i thought i'd go a bit retro with this mod off.... i plan on modding my old SNES
Planned mods:
-Move game cartridge slot
-Move power, reset and eject buttons
-Move controller ports
-fit a screen
-upgrade heat sink
-Large window
-Change power LED
-Spray case to make it look better
-Do something to the pad to match....
Work log:
First I dug out the old beast from my wardrobe... and tested it to make sure it was still working..... it was :tup:
Then took a screwdriver to it and opened it up...
next port of call is to clean up the case and decide what to do to it.........
Today i cracked out the dremel and started on moving the cartridge slot to the front of the console..
the parts after a bit of dremeling
slotted together
and with the game in there for effect......
so today i did a bit more work on the case...
the main cut on the case for a window
a bit more work on the new cartridge slot at the front not the top
the console closed up for the day.
i still need to tidy all the cuts up and fix the new cartridge slot togeather its all just rested there for now.....
haven't really done anything on this all week so i sat down for a bit today with my dremal, a file and some sand paper to smooth out the cut out for my window.....
and i also have found a psone screen on ebay... so will be able to progress further with this mod if i get it, and depending on how long it takes to get here....
Reserved for work log....
13/03/2010 - dug out the snes and took it apart after testing
14/03/2010 - first update complete... i started modding the case....
15/03/2010 - i did a bit more cutting of the case and mocked up the new cartridge slot.....
21/03/2010 - nothing much done this week just cleaned the cuts up a bit.....