Buy - Sell - Trade => Modders For Hire => MFH Requests => Topic started by: XeoBllaze on July 02, 2009, 09:38:15 AM
I'm looking for a quote on the price estimate and time-to-complete.
Basically I'm looking for a jewel for my PSP Slim:
1) Holy Cross for Jewel! Picture below:
If you can make this jewel, please reply to this thread as well as PM me.
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Thank you brother! God bless you! :D
Thank you brother! God bless you! :D
god lover.
Im god lover too. :tup:
god lover.
idk about you, but im a freedom of speech lover, gtfo.
Thank you brother! God bless you! :D
No prob.
god lover.
Um... You know it's against the rules to talk about religion right? And that bashing another member because of their religious beliefs is just plain stupid. So STFU and GTFO.
Hes right Max thats why i said im a god lover for sticking up for him and i am. Calm down though Bustin cursing not going to make it better man. Apology would be a good to start off Max
Free of speed xD
I'm sorry for saying offensive things about your religion.
I personally don't really believe in god. I never thought that it would make this many people mad at me. Apologize again.
Thats better max we respect your beliefs just like you should respect ours. :victory:
How about you all just stop talking about religion (or in Mad's case,leack thereof),STFU,GTFO and BLOW YOUR OWN BRAINS OUT BEFORE YOU GET WARNINGS FROM THE MODERATORS,
read the frickin' rules.
Uhh ryan0 if it was that bad the moderator would of notice and int he riles it says..."Something that may not seem offensive to you or your culture may be viewed differently in the eyes of others and on this site we do not prejudice against any race, creed, religion, culture, species or gender." Im respecting in here so i dont know who your referring to. This was resolved almost a month ago. Then again it does say..."Please try to avoid discussing religion, politics and other touchy issues. These are subjects that are impossible to hold an objective opinion and thus will lead to discrepancy that we do not wish to have in our community. We are not culturally or religiously intolerant we just don't want to see people’s faiths and political directions being the cause of hurt feelings and poor posts in general. There will be some exceptions to this but that will be determined by staff.." Though it was resolved and its been dealt with. I would think i moderator would have seen this by now but maybe he did and say that it was resolved can be sure but nothing bad happening in this thread.
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