
Acid Mods Community Area => Discussion Boards => Music => Topic started by: H-Sauce on August 11, 2010, 02:14:18 PM

Title: About time somebody did it...
Post by: H-Sauce on August 11, 2010, 02:14:18 PM

Do you prefer chilled or filthy?

Whats your favorite song?

Favorite artist?

I don't have one, but the Circus Records lot (Cookie Monsta/Funtcase/Doctor P/Flux Pavillion), Tel Aviv lot (Borgore/Tomba/Whisker Twister), Bar9, Diesel and BananaBomber are the mutts nuts.

I also have just ordered GetDarker Presents: This Is Dubstep and pre-ordered This Is Dubstep Vol. 3.

Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: Cookie Monster on August 11, 2010, 02:43:29 PM
I was just thinking this NO JOKE. Dunno realy I prefer chilled but then again I can just as easily just jam to something dirtier. Confusion girl-jakwob remix, heatbeat- nneka chase and status remix. N ink their old but it still makes me go into a chilled trance
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: FOOKz™ on August 11, 2010, 03:37:54 PM
I like filth if it goes along with the song, unlike Rusko or Caspa's notorious wobble that has no rhythm to the song... Which may kill dirtier dubstep if they keep it up ;D

Flux Pavillion, Nero, and Sub Focus are definitely my favorite.
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: Cookie Monster on August 11, 2010, 04:34:03 PM
Ooo sub focus. How cud I forget. I like splash
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: Phantom on August 11, 2010, 06:18:25 PM
Dubstep alliance, excision, DATSIK, rusko, caspa, im into anything loud or with a dub/reggae feel to it

anyone seen chrispy on youtube? he does some pretty decent mixes
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: Cookie Monster on August 11, 2010, 06:38:47 PM
mt eden ftw
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: Phantom on August 11, 2010, 06:53:38 PM
yep, alot of good dubstep comin outa newzealand! :tup:
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: H-Sauce on August 12, 2010, 12:03:22 AM
I like the dirtier Rusko, stuff like "I Love You". That is amazing, although it sounds like it would just be some poppy trash.

Rusko- I Love You (

Drops at about 0:40, and it's beastly.

Also, what are peoples opinions on dubstep? Subfocus's remix of Rusko's Hold On (sounds like it would be crap, but he did it in a sort of Doctor P style, and turned it into drumstep. BananaBomber - Disgusting is also amazing.

Rusko - Hold On (feat. Amber Coffman) (Sub Focus Remix) (
Banana Bomber - Disgusting (
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: GhoSt on August 12, 2010, 01:12:18 AM
yea NZ dubstep is pretty good :D
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: FOOKz™ on August 13, 2010, 12:58:12 AM
We need some good dubstep here in the United States. I'm sick and tired of all those over played pop-radio songs and "classic" rock... it just gets SUPER boring.
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: FreeK on August 16, 2010, 03:32:15 PM

Do you prefer chilled or filthy? Filth usually, but it depends on my mood.

Whats your favorite song? its dubstep. there is no "favorites"

Favorite artist?

- Inspector Dubplate
- anything Circus Records
- Bar9
- anything really works.

I also have just ordered GetDarker Presents: This Is Dubstep and pre-ordered This Is Dubstep Vol. 3.

^ IM :censored:ING JEALOUS.

Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: H-Sauce on September 01, 2010, 03:34:36 PM
I also now Have Skreams album, Bar9 mix, and I pre-ordered Magnetic Man's album.
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: alentris on September 06, 2010, 12:11:28 PM
Dirty Dubstep is legit, and Excision has to my favorite dubstep artist... Can this be a hardstyle thread too tho? Because that :censored: is sooooo cash.

Excision & DatsiK - Swagga (

Excision - Know You (

DJ Showtek - FTS (:censored: the system) (

Skrillex - WEEKENDS!!! (feat. Sirah) (

Borgore - Nympho (FULL) (

And the obligatory...
Dubstep Santa (
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: frenulem - No.5417 on September 07, 2010, 12:24:22 AM
Only just started listening to abit of dub, been a metalhead....still am, but i do love me abit of dubstep, what are the sub-genres and stuff?
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: H-Sauce on September 08, 2010, 12:08:26 PM
No sub-genres. There are two distinct styles, but that's it (mellow or filthy). It's still dubstep, which is all about diversity. Unless you're an elitist :censored:.

@Alentris: go make a hardstyle thread, it is amazing, but I wanted just a dub thread :3

And btw, that skrillex track is electro I think. Definitely not dubstep.

And have you got Excision's Shambhala mix? It's amazing!
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: alentris on September 08, 2010, 12:47:54 PM
No sub-genres. There are two distinct styles, but that's it (mellow or filthy). It's still dubstep, which is all about diversity. Unless you're an elitist :censored:.

@Alentris: go make a hardstyle thread, it is amazing, but I wanted just a dub thread :3

And btw, that skrillex track is electro I think. Definitely not dubstep.

And have you got Excision's Shambhala mix? It's amazing!
Yeah ik not many of them are dubstep, we already went over this... But they have a few parts that are like dubstep and I wanted to post em anyways :3
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: H-Sauce on September 09, 2010, 08:12:58 AM
Ah sorry, I got you mixed up with someone else, stupid facebook -_- :L
Title: Re: About time somebody did it...
Post by: frenulem - No.5417 on September 09, 2010, 02:49:25 PM
Modestep - Sunlight (
I think i prefer the mellower stuff, when I listen to the dirtier stuff i allways end up going back to A7X lol

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