Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PS3 => PS3 Slim => Topic started by: ps3slim tuner on October 27, 2010, 12:35:48 PM
Here is my new ps3 slim mod. i have painted in white. under the ps3 are 49 smd led´s in blue.
and one rgb led is in the blueray cd rom.
sorrry for my bad english :beg:
here are the pics:
Looks amazing ive been debating on taking mine apart and painting it. If you dont mind me asking what type of paint did you use? Ive painted a lot of controllers and used krylon fusion but havent ever painted a ps3. Thanks
i would stick with krylon fusion. only becuase i know it IS 100% compatiable(<-spelling?) with plastic..
Great job man!!! :tup:
Pretty impressive touch on the PS3 slim, I been wanting to mod one myself, hopefully when the winter mod off comes around I can. Nice work . Great Job
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Wow, thats pretty impressive. Mind if I ask how you mounted the LEDs, and where your pulling your power from?
i did something similar with the vent on my fat ps3
Wow, thats pretty impressive. Mind if I ask how you mounted the LEDs, and where your pulling your power from?
im guessing he probably took power from either the power supply or the usb ports.
Well, I ask because I dont want to pull from the USB ports. I actually use them. lol Im still looking for a good pinout of either the mainboard, or the power supply, so I can see where I can pull power from safely.
I have plans for somewhere in the vicinity of 130, SMD LEDs. Im doing mine a bit differently, like run the lights down the side, rather than across the front. Better shown when I have one side done, but need a power source, that wont interfere with anything else. And yes, Im keeping my BR drive in. Its necessary to have a disc inserted when playing some games from my HDD.