
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => XBOX 360 => 360 Controllers / 360 Rapid Fire Controllers => Topic started by: mikespartian114 on October 14, 2009, 07:33:57 PM

Title: controler salvage???
Post by: mikespartian114 on October 14, 2009, 07:33:57 PM
what is the best way to get paint off w.o. gamaging the shell. i painted perfect with clear coat, i thought it was dry but i ended up grabing it with both hands :(
Title: Re: controler salvage???
Post by: CustomzModz on October 14, 2009, 07:52:17 PM
Use a very find grit sand paper. Sand it down(not completely though). Then wet sand it. Using the same grit sand paper, scrub the controller while some water is flowing on it. It may not come completely off but it should reveal the original color of the shell.
Then whatever paint is left...spray over a primer coat before adding the base colors.
PS. Don't start until you get more options.

Title: Re: controler salvage???
Post by: spurgurgle on October 15, 2009, 02:56:46 AM
dunno bout this but wouldnt soaking it in som sort of paint thinner/ stripper work or at least soffen the paint so it's easier to get off???
Title: Re: controler salvage???
Post by: Modded Matt on October 15, 2009, 10:31:47 AM
the problem with too much paint thinner/stripper is it can eat at the plastic of the shell. like custom said, you can try to wet sand just the clear down, and reclear it. or most likely you need to sand it back down and start the paint process over.

with a car, we would wet sand the clear with 2k-4k sand paper and reclear coat it, but you need to do the whole quater pannel to keep it from flashing. (flashing is when the repair spot stands out from the rest of the paint.)
Title: Re: controler salvage???
Post by: laxboy on October 15, 2009, 01:34:16 PM
i have a extra shell that i can send you if you want or i would do what customz said
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