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=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: frenulem - No.5417 on December 10, 2010, 02:32:19 PM
Think you know electronics? do this
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then from page 10+ are the answers
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Post your scores, no cheating
was never very good with written questions..well the questions wee not the issue its more about the written aswers
1. 9
2. 10
3. 4
4. 11
5. 10
44 points ou of 60
good thing it wasnt spelling, or deducted points for spelling hahah
I just gave up after the 3rd question initially lol went back and kind of finished, and didn't do too well but mostly cause i couldn't be bothered to write out some answers...
1. 8
2. 7
3. 3
4. 7
5. 2
27 out of 60... lol you can obviously tell what sections I just didn't bother much with...
1. 10
2. 12
3. 11
4. 11
5. 9
I did not get the highest scoring for the long explanation questions. I also want to say that there were 2 small questions that I had answered incorrectly to the answer sheet but I gave myself the credit for it becuase the questions themselves were so poorly stated that if I had understood what they were asking I would have gotten them right. If it were a real test, I would have fought the instructor to get the credit for those answers and not stopped until he/she gave in.
Wow, some of those questions were really vague...I had to read some of them quite a few times to understand what it was asking for lol. Good thing i just went through a 12 week electronic course, otherwise i probably would have done horrible on it. 49/60 aint to bad i guess.
I think that's the thing, in the context of the covered course material the questions probably make sense. I mean if you just finished taking the course and this were your final exam then yeah it probably makes sense.
I probably wouldn't have had much of a problem with the wording, and the longer answers would have been easier for me to answer because the terminology and style of the course would still have been fresh in my mind... but I have no excuses other than I really only did it half-assed. I mean I was top student in all my electrical classes all through school, but we didn't always cover this kind of stuff, automotive electronics is not the same thing as this really lol
I'm going to school at uti right now, and the electronics courses are great. Before I went to uti, I did a ton of schooling at a local community college. Electronics is a huge deal in the automotive field, but your right. It's a bit different then what this test was.
i am an architectural engineer. It has nothing to do with this. I learned everything I know on that test myself through this site, and various others over the past few years. my brain is like a sponge I just suck up information.
just a F looked at it made my head hurt :)
i am an architectural engineer. It has nothing to do with this. I learned everything I know on that test myself through this site, and various others over the past few years. my brain is like a sponge I just suck up information.
LOL my brain is like that but a bit leaky, ive got to the point now tho where every time i learn something new it pushes something else out :P , not really good though seeing as i'm only 17.
I'm going to school at uti right now
it's a good school and definitely a lot to learn there, just don't buy into the BS they feed you about what it's like in the industry...
I'm the same way matt, but things fade after a bit without regular use lol
ahah yeah, i know what your saying JR. Ive worked in the field for some time now and am one of the few students that is ase certified. Alot of the instructors there tell some ridiculous stories. Lol one of my instructors was trying to tell me that he was doing a wheelie on his motorcycle and burning out at the same time :confused: He got so pissed when i called his bs story out in front of the class. Lmao, he also said he did 220mph around a road block running from the cops on a 1980s crotch rocket.........This guy was a failure at life ahhah
Lol I know more than my teacher, I lernt most of the stuff I know from here, I end up teaching my class, seriously I got asked if "this resistor is the right way around"
I don't know if any of you guys heard of NOCTI certification but basically its an overview test of everything you learned in a field (a test on everything). To pass the test it depends on what field the test is. For example electronics tougher than diesel technology. The criteria for passing is going to be lower on the harder test, you would have needed a 35% to pass the electronics NOCTI 10 years ago. But when i took mine right out of high school you would have needed a 55%.
Its just one of those tests to see if you know what you're doing to prove that you're competent in that field.
I'm sure everyone of you took a test like that somewhere in high school/college
@frenulem/hyper/lax (anyone else) - when you get in the career field you want don't become complacent with what you know! let the boss know you want to strive and succeed to help the company make money [trust me it works]. "what can i gain out of this situation to make me a better person".
