Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => PSP's => PSP (3000) => Topic started by: sdinesh86 on January 31, 2011, 11:58:22 PM
this is my first post and also first attempt modding my psp,
i have PSP 3004 slim, i had a spare sony erricson MPS60 speakers, i designed my own docking station and have put in all the things in it its ready.
now my problem is.
when i connect my psp to the docking station (headphone jack) the volume / audio output is real low.
so i tried connecting the amp directly to speakers connection on the psp mobo and it works great.
now i wanna work a way out to connect those speaker outputs to the psp headphone jack, i tried connecting but that doesnt work.
when the headphones are plugged in the speakers turn off so no use of that.
how should i get the speakers out put to the headphone jack.
**the reason i want the speaker out put there is coz i have designed the dock that way, i have already thought of using a different jack for the speaker out but cant do it coz of the dock design
thanks in advance
do the speaker generate there one power if not you might have a problem there.
i tried a work around for it, kinda got it
but ran into another problem.
i pasted another 3.5mm jack just beside the headphone jack and then connected it to the speaker output.
after that when i tried to start the PSP it didnt power up, then i pressed the ribbon cable connecting to the power circuit and it turned on
i tried to stick the cable but it didnt work, now the situation is that the PSP wont start no matter what i do.
what might be the problem????????
the power fuse might be gone please search the forum on how to "bridge the power fuse" give that ago best of luck
sounds like you have a short / incorrect wiring
searched for the fuse, got this but dont know if this is it.
i did a continuity check on it with a DMM and its ok.
just removing the wires that i soldered removing the mod,
hopw this works out.
please let us no pics would be nice and best of luck
Post Merge: February 01, 2011, 01:20:58 PM
theres a sound fuse also i think try that aswell
if it still doesnt work after removing all mods, check thoroughly that there is absolutely no shorts, then do as famas says and try bridging the fuse
sorry forgot to post a image
here is a image of the fuse
i Have a PSP slim lite grand turismo edition, the Mobo is TA-093
Modds - all i have done till now is soldered wires to the speakers point on the mobo and soldered a 3.5mm jack on the other end
Post Merge: February 01, 2011, 01:36:57 PM
can you please guide me on how to find the power / sound / any other fuse
can seem to find any topic or image for the sound fuse
hey ive been reading up on this try this have the battery in i need to no if you put the charger in and start charging the psp will the orange light come on plz reply
no when i put the battery in and put the charger the orange light dosent come up
Post Merge: February 01, 2011, 01:54:53 PM
it doesnt start with the AC adapter plugged in with or without the battery
remove every mod and turn the board back to normal and then read this (
have removed all the mod.
is that the power fuse that i have marked in the image. if yes then i will go ahead and bridge it
also can you tell me how to find the sound fuse
dont think it will be the sound fuse at this current time read the link i sent you and the one in that image has a td on top of the fuse
i cant hardly find anything on the mobo that has anything written on it only the big ics have somethings written on them
do some continuity checks on all fuses etc and let us no what isnt working
sorry to ask this noob question again,
but before i go ahead is there a specific feature about the fuses on PS coz all the devices look same and i really cannot distinguish between the fuses and all
what model is it i searched 3000 will be looking hard at google for ya
its PSP 3004 slim lite grand turismo edition.
firmware 6.35 (HEN6.35 working)
right this guy has the same probs as you on a psp 3000 and i read this
(Check them all with a DMM (digital multi meter, these are not expensive tools at $5-10USD), the fuses should have continuity and/or no resistance across the fuses. The 3 point thing labeled in your picture isn't a fuse.
The first thing to try when a PSP shows absolutely no sign of life when it was previously working is to leave the battery and AC out of it overnight - it gives the main system controller of the PSP a chance to run it's internal power supply dry (a dry cell soldered onto the mainboard) and thus 'reboots' itself to allow power on again.
GL. )
and he said the fuse in question is
Got it
it's actually the fuse marked "TB" got tonight but failed to solder.....................but it works
found the fuse labeled TB and did a continuity test and its ok just working fine
all i can suggest now is get a small wire stripped at both ends and put it on each end of the fuse labbeled tb and try that if not the do it to the other fuses until you hit the winner
remove every mod and turn the board back to normal and then read this (
Famas! Tsk, tsk, tsk you need to go buy a PSP!
And sninesh86 would you mind describing your current problem now, I was going to try and help and find a solution, but I can't really follow this topic.. I see a jumble of problems, I have different solutions for each one.
Problem - PSP wont start /Charge with / without the battery and AC adapter.
What have i tried -
1. i have checked all the fuses on the board for continuity and they seem to be fine.
2. i plugged in the PSP for overnight.
