Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Modded Matt on August 11, 2010, 06:17:31 AM
hello guys and gals,
another summer has passed and there has been another shift in the Acidmods member base. We still have plenty to offer, and we are growing everyday. I want to welcome all new members (as well as all our existing members and staff) I would also like to announce that over the next two weeks or so, We will be evaluating our staff and member groups. this is an effort to keep the site fresh, as well as to entice new members to become a part of something great.
the current active member groups are we will soon be evaluating and recruiting for are:
global mod (in charge of everyday activities of the site, these would be promoted from local mods)
local mod (in charge of a specific area)
blog and news team (news reporters for the front page)
art team (digital art, some assignments from admin/mods, but generally sig requests etc)
RND (this group requires nomination from an existing rnd member, and must show proficient modding skills)
new possible groups:
tipsters (these are people who take our work and tip off other news sites so we can get the word out about what is going on here at acidmods)
recruiters (these are people who are active in bringing in new members be it friends or members from other sites etc, they recruit members and show them the ropes.)
any existing member of the active groups you have two weeks to send me a pm, or sign up here to retain your position.
anyone who would like to sign up, please do so here, and list which group you are intrested in.
Keep in mind we are hoping for long term positions
Retaining positions, I don't post as much but I'm still keeping an eye on my little & very inactive area.
I wouldn't mind signing up for the globals, except probably be denied due to my inactivity at times.
i would like to be a local mod.
in the psp or ps3 scene
a pm has bin sent to u matt.... ill be back in action late october/ november to kick the RnD team into shape or rebuild a new team of eager new modders, coders......
:tup: spurg
Ok im gonna go for Local Mod for the Xbox 360 thread because im on the site 6+ times a day checking for new posts in that section. Unless i get a referal for RnD which prolly isnt gonna happen.
I'll stick wiu blogs and art... Will have art up and running soon.
I would go for Global Mod but I haven't been here long enough to manage the entire forums. Good luck to everyone who is applying though.
hidden, you are doing well where your, your position is safe.
sperg, well work it out.
I come on here every day, as well as many other news and electronics sites for general updates, etc.
I would happily be a tipster if you need any. Or part of the Blog and News team perhaps.
Very good job with the site so far! :#1:
does local mod gotta know how to do alot of stuff in that specific group?\
and i would apply for blog team im on the other blog sites enough some times 5 -6 times a day
it will surly help if the local mod of say psp's had common knowledge of psp's. but mainly the duty would be policing the area, and pointing people in the right direction or to the right people to get the help they need.
i would like to retain my news team place, that is if you want me :P
I would like to retain my spot on the RnD Team i haven't been to active this summer in modding but i get back home to Michigan in a week and i will start modding and posting again.
Also PM'ed
Matt we talked about this before and I'd like to stay in R&D even though I'm not active...
If you need a part time global, too, I'll always be around. I'm just not active haha.
then if u need epople ill like to help with the xbox 360 forum and if u need help on the blog team cause i view engadget kotaku and gizmodo like 6 - 7 times a day if not more
I'm trying to stay active in R&D but money is tight for me this summer because i have been taking computer programming classes (which aren't cheap).
There are many planned things to come that t0p8buZz and I have to work on :)
I'd like to be a local mod, preferably for General Discussion or another community board. I think I've been here long enough that I can handle it. :D
I would like to retain my position, I am on here most days. I should get back into modding around Christmas (after exams), also I might be interested in joining art team again.
I would like to retain my position, I am on here most days. I should get back into modding around Christmas (after exams), also I might be interested in joining art team again.
:D !
I would like to keep my r&d spot...
This just in! TwisTtheTwiTcH would like to retain his position on the Blogs & Media Team. More tonight at Eleven.
i would like to still be a global and run the b&m team. i just got my lappy charger today so i will start to be active again
unless my internet gets cut off *sigh*
I would like to retain my position now that I am back from my vacation.
Can I still be admin lol
Can I still be admin lol
that seriously made my day... thank you for that robin XD
Can I still be admin lol
No. Now leave.
(I'm just kidding, if you didn't notice.)
No. Now leave.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Alentris wasn't joking!
More tonight at eleven... Next story are your phones melting your brain? Some studies say maybe!
post to retain position. I have a job most of the day but I still log on every other day to check what's going on.
I try to be active everyday and do mah job, so it would be nice to retain this position.
Long shot, Old position back? [=