Lol WTF fren, did u tell them it doesn't matter which way u put a resistor on something?
Yeah, I have literally cone up with 10+ A grade circuits for people ranging from a mini keyboard to well mine :P and my teacher over complicates things, he wanted to use PIC as a switch debouncer
@FOOKz yeah, that's partly why I'm here, there is still so much I dont know
frenulem thats how you keep your job while learning.
also dude your teacher should take a test because he probably has the knowledge but it sounds like he doesn't know what hes doing. lol i wouldn't tell the poor dude off for one stupid thing just say that theres another way of doing it...
a common mistake is mentioning "my way is better" theres lots of things that i can argue about that kind of stuff. As long as you see it works/understand it; its cool.
and wow hahah your resistor is backwards bro, check the cathode of your resistor kids!!!1!
Also he's just an arse, always trys to make you do your project his way, I've told him to pretty much sod off cuz I know what I'm doing my way and i have no idea what he is on about, not that he doesn't know, just doesn't know how to apply his knowledge
@crazy: are you in the motorcycle program? sounds like your teacher just wants to look cool in front of you guys, lol.
@FOOKz: that's a pretty optimistic outlook on things, trust me, no matter how much you love what you do, when you're forced to learn new tech and info at a specific rate it gets pretty old pretty quick and you get burnt out fast.
This jokes, is this gonna be in the real Gcse Paper.
Post Merge: February 15, 2011, 10:21:41 AM
Sum of it is hard, but sum Questions are easy.
Frenulum is right. Just because you know what you are doing in a paricular field, does not mean you end it there. The last thing you want to be is a specialist. Look at me. I havent applied embedded logic to anything other than mods for 10 years. What I hhave learned since then is PLCs/PACs, servo CAM profiling, kinetix and kinematics, Lean manufacturing, and Project management. I have not stopped going to school since I started working professionally. I am still slated to get my MBA and take finance classes. It doesnt stop......unless you want your career to stop.
@jr, lol no I'm in automotive/diesel. I would like to go to mmi for Harley. I might as well since I'm getting the gi bill.
If there is one thing about electronics I have learned is that there is always more then one way to do things, and if you assume that your way is always best you will end up teaching. LOL!
I believe the saying goes 'those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.'
If there is one thing about electronics I have learned is that there is always more then one way to do things, and if you assume that your way is always best you will end up teaching. LOL!
I believe the saying goes 'those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.'
Not true because they would be a crap teacher! If i was a teacher i would make sure they succeed at the basics and pass tests like the one frenulem posted! Teach them that there are multiple ways of doing the same thing so they don't "shoot themselves in the foot."
I'm sitting in his lesson now, the whole class is 4+ weeks behind -.-
FOOKz, the point of the saying is as I've said before, theory and application of it are two different things. Just because one has a solid grasp of theory doesn't necessarily mean that they are able to competently apply that theoretical knowledge. So a more verbose way of saying 'those who can, do; those who can't, teach' (Matt Groening has a much longer and funnier version, btw) would be "those with solid understanding of theory and ability to apply it, do; those with solid understanding of theory but not able to apply it, teach."
I believe nearly anyone with a solid understanding of theory should be able to teach it to others. For example I have a very solid understanding of automotive theory, but I'm crap at applying that theory in order to diagnose a vehicle, making me a decent mechanic, but not a great one (more a wrench turner than anything); I would be a much better teacher than mechanic (especially because I'm very good at breaking technical things down into lay-man's terms)...
Now, being able to pass a test means nothing more than you have knowledge. I aced nearly every test I took at UTI, I graduated there with a 3.95 GPA, I was top student in 4 of my classes and one of the highest ranked in my graduating class. You would think that I would be an awesome mechanic, but it's not so; I simply have a very good memory, I comprehend the theory (most theory regardless of subject matter), and I'm ridiculously good at taking tests...