Mod - i connected another 3.5m jack to the speaker pins on the board.
somethings i noticed.
before conecting the 3.5mm jack i tested the amp just to check if it gives the bang that i was looking for so i directly connected the to
the speaker pins on the mobo
*the amp was powered from external source. it worked but i noticed that the LCD was getting hot so i removed the connections.
then i all the connections and tried to start the PSP it didnt start, so opened it up and found that if a move the ribbon cable (one that goes to the power switch) a bit it used to work, some times it used to start but without the LED's
** thsi is with the AC adapter plugged in
at this time if tried to insert the battery and start it wouldnt , sometimes it would and it would show as External power in battery info.
while moving the ribbon cable i was trying to find a perfect position for it and suddenly everything went off completely.
after that i am still trying to power it up but no luck, i checked the battery is charged. the AC adpater is working.
** just forgot to mention the in this process i accidently dropped the battery.
Problem - PSP wont start /Charge with / without the battery and AC adapter.
What have i tried -
1. i have checked all the fuses on the board for continuity and they seem to be fine.
2. i plugged in the PSP for overnight.
Mod - i connected another 3.5m jack to the speaker pins on the board.
somethings i noticed.
before conecting the 3.5mm jack i tested the amp just to check if it gives the bang that i was looking for so i directly connected the to
the speaker pins on the mobo
*the amp was powered from external source. it worked but i noticed that the LCD was getting hot so i removed the connections.
then i all the connections and tried to start the PSP it didnt start, so opened it up and found that if a move the ribbon cable (one that goes to the power switch) a bit it used to work, some times it used to start but without the LED's
** thsi is with the AC adapter plugged in
at this time if tried to insert the battery and start it wouldnt , sometimes it would and it would show as External power in battery info.
while moving the ribbon cable i was trying to find a perfect position for it and suddenly everything went off completely.
after that i am still trying to power it up but no luck, i checked the battery is charged. the AC adpater is working.
** just forgot to mention the in this process i accidently dropped the battery.
I am going to guess that it is the ribbon cable. This may sound stupid, but it may actually be the problem. I had a problem like this on a 1000. After disassembling, my power led wouldn't come on. When I bent the ribbon cable a little more, it would. I tried gluing it bent, didn't work. Then I couldn't bend it at all to get it to come on any more. So what I'm guessing is that the copper leading to one of the traces that leads to the switch may be broken. What I would first try is manually switching it on. On the zif connector that leads to the power board, there are a bunch of pins. When I broke one of my power switches, I had to turn my psp on this way. If you run you're screwdriver, or wire against it, somewhere on the zif two of the pins that are right next to each other should short together and turn on the psp. So I would just take like a screwdriver or wire, and touch each pair of pins that are right next to each other on the zif connector, and see if the psp turns on. And remember, just because you're power led doesn't light up when it's charging, doesn't mean it isn't charging. If the ribbon is faulty, there is a chance the led won't be getting power. If this doesn't work, I would bridge your power fuse and then try it again. And make sure everything is desoldered from the motherboard. If that doesn't work, it seems like you shorted out the motherboard. Mixing in external voltage can be dangerous, so there is a chance you could have shorted something.
Thanks a lot da for that,
when i short two pins on the zif connecter for the power on the mobo, it turned on.
at last i am at peace, i will not have to spend more money on it.
(aleready have busted my screen, the power switch and the key stripes)
tomorrow i will e driving to the city to buy the stripes and the power switch.
Thanks again.
thought it would be the power fuse tbh shows what i no
at start i also thought i might be the power fuse.
but then after post i remembered that last time when changed the screen that guy had changed the power switch and the ribboncable tooo.
so thought that would be the problem checked it and that it was !!!!!
Post Merge: February 02, 2011, 03:56:34 AM
Found the root cause of my problem.
the ribbon cable that goes to the power circuit board had a problem, the problem was that the hard plastic film that is with the cable for support had moved forward, so coz that the pins never came in contact with the pins on the connector, just trimmed off the access plastic and inserted the ribbon cable and it worked just awesome.
at start i also thought i might be the power fuse.
but then after post i remembered that last time when changed the screen that guy had changed the power switch and the ribboncable tooo.
so thought that would be the problem checked it and that it was !!!!!
Post Merge: February 02, 2011, 03:56:34 AM
Found the root cause of my problem.
the ribbon cable that goes to the power circuit board had a problem, the problem was that the hard plastic film that is with the cable for support had moved forward, so coz that the pins never came in contact with the pins on the connector, just trimmed off the access plastic and inserted the ribbon cable and it worked just awesome.
Ah!! So glad that you found your problem!! You always have to remember when troubleshooting, sometimes the problem can be things that you have never heard of before. I'm really glad that my knowledge could help, and I'm glad my zif method worked :D
:tup: :tup: