Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => Spam & Chat => Topic started by: ra1n on January 13, 2010, 07:29:33 PM
omg i am soooo so so soo sorry about not being here in awhile.. a long while.
ok 1st off i disappeared because i had summer school to get ahead then went to florida almost unexpectedly for summer break(this was like a year ago) and then when i got back i spent most of my time with friends, and then when school got back i had too much to do.
let me give u a list of my school activities that kept me away:
tech theater
biology assistant
english aid
book club
ap chem
ap algebra 2
english 3
pre-ap computer science
yea its a big list >_< so i like almost never get any free time, and when i ever do i'm spending it with my bf(omg hes the sweetest <3) so i'm rarely ever on the computer but when i do i'm typing an essay or doing research or something ugh
so yea thats why i'm almost never on anymore, i'm sorry everyone. oh and i said temporarily is because i still have school, and i got some me time finally and i found my psp and it reminded me of u guys. oh and i forgot my msn password :fear: i'll work on it. i know i've been on msn a few times since i been gone but i didn't get a chance to say hi to everyone.
so tell me acidmods... whats new? ^^
temporarily D: D: !!
Deda is admin again.
Robin changed my avatar D: .
We got a few new members.
Robin (Mactastic) Is now owner of the site.
Umm, I can't think too early o_O
Hey ra1n !
Great to have u back after such a long time. The site has had some changes , a redesign of sorts as you can see. Deda is back as admin and i'm local mod.
Hope you stay for a while this time...
awesome i was here for the owner change :)
pretty pony :P
So will you still mod?
the last I remember you had that phat psp, with black trim blue LEDS etc.?
Damnit sounds like you've been busy =P Go on MSN more often!
So will you still mod?
the last I remember you had that phat psp, with black trim blue LEDS etc.?
that was stolen like awhile :( i loved it my 1st psp but i did have a slim however the the home row does work and its a mobo problem i think, its in box under my bed, never fnished modding it, and never got my uv leds. and i have another phat that i've gotten from my friend haven't done anything to it.
Damnit sounds like you've been busy =P Go on MSN more often!
i'll try ^^ that is if i can remember my password >_> still working on it
Good luck. Need a home bar? I think I've got one laying around here.
We missed you,
nothing crazy happend recently, im a mod, and is Dhruv...theres a portal and random other things.
lyk omzg its teh ra1n...
No offense but i didn't know you before so frankly it's not that big of a deal to me... :D
But other than that, it's good that you're alive, and not somewhere else like learning.
I have the same :censored:ty position..
kicks came out of the closet ra1n LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! jk
Welcome back, last thing I remember you were telling me you couldn't enter the old art competition because of school.
hey hows it going - you do sound hella busy
who r u?
who r u?
Basically the only girl on the forum, the introduce yourself board mod, etc.
is that like a boy with long hair?
god im
Good luck. Need a home bar? I think I've got one laying around here.
no thanks i think its a mobo problem
yea i was really busy, of course deda u would be confused.
missed u guys ^-^
no thanks i think its a mobo problem
yea i was really busy, of course deda u would be confused.
missed u guys ^-^
Missed you too =P
Hm. What kind of PSP is it?
hey welcome back
missed u guys ^-^
o hai, i herd you liek acidmodz.
Missed you too =P
Hm. What kind of PSP is it?
a slim
Damn I don't have a motherboard for a slim.
APCS, yeah! I failed the AP test (got a 2) but whatever. I have a degree in C.S. now haha.
Do they teach you C++ or Java now?
hey rain do you have xbox live?
SOEMONE explain to me who she/he/it is!!!:P
do you liek mudkipz?
ohai welcome back ra1n! are you the same ra1n that let my iPhone be jailbroken with the blue charging battery?! i R big fan if so. (
i r da fan she holding.
welcome back ra1n.... :D
the rain is back
APCS, yeah! I failed the AP test (got a 2) but whatever. I have a degree in C.S. now haha.
Do they teach you C++ or Java now?
no they don't, so far only binary ad darkbasic i think its a failure of a class
ohai welcome back ra1n! are you the same ra1n that let my iPhone be jailbroken with the blue charging battery?! i R big fan if so. ( r da fan she holding.
i don't think so... if i was i don't remember its been a long time
the rain is back
welcome back ra1n.... :D
thanks guys :)
lol it was a joke ra1n. the name of the JB program for 3.1.2 (the most recent FW) is called blackra1n. XD