Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => XBOX 360 => 360 Controllers / 360 Rapid Fire Controllers => Topic started by: gamerdude767 on January 16, 2010, 10:39:14 AM
Does anyone know where there are other points where i can solder to to hook up the analog potentiometers on the controller board? When i was de-soldering the analog stick a few bits of trace came off with it. (the bits are where the 3 pins from the potentiometer solder to?
If you understand what i mean and can help that would be great!
Thanks Scott
RDC just posted his trace drawing here in the pad section so check them out they should help alot.....
I have but it doesn't show what i want it to.
ok what pad type are you using and what traces do ya need... i might be able to help as im working on something that involves trace the pad traces...
Controller type is Cg. And do you know the 3 holes where the potentiometer for the analog stick goes in? well when i was de-soldering it my pump was too strong and pulled the trace off.. so i cant solder the 3 potentiometer pins on.
Also ive looked for a trace from them points and cant find one.. i was wondering if there was another circular point for them?
left or right anolog and was it the top or side pot?????
Left analog stick.. and it was a bit of both really :/
cool give me a bit of time n ill trace them out for ya.....
Alright, Cheers mate!
ok so mayy take a bit of time i need to strip down a old cg board i have but will av it dont some time this evening for ya :tup:
ok so here they are i aint completely tracked the traces but should be enough for what ya need
(click here for full size image) (
(click here for full size image) (
thank man!
ok gamer so i added the analog click trace in aswell as a basic wiring on the analog itself to reduce the wires down to 5.