Buy - Sell - Trade => Modders For Hire => MFH Requests => Topic started by: Barnsey on December 12, 2009, 04:13:14 AM
basically what im looking for, like many other people :P, is a controller like spurgurgles mod off entry.
but instead of multicoloured player leds i want blue and white, and aswell as the dpad swapping colours with player led the dome aswell.
i would like the controller to be black with clear trim with blue and white leds that swap with player leds aswell.
obviously lit abxy, start, back, dome, dpad and triggers
rapid fire:
both triggers with big buttons in the usual spot. i don't know what the best code is at the moment so im open to suggestion.
if you've got msn i could probably better explain it.
i've already pm'd spurgurgle but if he's not able to do it then i need someone else :P
what kind of price am i looking at?
if theres no-one in the uk then i can ship overseas but only as a last resort.
Yo man - Lets see a pic of what you want it like and I will maybe do it for you :)
-,33309.0.html (,33309.0.html)
theres his thread.
Hi dude,
any chance you could do me a 360 controller mod with ps3 internals?
Radioactive - Please make a new thread if you require a modder for hire.
Could a mod/admin please delete this thread, as Barnsey has already got a modder.
Radioactive - Please make a new thread if you require a modder for hire.
Could a mod/admin please delete this thread, as Barnsey has already got a modder.
instead of deleting the thread as this will make your post count go down.....
barnsey or a admin could lock it so people like me dont bump it like this.....
Its not about amount of posts.. its about the quality of your posts.
but yeah good idea :p