Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: Sammy on September 29, 2010, 05:13:38 PM
ok i have a extra psp slim mother board thats not working. when i put it in and turn it on nothing when i plug it into a charger still nothing, different battery NOthing. nothing works. so i saw a turtorial on how to fix it and you had to bridge the power fuse so i tested the fuse with a multimeter thing and i got nothing so i tryed to bridge and then tryed to turn it on and... NOTHING? anyone know what i should do? i think its at 5.50genA cfw right now not sure though it hasent worked in a while. please help
If you tried modifying something on the board before it stopped working, try searching the board for any solder blobs that might be connecting two things that aren't supposed to be connected, thus shorting the motherboard. I have also seen someone's mobo who didn't work because there was a piece of kynar wire stuck in a zif connector. Also swap out your powerboard. Let me know what happens once you try these.
ive never done any mods on this before there is a small thing of solder on the power fuse i bridged but it wasent working before i put it there i didnt see any thing else and, what's a power board?
the power board is the /\, X, [], and O board. the one with the power switch. make sure the ribon camble from the power board to the mobo in clean and secure. try cleanign the ribbon cable connections. greas from your fingers or even dust can block a connection.
ive replced every part in the psp but the screen and umd drive but ill try to blow and clean out where those plug in :tup: thanks