
Members Area => News => Acidcast Releases & News => Topic started by: TwisTtheTwiTcH on January 30, 2011, 04:05:47 PM

Title: Acid Cast Episode 02 1/30/2011
Post by: TwisTtheTwiTcH on January 30, 2011, 04:05:47 PM
January 30th, 2011 AcidCast! (,486.0.html) Brought to you by - TwisTtheTwisT & Frenulem.

AcidCast - Episode 02 - 1030-11.mp3 ( - Episode 02 - 1030-11.mp3)

Download Links
[noembed]AcidCast - Episode 02 - 1030-11.mp3 ( - Episode 02 - 1030-11.mp3)[/noembed]

Official AcidCast Background! by: HiddenVenom of the Art & Theme Team
[spoiler] ( [/spoiler]

What Was Covered On Today's AcidCast
[spoiler]Ps3 firmware Update:,38531.0.html (,38531.0.html)

2600 Hacker Quarterly:,38520.0.html (,38520.0.html)

NGP:,38460.0.html (,38460.0.html)

Mod Off:,38406.0.html (,38406.0.html)

Mogler's xbox 360 PC:,38548.0.html (,38548.0.html)

Ps3 cloud update: (

CoD Black Ops dlc:,38547.0.html (,38547.0.html)

Touchscreen psp:,38224.0.html (,38224.0.html)

Famas robbo jitter mod test:,38335.0.html (,38335.0.html)

Acid Mods Code List:,37478.0.html (,37478.0.html)

AVR transistor tester:,38452.msg288086.html#new (,38452.msg288086.html#new)[/spoiler]


If you are having trouble listening to the AcidCast using the embedded player to click the download link to listen to it. If you have any issues please pm or post your browser/OS/Net speed/Flash version to Mactastic Mendez

Users with Chrome or Internet Explorer seem to be experiencing problems with the browsers built in player. This is being addressed.
Title: Re: Acid Cast Episode 02 1/30/2011
Post by: Famas on January 30, 2011, 05:08:16 PM
couple of things great work guys loved  it 1 keep the comedy in there as i laughed for ages with the tissues 1 lol 2 keep it mono i hated switching earphones lol and 3 twist your voice like cut out or drowned out sometimes just saying exellent guys well done best 1 yet
Title: Re: Acid Cast Episode 02 1/30/2011
Post by: TwisTtheTwiTcH on January 30, 2011, 05:14:57 PM
couple of things great work guys loved  it 1 keep the comedy in there as i laughed for ages with the tissues 1 lol 2 keep it mono i hated switching earphones lol and 3 twist your voice like cut out or drowned out sometimes just saying exellent guys well done best 1 yet

Apparently I am having very serious issues with my microphone. It has been acting up, I am going to be replacing it shortly. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Title: Re: Acid Cast Episode 02 1/30/2011
Post by: frenulem - No.5417 on January 30, 2011, 05:14:58 PM
Thanks man, to keep the comedy might have to make it NSFW or something, and the cut out is damn skype lag
Title: Re: Acid Cast Episode 02 1/30/2011
Post by: Mogler on January 30, 2011, 05:19:04 PM
great episode guys :D
Title: Re: Acid Cast Episode 02 1/30/2011
Post by: hyper999 on January 31, 2011, 04:05:59 PM
Wow how famous am I not 1, not 2 but 3 mentions in one acidcast! Good work guys best one yet!
Title: Re: Acid Cast Episode 02 1/30/2011
Post by: jrfhoutx on February 01, 2011, 09:50:41 AM
Finally got a chance to listen to the latest acidcast, great work guys! thanks for the shoutout btw, the audio sounds fantastic frenulem good job on the mono edit (I had a nice laugh at the mention of my suggestion for the mono audio).

just thought I'd mention that my forum screen name is my initials followed by my location (James R. Flanagan is my initials, HOUston, TX is my location) and personally I pronounce it letter by letter, j r f h o u t x, but you can just say J.R. like you have been...
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