Acid Mods Community Area
=> Previous Contests => Competitions & Mod Offs => Spring mod off 2010 => Topic started by: Modded Matt on March 12, 2010, 11:13:51 AM
The time has come around again for another Acidmods mod off competition. This mod off is open to any console you chose to enter. If it plays a game it is eligible. This contest will begin today 3/12/10 and will end on 5/1/10 this is ample time for you to order and build your modded console. Good luck to everyone.
Here is the set of rules
1. CONSOLES must be stock. All previous mods (if any) Must be removed prior to the mod off. A picture with the date of your first entry post in it of the un-modded console must be posted.
2. START date is Friday the 12th of March and ends on the 1st of May. All modded consoles must be finished by the 1st or they will NOT be counted, a video showing that the console functions is required.
3. JUDGING will be done through a three part scoring system, mods will be judged and earn points for originality, functionality, and cosmetics. The console with the highest score wins. All staff other than admin are allowed to compete, however competitors will not be allowed to judge.
4. NEW MODS will score more points originality points and should be noted in the opening title thread. These type of mods will score the most points
5. FUNCTIONALITY MODS as well as VISUAL MODS will score standard points
6. VIDEO OR PICTURE Log of how you are coming along is required. Unless you have a reason for not having one, your entry may be considered for disqualification if you do not include a log of your work.
7. ENTRIES must be posted in there own topic titled:
[console][forum name] Title of mod
e.g. [360][Chives] Codename Skylight
you may enter more than once but each entry must have its own separate topic and each topic must meet the rules of the competition.
8. SPAM don’t cloud competitors thread with questions. Use the comment thread or pm system if you have questions.
Any questions feel free to drop me a PM.
Did I leave anything out??…oh yea prizes..
As of now we have not picked up a sponsor for the mod off. A sponsor would be a reputable online mod shop who would put up merchandise in exchange for advertising space on the site during the competition. Please contact me or Robin directly if you qualify and are interested.
As of 3/12/10 the prizes are cash via paypal and mod chips
First place prize:
$50 paypal deposit
4 mode mode RF mod chip for console of choice
Second place:
$30 paypal deposit
4 mode RF mod chip for console of choice
Third place:
$20 paypal deposit
4 mode RF chip for console of choice.
Have fun
Rules may be adjusted as seen fit by admin. Prize structure may change slightly if a sponsor is picked up, however cash prizes will remain and are guaranteed
hey matt waz up nice 2 meet u, being new here and new to the mod off im interested. i have never participated before so im not sure and have no idea on wat 2 do i know u explain a little on the mail u send but im still a little confused.
can u redirect me to any previous mod offs that had been done before just 4 i can get an idea on what 2 do :beg:i want to make sure i do the right thing i dont want to embaresed my self.
i hope is not any trouble 4 asking :dntknw:
so on 5-1-10 where would i show my device? do i post it on a section?
do i show progress as im building the mod?
take pics of my work and post daily?
:dntknw: :dntknw: :dntknw: :dntknw: :dntknw: :dntknw: :dntknw: :dntknw: :dntknw:
ok thanx ill b waiting 4 an update. :hifive: :tup: :tup: :victory:
no problem,
You can start at any time, post a pic of the unmodded console with YOUR start date. You can start at any time, just be done on time.
post your work log here:,455.0.html (,455.0.html) (dont have to be daily, unless you work on it daily, just post updates as you go along) start a new thread, and title it accordingly, [system][your name]name you dubbed your mod example: [360][Wicked x Joshs] Radiation
document as much as you can in pics or video as you go along
have fun
on 5/1/10 I will lock all topics, you must be done before then. I will then move them to the voting area.
How will the judging be done?
no problem,
You can start at any time, post a pic of the unmodded console with YOUR start date. You can start at any time, just be done on time.
post your work log here:,455.0.html (,455.0.html) (dont have to be daily, unless you work on it daily, just post updates as you go along) start a new thread, and title it accordingly, [system][your name]name you dubbed your mod example: [360][Wicked x Joshs] Radiation
document as much as you can in pics or video as you go along
have fun
on 5/1/10 I will lock all topics, you must be done before then. I will then move them to the voting area.
I feel dumb asking this question, but even a member as new as me (joined yesterday I think) could start tomorrow as long as I am done as 5/1/10 and follow all of the other rules?
I feel dumb asking this question, but even a member as new as me (joined yesterday I think) could start tomorrow as long as I am done as 5/1/10 and follow all of the other rules?