
Acid Mods Community Area => Discussion Boards => Music => Topic started by: H-Sauce on August 05, 2009, 02:30:01 AM

Title: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: H-Sauce on August 05, 2009, 02:30:01 AM
I'm not sure if this is the right section but...

I'm going to build myself an electric guitar from scratch. And I will have a special surprise in it too.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: ProperBritish on August 05, 2009, 07:28:50 AM
you're going to put a kaoss pad in it arent you.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: H-Sauce on August 05, 2009, 07:58:33 AM
Haha... Wait that's not a bad idea xD

I was typing this same message on my computer outside but then a rat ran into my garage...

So I'm on my lappy in the house lol.


A quick design I threw up in PS. But it's only a quick one. Body made out of beech and some black acrylic. It will have a maple neck and a (not shown here) ebony fretboard.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: PhenomenalDesigns on August 05, 2009, 08:48:47 AM
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: H-Sauce on August 05, 2009, 08:56:23 AM
Ah damn, you've stumbled on to the special surprise lol.

The dot inlays will be sound-reactive LEDs.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: ProperBritish on August 21, 2009, 10:15:28 AM
that looks impossible to play. but good luck
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: DarkShot on August 22, 2009, 03:50:10 AM
I hope you know what you're getting into.... Building the entire guitar from scratch won't be an easy feat at all. Unless you get a pre-made fretboard, and can line everything up nice and tight relatively easily.

Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna :censored: on your parade, and good luck building it, but I'd strongly suggest you do your homework on making one. There's a lot to factor into making one of these bad boys.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: ~:Dhruv:~ on August 22, 2009, 06:07:25 AM
i agree with darkshot , unless this is for looks only ie not much of music... then yeah go ahead... otherwise there is a reason why making guitars is an art.....
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: DarkShot on August 22, 2009, 06:26:00 AM
Yeah, believe it or not there's a :censored:ton of math involved with both the making of music and musical instruments.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: H-Sauce on August 22, 2009, 10:23:33 AM
I disagree with part of your statement.

Musical instruments do need a lot of maths involved. Music on the other hand...

I make music as a hobby, and I have not come into contact with a single bit of maths in my time as a producer.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: PhenomenalDesigns on August 22, 2009, 10:30:30 AM
I disagree with part of your statement.

Musical instruments do need a lot of maths involved. Music on the other hand...

I make music as a hobby, and I have not come into contact with a single bit of maths in my time as a producer.
For a guitar, the frets need to correlate with the length of the strings, and its a very complex equation for each string, and you need very good precision too
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: DarkShot on August 22, 2009, 10:49:13 AM
I disagree with part of your statement.

Musical instruments do need a lot of maths involved. Music on the other hand...

I make music as a hobby, and I have not come into contact with a single bit of maths in my time as a producer.

If you look at it from a very technical aspect, it is. For the most part, we don't think about it. Our brains figure out the things that matter for us. My point was also correlating with Dhruv's post. Making music is an art, and it comes naturally to some. Making guitars, or any other fine crafts involves a specific talent, and is also an art. Not everyone can make guitars or make music. Thats all.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: H-Sauce on August 22, 2009, 03:40:26 PM
I understand that is is going to be one hell of a task, but it will be the satisfaction of completing it and playing it.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: DarkShot on August 22, 2009, 06:09:43 PM
Alrighty. Good luck!
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: PhenomenalDesigns on August 27, 2009, 12:11:14 PM
I understand that is is going to be one hell of a task, but it will be the satisfaction of completing it and playing it.
You could always just buy a electric, take it apart, strip the paint off the body, then using spare wood (Try use the same wood as the original wood, cheaper guitars use plywood btw) and alot of wood filer and super glue, you can create a custom shape, then paint over it

Ive done it, works awesomely
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: ryan0 on August 27, 2009, 01:32:25 PM
Dude you'll be more than a few weeks making an eletric guitar from scratch.
guitar's have no margin of error,if you mess up the spacing on your frets by even a mm,it won't play.If the neck radius isn't perfect,your'se screwed.
It took me 6 months to build a superstrat from parts,there was alot of custom work like trim,inlays,floyd rose etc. etc.
if you're making it from scratch you need to buy jigs and specialist tools,my friend is a luthier,he spent 400 euro for just the basic jigs.
If you need advice on anything to do with guitars give me a shout,if there's anybody on here who knows anything about building guitars,it's me.
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: H-Sauce on August 30, 2009, 09:07:09 AM
I doon't have the money for this, and it seems to be much harder than I first thought.

Do I need to say anymore?
Title: Re: My new project over the next couple of weeks.
Post by: gamerdude767 on August 30, 2009, 12:49:47 PM
i told you earlier! Build a custom snare drum!! its cheap to do and easy to make... plus if you know the right people you could make a fair £££
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