Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP Slim (2000) => Topic started by: naphy on December 02, 2010, 08:37:10 AM
I'm going to make sound reactive mod in psp slim tomorrow but the problem is I can't find any transistor here in doha qatar. Any please help Can i make sound reactive led without transistor? what is the purpose of transistor. please i need urgent reply if i can make it without transistor.. I will post here after i finish the mod.. THANKS
Here is the photo. (
i'm not a psp modder, but transistors are used as either an electronic switch or to increase the current, in this case i think it is to increase the current, so i doubt you could do it without the transistor, you could try but the LEDs will either be very dark or not come on at all
You can most certainly make sound reactive leds with a transistor. A transistor is just a relay with no moving parts. It works of electrical pulses. Im not a psp modder so im not sure how to install it on a psp. But you can buy pretty cheap kits for the psp i think.
hey man sup welcome to am!!! so i see that this is your first mod dont go to crazy sound reactive leds is the easiest for you now. transistor are use to increase power or brightness on your leds and than you got resistors for example a 10 ohm resistor which is use to prevent blowing a fuse , i really reccomend you to use one on a slim especially if you doing this mod. there is a few tut in this forum that can help you and give you an idea on what you want 2 do just go to search bar and type in the info.
ok here is a psp 2000 that i put all sound reactive leds with one 10 ohm resistor PSP slim 2000 yellow and red 4 leds and red housing mod by lobo. (
have never used resistors or transistors. My LEDs work fine :).
Yeah, i think you would be able to hook leds straight up to the speakers. Every time the speaker hits, the leds would flash. Kinda like when people hook up an led to a rumble motor on a xbox 360 controller. Everytime the rumble motor activates, the led flashes. Its such a poinless mod though lol....As i said before though, ive never worked on psp so lobo would probably be the guy to talk to. But try and hook up an led to the speaker and see what happens.
this is called the direct contact mod. or direct contact leds. I think jumbo did the tut along time ago. yes just solder the leds to the speaker leads.
this can be very complex:,36378.0.html (,36378.0.html)
or simple:,22685.0.html (,22685.0.html)
i recommend atleast one 10 ohm resistor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially if you adding leds no resistor you got a chance on blowing your sound fuse!!! 3 of 5 of my slims psp the sound fuse blew out due to no resistance trust me!! now on a psp 1000 is a better chance on not using a resistor. :hifive: use a 10 ohm resistor ok better safe than sorry!
I use 12volts LED red color Because i cant find lower Volts here in our Country. And the Led is not that good the bright is not enought and it's not blinking. when i open my psp the lights is on when i played music it's not blinking. but when i press the silent button the lights turn off.. My sound fuse is still working and not Short circuit.. i use 1000 omh. no resistor 8 Red Led with 12volts.. Can anyone help me how can i make it Sound reactive??
nobody can help you, throw the 12v leds away. order the correct ones. must be under 5v
hey go ahead and do it with a resistor if you want to but i did three psps just sodering to the speakers leads with no problems at all just use smds :0603 ,0805 or 1206's to do your modthey are low voltage LED's
a resistor isn't going to help. a resistor is used to lower the source voltage to match the voltage required by the LEDs, it's not going to make the voltage required by the LEDs to lower to match the source voltage.
if a jobs worth doing, its worth doing right.
get the right LEDs and do it right or don't do it at all...
Yeah just wire them up directly to the speakers. thats what i did and it works great. dont bother with any resistors or transistors.
just be sure to hook them up properly with all exposed wire covered otherwise you WILL blow your sound fuse.