Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: loboplayero on April 18, 2010, 06:17:31 PM
ok i wanted to do something bright and nice so this yellow case did it its pretty bright i did the umd door cut 3 0603 leds one red on the back of the umd l and r buttons one red one yellow the gray trim i painted with candy apple red and also the buttons which they came out pretty good they almost look original. here it is is there is anything else i can do let me know. :laughing:
psp slim costume paint and case with led mod (
That looks pimp man, Love the red and yellow tint contrast scheme.
did you use the lm36 amp thingy or the direct connection method for the leds? also, i would add 2 to 3 more leds to the umd window for even lighting
i painting my psp neon green wow :O
ok it is direct contact i really wanted to do another led on back but im not that good with wiring if any one can help with directions hola at me, the lm36 amp i heard of it before but never exp using it im very interested on getting my hands on it where can i buy it!! is it expensive is it for sound or can it be use for other things.
you can buy them on ebay
no there cheap you can get 5 for a dollar
its for sound and leds i guess
is that the actual right name for it lm36?
I like my PSP's like my Mickey D's :D
that's why i said lm36 thingy, i didn't know what it was called and i couldn't be bothered to look it up. and as to wiring just wire them the same as the others. the thing that people need help with is managing to keep the wires neat inside the case. just use small peices of clear scotch tape and hot glue to keep them parallel to each other. ill link you to something to look at to try it shortly,35970.0.html (,35970.0.html)
i wouldn't necessarily wire the umd door like he did, but look at the wiring in the case, keep it like that and run it through the little hole in the bottom of the umd drive
Post Merge: April 18, 2010, 09:12:26 PM
use scotch tape to keep them parallel, making it one wide cable, like a mini ide cable, and small amounts of hot glue at short intervals to keep it against the case. unless you plan on modding it more, then just tape it down so you can remove the motherboard without desoldering
which wire is that one is that wire 30 awg kynar that wire that he got i want to get my hands on please :beg:
Retro sweetness
I love this. Very unique and looks great!
I must admit, it's an odd looking console, but there is something cheerful about it. While the lm386 chip is great for PSP 1000's, i would recommend using a 2n2222 transistor. it's a lot easier to install and it requires less power to run.
Intresting PSP, i quite like it.
you can get 30 awg kynar wire from ebay, i just bought some. also, radioshack. can anyone link me to a tut as to how to use a 2n2222 for sound reactive leds? I'm assuming it's as follows
Collector:power supply
Base: speaker positive
emitter: leds, then to either speaker neg or ground. correct?
you can get 30 awg kynar wire from ebay, i just bought some. also, radioshack. can anyone link me to a tut as to how to use a 2n2222 for sound reactive leds? I'm assuming it's as follows
Collector:power supply
Base: speaker positive
emitter: leds, then to either speaker neg or ground. correct?
Go here,27307.0.html (,27307.0.html)
Contrasting color scheme looks pretty coooool!
hey guys was uppppppp!!!!!!!!! so yeah baby is all about ACIDMOD ROCKIN!!! psp"s lol :hifive: was going on guys hope ya chillin i sent ya a big shout!! ya are :#1:
so i had mod this previous yellow psp 2000 and i did a case and paint mod so i sold it!! for about $275 and to tell ya the truth i started to miss it :cry2: so i was like :censored: im going to mod another one the same way!!! lmao so i did, i kind want it to make it special so i did it a little different i dind use paint i use the original god of war psp housing and and buttons which they came in great cuz they are red i was like yeah baby jackpot!!! so here it is i just finish it a few weeks ago and im posting it to share with ya. :hifive: HEY K.A.O WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THAT PSP ENGRAVING ON THIS ONE? with red leds on back flashing? should i give it a shot!! :tup: :laughing: PSP slim 2000 yellow and red 4 leds and red housing mod by lobo. (
hell yea.. try it give it a shot. but make sure you get a small cutting tool. i used a large dremel tool b.c thats all i had. thats why mine is a little ruff. soo give it a shot and be very care full. make sure you dont cut valuable plastic inside the psp shell that presses the nub against the mobo. thats what happened to me and i had to solder the nub to the mobo b.c the nub wasnt coming in contact with the mobo. so just be careful to where you carve out stuff. hope you do great!!