Acid Mods Community Area
=> Previous Contests => Competitions & Mod Offs => Spring mod off 2010 => Topic started by: FOOKz™ on March 12, 2010, 07:00:07 PM
- Objective -
This is an Xbox that will have just all around bad-ass looking ascetics with a few special surprises soon to come!
- Master Plan -
- Get Window Cut out
- Paint It with UV Florescent Paint
- Plexi Glass CNC Router Design
- Internal Capture Card Mod
- Tri-Color ROL LED Mod
- XSATA Soft Mod Friendly Port
- Cup Holders (No, I'm serious)
- A Condom Dispenser
- Internal Flash Memory Mod
- Upgraded Heat sinks and CPU Fans
- Controller Battery Charger and Holster
- Astro A40 Gaming Headset Charger and Holster
- Internal Linksys 4 Port LAN Network Hub
- A Crap load of nonchalant LEDs Placed Randomly inside the Xbox
- Problems -
ROL Mod is not working
Broke my Capture card
DAY 1 -- [3/12/10]
Started with cutting the case of a brand new console in a bubble pattern like thick green goo. Also Cut into an older hard drive to plexi-glass that too.
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DAY 2 -- [3/13/10]
I Tried to throw together a ROL circuit really Fast.
DAY 3 -- [3/14/10]
Fine Tuning my Tri-State ROL circuit to work with a 4066 Bilateral and a 4011 NAND to act as an inverter to "invert colors" I will explain later.
Planning the color of paint today.
Had the Bright idea of integrating my Dazzle DVC 100 S-Video and AV Capture card into my Xbox360.
DAY 3 -- [3/15/10]
It was a nice Day So I decided to Paint it Green. The Green Paint has a special ingredient in it. I want you people to anticipate what it is so im not telling you.
Currently working out the problem with the ROL.
DAY 4 -- [3/17/10]
The Paint Finally Dried.
- Now its time to CNC a design on the plexi glass cover. I have to whip out Shop Bot and download some ideas.
- Also the ROL Mod needs to be fixed up a bit. (still under construction)
** At this Point Functional mods are at a stand-still. My ascetic mods are easy for me to do first.