
Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Phat (1000) => Topic started by: fightfan311 on April 14, 2010, 07:49:52 AM

Title: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: fightfan311 on April 14, 2010, 07:49:52 AM
First off let me start by saying you guys have a sick as site here!
As for my problem:
Itried the lm386 sound mod on my psp 1001. I got everything wired up and it worked. When I put tried to put everything back together it was very tight and i i got nothing for leds. I took it back apart and decided to just do direct contact. Now when I power on, sometimes I get the psp to stay on and I just get a buzzing sound from the speakers and no display on the lcd and no leds. Sometimes it stays green only for a second them powers back off. I assume the latter is because of a short, but I have no Idea why the screen won't work and the speakers buzz. I'd love some feedback. Thanks!!
Title: Re: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: akomismo01 on April 14, 2010, 07:55:33 AM
it is probably a short.. try searching using a magnifying glass.. maybe u had llittle solder in your mobo.. that what happened to mine..
Title: Re: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: fightfan311 on April 14, 2010, 08:20:31 AM
I'll look the mobo over really well and see what I can see.
Title: Re: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: akomismo01 on April 14, 2010, 08:38:05 AM
if you want to be sure.. just remove first you chip and all wirings or dont connect your mod to the motherboard and try to turn on again,, if there is still a problem. .u need to search again..
Title: Re: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: fightfan311 on April 14, 2010, 10:08:20 AM
Alright, so I bridged the lcd fuse and got that working, now the only problem is the speakers do not work and the left one makes a constand buzzing sound!! It's not even getting a full volt of electricity...could this be a blown fuse as well?
Title: Re: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: akomismo01 on April 14, 2010, 11:40:10 AM
if it does not work.. maybe your right speaker contacts are shorted.. that what usually happens..

and im not really sure about the buzzing thing.. try soldering another speaker... and try if it has a buzzing sound.. if not.. then it is ur speaker..
Title: Re: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: fightfan311 on April 15, 2010, 05:57:59 AM
Does anyone know how much voltage I should be getting across the speaker contacts?
Right now I can't even get a full volt. The really strange thing is that I had all the stuff for the LM386 mod wired just like the diagram, going to the right speaker contacts and now both both right and left seem to be fu$%ed. It sure seems like a blown fuse but there isn't supposed to be one on the phat....BTW I have mobo TA-079. If anybody has any ideas I'd love to hear them.

Post Merge: April 16, 2010, 11:01:49 AM
Still stumped on this dumb speaker thing. How do I tell if I just blew the speakers?
Title: Re: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: LaserShark on April 28, 2010, 02:49:43 PM
you could wire the psp speakers up to a standard headphone jack to see if you blew them.
Title: Re: Wassup guys, I need a bit of help.
Post by: fightfan311 on April 28, 2010, 07:02:06 PM
you could wire the psp speakers up to a standard headphone jack to see if you blew them.
Good Idea
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