Acid Mods Community Area
=> Welcome Guests and New Members => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: dedafmonteur on October 14, 2009, 08:48:41 AM
who doesn't know me isn't a real member.
nuff said i think
your from the country of europe right?
Yes i am, it's a big country and we CAN speak english fluently.
and german
and french
and dutch
and south african (my mother is from south
well i can speak about 4 differant dialects of english... maby more
who you!
im deda
im .robin - my emoticon is better than dedas
im Bud
i dont have one but it dosnt matter cuz my name is better
We should make bud an emoticon. A big texas flag lol
F that
id like a state of texas icon with the flag as the state background with dallas stared. but thats what id like.
make him n emoticon with a dude that is rocking with a huge amount of fuzzy
nice one deda!
yea thats what my hair use to be.
srry deda i just jacked your thread with style
we need to find a little yellow smiley face with a afro! THE HUNT IS ON!
lol that'll be a fun emoticon :)
did anyone say .bud.gray
hey that rhymes
( i approve. but i have to use img img
thx doug
but prob my fav smiley
thx doug
but prob my fav smiley
id have to agree, and hey i didnt know your from Texas, im from Fort Worth
yea dallas here. i hate driving to fort worth. i had a teacher that drove from fort worth to dallas to teach high school.