
Acid Mods Community Area => Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kilokk on March 25, 2011, 06:43:56 AM

Title: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: Kilokk on March 25, 2011, 06:43:56 AM
Please read the Rules (,201.0.html) and make sure that you are following them.  Lately I (as well as other staff members) have been noticing a lot of new members who seem to think that they can talk about piracy and other such things here.  That is not the case.  This is just a friendly reminder to read the rules and to abide by them.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: frenulem - No.5417 on March 25, 2011, 06:48:48 AM
"No discussion of committing illegal activities of any kind..." so we can talk about it, but not about doing it?
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: Kilokk on March 25, 2011, 06:50:12 AM
Fren, its better to not even mention it... just consider it a fight club type thing.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: whitetop on March 25, 2011, 07:41:54 AM
the rules state as fren said you can talk about it but no link of any kind

so some other new rule should replace that one rule.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: Modded Matt on March 25, 2011, 10:37:38 AM
this rule is not in place to stop any open free discussion. discussion of pyracy and peoples interpritation or misinterpritation of such is onething, discussion of making back ups is ok, using back ups of your own games is ok.

what is not ok is providing a means to download copywrited material. iso and what not. 
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: whitetop on March 25, 2011, 01:37:08 PM
the only thing i seen was that guys sig which you took off and i never seen anything about how to download iso or what ever that means on it or noticed anything illegal in a post
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: nEoVaLoR on March 25, 2011, 02:32:24 PM
"1.1 - No profanity what so ever."

Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: jrfhoutx on March 25, 2011, 03:39:21 PM
"1.1 - No profanity what so ever."


yeah rly, you got a :censored: problem with that? lol
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: nEoVaLoR on March 25, 2011, 05:24:48 PM
yeah rly, you got a :censored: problem with that? lol
haha! well what else is censorship for :D
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: crazy-modder on March 25, 2011, 07:50:30 PM
yeah got a :censored:ing problem? ahhaha
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: geraldrubalcava on March 25, 2011, 09:02:40 PM
well if discussing about different points of view about piracy is a legit conversation tight? because one of the "news" was about piracy and i saw that some people.

so let me get this straight. discut=sion about the topic is ok. but but providing links information or other way of acutely committing piracy right?

well thanks that cleared up amot for me.

& thanks moddermatt! xD you cleared it up. :)

also if this rule was not to stop the dissolution about piracy, then why did the previous "specific thread is now locked due to the subject matter's violation of site policy. It had initially remained open at administrator discretion, but was later locked at admin discretion."

i dont want to stirr the wind. i just wanted to get this cleared up.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: [HoP] on March 25, 2011, 09:20:36 PM
well if discussing about different points of view about piracy is a legit conversation tight? because one of the "news" was about piracy and i saw that some people.

so let me get this straight. discut=sion about the topic is ok. but but providing links information or other way of acutely committing piracy right?

well thanks that cleared up amot for me.

& thanks moddermatt! xD you cleared it up. :)

also if this rule was not to stop the dissolution about piracy, then why did the previous "specific thread is now locked due to the subject matter's violation of site policy. It had initially remained open at administrator discretion, but was later locked at admin discretion."

this is why they are Admin's

Definitions for anyone that may wonder why Admins get to have choice (

Communication is also something that everyone should look at.

Everyone takes in knowledge and applies it in a way that is familiar to them. Also in a way that conforms to your beliefs and standards. This is something that we deal with each individually.

If your a general idiot and post something that is not to the forum standards, you would be looked at differently than someone who continually helps people and has one small slip.

In other words...

What goes around comes around.

Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: geraldrubalcava on March 25, 2011, 09:32:56 PM
i know. i have full respect for them. i just wanted to get this clarified about the def of this rule.

and i dont consider myself an idiot. but i know i havent helped much in this forum.

Besides helping Hyper with the dev of the ps3 RF code. Which all cred goes to hyper and everyone who helped.

but im not following what your saying HoP. but yee. idk i guess its just something you dont touch with a 10 foot pole. lol  :huh:
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: [HoP] on March 25, 2011, 09:43:28 PM
What I'm saying is that the rules are the rules. they can be interpreted differently at different times by different people.

The answers you get are not answers that will be concrete.

All you need to do is refresh on the rules every once in awhile, if there is even a thought in your mind about what you post being wrong, don't do it.

I wasn't calling you an idiot. it was just a statement about how rules can be interpreted different with different people and different situations.

Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: geraldrubalcava on March 25, 2011, 09:50:26 PM
all right. well yes. i guess. but the way that moddermatt said was more clearer ex explanation about the rule.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: jrfhoutx on March 25, 2011, 10:41:59 PM
haha! well what else is censorship for :D

actually I have my language filter disabled so I actually used the censored emoticon there to make a point... the site has an extensive language filter for the reason that some people have a hard time controlling their language (I for one swear worse than a sailor and have difficulty toning it down or turning it off)... so we try to help people follow the rules even when they have a hard time doing so, because with a large member base it's now much harder to police things like language than it was when we only had 100 members here...

well if discussing about different points of view about piracy is a legit conversation tight? because one of the "news" was about piracy and i saw that some people.

so let me get this straight. discut=sion about the topic is ok. but but providing links information or other way of acutely committing piracy right?

well thanks that cleared up amot for me.

& thanks moddermatt! xD you cleared it up. :)

also if this rule was not to stop the dissolution about piracy, then why did the previous "specific thread is now locked due to the subject matter's violation of site policy. It had initially remained open , but was later locked at admin discretion."

i dont want to stirr the wind. i just wanted to get this cleared up.

First, take some time and proof read for continuity and spell check your posts before you hit the post button, that will clear up a lot of confusion regarding posts (in general. but seriously "discut=sion"? not only is that no where near close to spelling 'discussion' but an = sign? really? there's no way that that can be blamed on typing speed or even english not being a primary language, whether this is the case or not for you, the = sign isn't anywhere near any of the letters in that word or your misspelling of it). Also using the correct words will help this matter as well... If you don't know the definition of a word or are unsure of it's proper usage, don't use it. Misusing it makes you look less intelligent than I'm sure you are and presents a poor impression to others, life is all about impressions (especially first impressions and people rarely give you a chance to make up for a poor first impression)...

Second, as said previously rules are open to interpretation and are not always something set in stone (as with rules anywhere they are subject to change and without notification, so as [HoP] suggested reacquaint yourself with them from time to time in case they have changed), and enforcement of the rules requires judgement outside of just the content of the topic and requires more than just strict adherence to the literal written rule.

Third, "at administrator discretion"... I was the administrator in question, it was done at my discretion, and it stands whether you like it or not and it needs no further explanation than that.

Fourth, I highly recommend (at least based on the past experiences of others) that you not argue with the administrators about their decisions, accept it and move on. 
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: geraldrubalcava on March 26, 2011, 09:42:46 AM
jrfhoutx i understand. Moddermatt explained it better when he wrote "this rule is not in place to stop any open free discussion. discussion of piracy and peoples interpretation or misinterpretation of such is one thing, discussion of making back ups is ok, using back ups of your own games is ok.

what is not ok is providing a means to download copyrighted material. iso and what not.  "

my first language is not English. And English is not my strongest subject eather. thank you for pointing that out to me. if you have more other positive criticism  i would be glad to listen.

and no, im not arguing, im just wanted a explanation to i know were the line it. to avoid crossing it.

so im sorrrrrry jrfhoutx if i have offended you in any way shape or form.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: jrfhoutx on March 26, 2011, 09:49:11 AM
my first language is not English. And English is not my strongest subject eather. thank you for pointing that out to me. if you have more other positive criticism  i would be glad to listen.

I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean or to be a :censored: about it, though I know sometimes it can seem that way, please don't take it the wrong way.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: 802Chives on March 26, 2011, 11:39:52 AM
This post is a result of Staff being sick of people assuming we are all a bunch of pirates, and that piracy is just a tongue in cheek issue here.  We are not pirates, we are modders and we take piracy seriously... What we do here is we take hardware and software and add functionality that did not exist before.  part of this world of modding allows software to be run that the normal system would not allow.   Homebrew, backups and softmodding are all very legal worthwhile parts of our scene, however with the tools that allow us to do those things, also allows people to pirate and cheat.   It is an ugly part of the modding scene and Acidmods acknowledges that it exists but we do our best to make sure that if someone wants to do those things they dont learn how to do them here.   

So when the "everyone here is a pirate" comments start show up, sometimes we have to remind people that in fact very few people here are pirates, and those who are, keep it to themselves because this is a modding site and piracy and online cheating is not a mod nor are the mojority of us "cool" with them.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: toadzilla on March 26, 2011, 01:06:12 PM
i agree with chives i really never understood why people were always one to brag how they do it, it just shows how that people have nothing better to do
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: geraldrubalcava on March 26, 2011, 02:51:57 PM
well yes i never said everyone here is a pirate. again im against piracy. but the term piracy might mean different to different people. and when changing code to enable homebrew or other suck thing for some people this might be considered piracy for others is not. im not saying its right im just saying that the trem is just different.

