
Acid Mods Community Area => Previous Contests => Competitions & Mod Offs => Spring mod off 2010 => Topic started by: Modded Matt on April 19, 2010, 04:04:10 PM

Title: Spring mod off closing soon!!!!!
Post by: Modded Matt on April 19, 2010, 04:04:10 PM
If you have not noticed, (http://) is hosting another mod off. Any gaming console may be entered. I see a few xbox360's, a pc or two, even old Nintendo consoles are being given new life. There are only 10 days left until judging begins, so lets keep pushing to get these custom consoles done. We are looking forward to a great turnout on May 1st!!

good luck to all the competitors!!

If you would like to see the individual competitors work logs, they can be viewed here:,455.0.html (,455.0.html)

Title: Re: Spring mod off closing soon!!!!!
Post by: PspKicks316 on April 19, 2010, 04:07:05 PM
Wtf May 1st is 12 days from now
Title: Re: Spring mod off closing soon!!!!!
Post by: Modded Matt on April 19, 2010, 04:12:41 PM
LOL depends how you count it, but yea its soon
Title: Re: Spring mod off closing soon!!!!!
Post by: PspKicks316 on April 19, 2010, 04:34:51 PM
So you're not counting today and May 1st then lol

Does it have to be finished BY May 1st? Or ON May 1st?
Title: Re: Spring mod off closing soon!!!!!
Post by: SN!P3R on April 19, 2010, 05:54:33 PM
By may 1st
Title: Re: Spring mod off closing soon!!!!!
Post by: Modded Matt on April 20, 2010, 08:31:11 AM
ok here is the deal. may 1st is a saterday. and being as how I have a out of town trip scheduled for that weekend. I will not be here to close the threads on saterday. this task will be done when I return to my main computer at 7AM est monday morning technically the third. this time will vary based on where you live in the world. So I am asking everyone to have thier mods done on the first, but you will have sunday to get it posted if need be. come monday morning the competition will be closed no exceptions
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