
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: imranh101 on November 21, 2009, 06:16:41 PM

Title: Non Functioning L Button...
Post by: imranh101 on November 21, 2009, 06:16:41 PM
Hey guys, Im new here.
I am having trouble with my PSP 2000
L Button feels right, doesn't work.
I opened up my PSP and looked and it looked right, pulled it off it's little "shelf" looks right... The contact is being made.
After 10 minutes of fooling with it, the button worked for 5 seconds, but then didnt work again and still hasn't since. after another 20 minutes of trying, still nothing, so gave up and closed it up.
I'll open it up again tonight ifsomeone can tell me what's wrong?
Also, now whenever I put my clear plastic case on the screen goes off... Most likely I didnt put the plug all the way back in, right? So Just need to make sure its all the way in?
I can play with the case off, so that's not a worry if nothing else i'll play without the case
Thanks in advance, I hope the L button is fixable cause it's hard to play a lot of games without it (LBP  :cry2:)
Title: Re: Non Functioning L Button...
Post by: Tri-edge on November 21, 2009, 06:25:03 PM
it's fixable.  you just need to order a new dpad film (I think that's what it's called)
 Right_Left_Button_Bar_Membrane_Flex_Ribbon_Cable__for_PSP_2000 (http://Right_Left_Button_Bar_Membrane_Flex_Ribbon_Cable__for_PSP_2000)
They have them at dealextreme too but I can't find it right now.

you shouldn't be having a problem with the screen like that.  Just make sure everything is set up the way it's supposed to be and hopefully it will be fine.  also try and make sure all the screws are tight on the outside of the case.
Title: Re: Non Functioning L Button...
Post by: imranh101 on November 21, 2009, 06:36:35 PM
Gah! Is there any way to fix it without buying something?
I can't buy online, especially from Deal Extreme :(
Its just... Not possible. Because of my dad.
I have tons of electric parts from old controllers an the likes if that helps...
Im somewhat handy with a soldering iron... i dont know what else to say :(
Title: Re: Non Functioning L Button...
Post by: Tri-edge on November 21, 2009, 07:09:49 PM
Gah! Is there any way to fix it without buying something?
I can't buy online, especially from Deal Extreme :(
Its just... Not possible. Because of my dad.
I have tons of electric parts from old controllers an the likes if that helps...
Im somewhat handy with a soldering iron... i dont know what else to say :(

you can try cleaning the film but that is either:
A) going to do nothing
B) make it worse
C) on some rare off chance it will work. 

I'm thinking it's going to be B because I don't know what cleaning solutions will do to the film.  I suspect it being dirty is the problem and the best solution is just to replace it.

Try to find someone who can order online and get them to do it for you.  or else talk to your dad and see if he understands.
Title: Re: Non Functioning L Button...
Post by: Sanctus on November 21, 2009, 08:08:48 PM
I had the exact same problem multiple times. Sometimes it can be that the ribbon cable is not plugged into the zif connector correctly so check that first. When I had this problem it tends to be that theres a break in the film at the narrow part before the L or R button pad. Your only option really is to buy a new one. You may be able to get it working if it's only dirty or the break isn't that bad. Just play around with it and see if you can get any response. If not then sorry but you have to buy a new ribbon cable. If you can't buy from deal extreme, focal price ( sells them too. I bought mine from there and they work great. Good luck
Title: Re: Non Functioning L Button...
Post by: Tri-edge on November 21, 2009, 11:42:03 PM
sanctus I already gave him the link to the focalprice one.
Title: Re: Non Functioning L Button...
Post by: Sanctus on November 23, 2009, 08:48:14 PM
sanctus I already gave him the link to the focalprice one.
Your link was fail lol
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