
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: Arioch_76 on April 09, 2010, 03:49:35 PM

Title: Biohazard PSP
Post by: Arioch_76 on April 09, 2010, 03:49:35 PM
Hi all, I made this MOD with all parts in my drawers and it's not the cleanest MOD I made....

- Three LED in triggers > UV/Red/Yellow
- Three LED ligthing touch > UV/Red/Yellow
- 4 LED Yellow > UMD
- 2 LED Red > UMD
- 2 LED UV > UMD
- Yellow and Red LED Reactive to sound/Off/Allways On, with 2 switch 3 status
- UV LED Reactive to sound/Off/Allways On/ Reactive to MS, with 1 switch 3 status and one two status
- Custom UMD Door :)

Video :

Biohazard PSP (

Pic :

UMD door






























Video Soon

Post Merge: April 13, 2010, 10:34:11 AM
The MOD is really bad???

Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: loboplayero on April 13, 2010, 10:36:59 AM
oh wow that's a nice mod that's is more likely my style I'm into LEDs but I'm having a few problems with my wires can u please tip me on which kind of wires you use it would help me a lot to finish up some mods I'm trying to do cuz of my wires is delaying me some of the wires r kind of thick.
Keep up the good work :hifive: is that 30 awg kynar wire? :taunt:
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: Arioch_76 on April 13, 2010, 11:15:56 AM
Thank for your comment, And yes it's 30 AWG for the wire  :tup:
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: tooandrew on April 13, 2010, 11:34:34 AM
dude yes. i was planning on making something like this for the phat. think there's enough space for the switch at the bottom in the phat? just traded a custom psp for a 360, my only phat left over has no case, just a working mobo no lcd or speakers or anything :/ and im sorta afraid to open my slim so i cant examine the phat at the moment. Could i replace the switch with a tact switch and a pic so i could have a push button mode cycle; can you use a pic to cycle other PIC's or is there not enough current? what say you? sorry i like modding but circuits still confuse me a bit

one last thing, the strip of like... metal strips that's next to the pcb with the PIC's on it, what is that for, is it just like a passthrough for the led's so they're not connected directly to the PIC?
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: Sanctus on April 13, 2010, 04:02:53 PM
You never seize to me amaze me. Another amazing clean mod. good job :)
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: robin1989 on April 14, 2010, 04:15:39 AM
thats very nice mod - i like it very much
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: Modded Matt on April 14, 2010, 04:18:30 AM
nice mod dude!! I think its great
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: atomicareprise on April 15, 2010, 01:07:51 AM
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: Arioch_76 on April 22, 2010, 10:37:27 AM
Hi in first thanks a lot for your comments :)

And :

dude yes. i was planning on making something like this for the phat. think there's enough space for the switch at the bottom in the phat? just traded a custom psp for a 360, my only phat left over has no case, just a working mobo no lcd or speakers or anything :/ and im sorta afraid to open my slim so i cant examine the phat at the moment. Could i replace the switch with a tact switch and a pic so i could have a push button mode cycle; can you use a pic to cycle other PIC's or is there not enough current? what say you? sorry i like modding but circuits still confuse me a bit

one last thing, the strip of like... metal strips that's next to the pcb with the PIC's on it, what is that for, is it just like a passthrough for the led's so they're not connected directly to the PIC?

Hi so for the Phat yes you have enough space, but the slim have much space  take a look for the phat :


But if you need more space, you can find between the WIFI board, and the mother board, like this :


For the Switch yes you can take a tact swich but you need a 4013 for remplace the the diagrams:


And I don't use PIC, it's LM386 for sound reactive MOD in the PSP :


metal strips are here for ease wiring, and it's veroboard :


Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: ApheX on April 22, 2010, 03:35:47 PM
I really love this psp. The time thats been taken to plan out all the wiring and placement of the mods is quite brilliant. It's a great example of a cleanly modded console.
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: K.A.O. on April 22, 2010, 04:06:25 PM
where can you get these? and what are these called?

Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: froggy on April 22, 2010, 04:07:20 PM
I Was Going To Ask Him The Same Thing
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: K.A.O. on April 22, 2010, 04:10:25 PM
lol i want to know
where can you get these? and what are these called?

Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: Arioch_76 on April 23, 2010, 12:07:46 AM
Hi so it's Stripboard ( for prototyping boards.
you can find in any electronics store, here a link ( to buy them on the net.

Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: rafaliyo86 on April 23, 2010, 03:13:32 AM
Ohhhh man, I love this psp
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: W-Gaming5 on April 24, 2010, 11:13:50 PM
 :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: Demonboy on April 25, 2010, 01:32:04 AM
dude yes. i was planning on making something like this for the phat. think there's enough space for the switch at the bottom in the phat? just traded a custom psp for a 360, my only phat left over has no case, just a working mobo no lcd or speakers or anything :/ and im sorta afraid to open my slim so i cant examine the phat at the moment. Could i replace the switch with a tact switch and a pic so i could have a push button mode cycle; can you use a pic to cycle other PIC's or is there not enough current? what say you? sorry i like modding but circuits still confuse me a bit

one last thing, the strip of like... metal strips that's next to the pcb with the PIC's on it, what is that for, is it just like a passthrough for the led's so they're not connected directly to the PIC?

bro ya there is.... the switch anyways.... all u gotta do is remove the right speaker from the place it sits at the bottom, and put it between the screen and the umd drive... it sounds a lil louder and opens up tht speaker compartment  :tup:
Title: Re: Biohazard PSP
Post by: nEoVaLoR on May 14, 2010, 01:40:02 AM
Very Clean. The added switch looks like its standard with the psp. Great Job!  :#1:
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