Acid Mods Community Area
=> Spring mod off 2010 => Previous Contests => Competitions & Mod Offs => completed mod off entries => Topic started by: crazy-modder on March 18, 2010, 05:37:47 PM
Ok im not doing the AMERIBOX anymore.....I have been wanting to build another computer anyways. So i rummaged through some of my old video game systems and decided to build a micro pc in my nes case. Here is a list of parts i have on the way. I had to buy a 12v power adapter because theres no way to fit a small size psu inside the case...Its such a rip off just for that part. Im also going to keep the controller ports on the front of the case because im gonna get some adapters from so i can still use the original controllers=AWESOME!! And the power and reset buttons are of course going to be used.
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Ok, so i finally got the rest of my parts today from newegg. I will start assembly tomorrow on this beast. Lol well its not really a beast computer but its gonna be good for surfing the net and just every day tasks.
looking good, please rename your thread like everyone else
Ok so i made ALOT of progress today. I spent about 3 hours making sure the case will fit everything perfect. I moved around some of the original stand off so i could mount my mobo. Well i also made the disc area look pretty awesome by adding 10 blue 3mm leds and some plexiglass under the drive. Its still not completed yet because i got some more fans to add. but here are some pics
omg dude thats a sik idea hopes it works ut for you :). That NES PC might be better then my crappy normal one :D
Ya, its pretty awesome. I just got my retrousbs the other day and installed them. I will put up more pics this weekend of me playing some emulators with the original nes controllers. And yes its way better than the original nes lol, surf the internet and be able to play nes games. I am also working on making an internal wireless internet adapter by parting out an external and making it internal. Im about to rip it apart again because i thought of some other pretty awesome :censored: to install, such as a 6421 raid card, ck3(the one that connects to the 4 pin molex), and a pic programmer that would be flush with the outside of the case. :tup:
Ok so here are some pics of me playing super mario bros 3 on an nes emulator. Im using my retro usbs with the original nes controllers.
Ok so here is a video of my nes pc. I have never had it hook up to this tv until now, so the tv did not adjust properly to it, but you guys get the point....
NESPC.wmv (