& @ jrfhoutx yes is sounded like your being a  :censored:. lol but yee i do that too sometimes. its all kool man :) sorry again if i offend u tho

were all in here to mod and create! xD
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: hyper999 on March 26, 2011, 03:36:11 PM
This post is a result of Staff being sick of people assuming we are all a bunch of pirates, and that piracy is just a tongue in cheek issue here.  We are not pirates, we are modders and we take piracy seriously... What we do here is we take hardware and software and add functionality that did not exist before.  part of this world of modding allows software to be run that the normal system would not allow.   Homebrew, backups and softmodding are all very legal worthwhile parts of our scene, however with the tools that allow us to do those things, also allows people to pirate and cheat.   It is an ugly part of the modding scene and Acidmods acknowledges that it exists but we do our best to make sure that if someone wants to do those things they dont learn how to do them here.   

So when the "everyone here is a pirate" comments start show up, sometimes we have to remind people that in fact very few people here are pirates, and those who are, keep it to themselves because this is a modding site and piracy and online cheating is not a mod nor are the mojority of us "cool" with them.

Well said.

and i feel as though i should post this again

Legal Definition of Piracy

The theft of Intellectual Property. (Especially in electronic media)
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: geraldrubalcava on March 26, 2011, 03:58:06 PM
dont forget about actual pirates "arrrgh!" hahaha lol. well said tho :)
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: FOOKz™ on March 26, 2011, 08:18:05 PM
Chives is The MAN !!!
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: DuctTapedGoat on March 26, 2011, 10:56:33 PM
I know most people here are really against it, but of people who say that pirates suck because they steal intellectual property - who can actually legally define intellectual property?

I've been looking for a good solid legal definition for a while, and it seems that it's one of two things.

1. Intangible ideas.
2. Tangible product created from intangible ideas.
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: jrfhoutx on March 26, 2011, 11:10:57 PM
intellectual property
A product of the intellect that has commercial value, including copyrighted property such as literary or artistic works, and ideational property, such as patents, appellations of origin, business methods, and industrial processes.

took one minute to find that...
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: DuctTapedGoat on March 26, 2011, 11:46:15 PM
That would be the definition that doesn't include media, and falls into the "Intangible" category.

So, a pirate would actually then be a spy in the industrial espionage game. >_>
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: FOOKz™ on March 27, 2011, 12:04:41 AM
So if you stole my brain and dumped all my information and memorized it yourself.... i'd be pretty pissed.

I would want a lawsuit because it has sensitive data to everything in my life, obviously. But nobody could tell you stole it unless you randomly accessed my bank account etc...
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: jrfhoutx on March 27, 2011, 12:10:25 AM
media falls under "artistic works"...
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: geraldrubalcava on March 27, 2011, 09:21:12 AM
wait. i would be more worried someone has the ability to steal your info on your brain fist of all!  :whoosh:

well then softmodding and other proprietary use of code that was not designed to function as it did would also be piracy.
also would using patents that you did not create would be considered right?
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: spurgurgle on March 27, 2011, 10:18:54 AM
look this topic was not created to continue this debate about piracy..... so why do u members insist on carrying on talking about this taboo subject matter.....

i've had enough of reading bout this topic, and having the global powers i have im going to lock if it continues..... this is not open to discussion in our forum, so please stop it now....

or if any admin/global feels that this should also be locked please do so... i dont wanna jump the gun in doing it as i am one who likes open discussion just im fed up of people insisting on talking about it....

this is a modding forum be it hard mods or soft mods......

a very simple definition of electronic piracy (not real world pirates robbing and looting on the high sea's) is taking something you dont own the rights to and making money from it... be it copied games,sofware, music, movies or what ever... WE DO NOT CONDONE THAT ON THIS FORUM.. we do condone taking a console or system you own and changing the firmware or hardware to suit your own personal needs or interests....

end of!!!
Title: Re: Just a friendly reminder
Post by: Kilokk on March 28, 2011, 01:36:25 PM
i intended to lock it at the start for this very reason... but i decided against it in hopes that people would ask questions about the rules at large, not just piracy.

i see i was wrong >.<

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