Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: robin1989 on December 16, 2009, 03:13:13 PM
now i want to know what you will or have taught oyur children. and by that i dont mean the morals etc etc i mean like what parts of your childhood and culture will you show your children. like the 10 movies you will watch with your kid or the 10 bands etc. or even what toys from your past you will show them and play with them.
here are a few ideas i have about what to show my kids when i have some
star wars
toy story
big daddy
iron man
land before time
the godfather
finding nemo
scale electrix
lie to me
tom and jerry
#1- How to solder :D
Pokemon. nuff said
How to make money.
how to fly
how to solder
how to play guitar
how to fly again :tup:
deffinitly how to make money
coding in diffrent langauges
how to get girls bud
get money
get women
teach him conservatives and liberals suck :censored:
Teach him how to use the "search" button so he doesn't hlask stupid questions on here.
Loling hard at these.
Pokemon. nuff said
learn my kid cars suck and trucks
wow, missed that bit about culture... had one big freakin' list...
as far as culture goes... I'm not really sure I would want to teach my kid about much past the year 2000... lol
classic greek, roman, indian, middle eastern, and asian literature, mostly philosophical, social and religious texts
classic western lit like shakespeare, poe, carroll, etc...
classic movies from people like hitch:censored: and kubrick. classic movies with actors like marilyn, sinatra, hepburn, etc. and of course modern classics like star wars, the godfather, etc...
classical music, bach, beethoven, handel, etc. and classic music by people like the rat pack and of course all the music that I grew up listening to, from classic rock to punk...
Old school video games like Atari, NES, original arcade machines...
my favorite toy, Legos...
way too much to name it all... I figure I'll have 10 years or so where they actually understand me and actually listen to me so it'll be a lot to cram in, after all in the US I know I'll have to be the one to educate my kids since the US school system sucks so bad and this country has no culture other than materialism...
this country has no culture other than materialism...
Sad but true. I will teach my kids how to be green lol.!
Green is good just don't go off the grid lol you can't effectively undermine the system from outside of it, lol
if you want to be green than don't buy a prius....lo
if you drive a lot of miles on the highway than just buy a smaller car like ford focus or a diesel. a prius uses the same amount of fual on the highway as a V6.
the # 1 thing my kid way have to learn is to speak chinese because it better to know more then langue. Some chinese people that are born in america or canada dont even know chinese.
Pokemon. nuff said