and have A2D capability,and the only PIC I know that can perform all that is the pic16f88,which is much too large to fit in the psp go.
Depending on how the mobo laid out, you might be able to move the start and select buttons above the current analog and use the empty place to fit a second nub. But as i said, i really depends on how the mobo is laid out and if there is space to fit one.
Depending on how the mobo laid out, you might be able to move the start and select buttons above the current analog and use the empty place to fit a second nub. But as i said, i really depends on how the mobo is laid out and if there is space to fit one.
I think my layout is better (
BTW I posted that on the first page of this thread
Completely missed that :wacko: need to get my eyes check i think. I agree, yours does look better. Hopefully it can be done, depending on the mobo layout.
That does look nice if it can be done but once that comes we wont know.