Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: laxboy on February 07, 2011, 07:11:54 PM
KSMQ 080253Z AUTO 00000KT 7SM -RA OVC032 02/02 A2976 RMK AO2 SLP078 P0002 60003 T00220017 56031
If some one knows what this means iw ill be so amazed
airport weather report. I've seen something like that at my friend's dad's house (he does ham radio stuff).
The first 4 letters are the broadcasting region and the rest . . . ????
first stand for the airport identification
KSMQ = US Location, Somerset Airport
080253Z = day 8, 0253 hrs (2:53 AM), ZULU (GMT)
00000KT = No wind direction (000) and no wind speed (00) (no wind), KT stands for Knots
7SM = 7 Statute Miles of visibility
-RA = Light Rain
OVC032 = Overcast (?) w/ceiling of 3200ft
02/02 = 02 degrees celcius (temp), 02 degrees celcius (dewpoint)
A2976 = Altimeter 29.76" of mercury (barometric reading)
RMK AO2 = Remarks (ending); automated station
the rest I'm unsure of but know they're all weather status indicators related to the station's location... its a METAR weather report used by airports...
can I haz cookie?
*smacks head in desk*
i coulda copy pasted that from the MSN chat, lax.
edit: i had the possibility for gaining infinite cookies
lol, I actually did the leg work and looked it up and translated it lol
yea lol cookies