^ Has more posts than me.
< Is awesome.
v Owns a pink pony.
^ I do not own a pink pony.
< Watching Family Guy.
v Is on the forums at school/work.
^ hate apples too
< is wondering why i didn't look at this thread before now....
v like a G6
^ Really does think im a massive tool< :rofl:
<Has more permissions than you can imagine, also spending an hour in electronics playing pokemon cuz we were doing all the work i done yesterday cuz it's easy as bawls -_-
^ spill what you know about AM or get reported everytime ;)its not about AM :P its about me :D
< wants to know what it is
is mad cuz my PIC Programmer wont work on Windows 7....
^ India Kilo November Oscar Whiskey Echo X-ray Alpha Charlie Tango Lima Yankee Whiskey Hotel Alpha Tango Tango Oscar Tango Yankee Papa Echo Mike Yankee Foxtrot Romeo India Echo November Delta
< Knows most people will not be able to understand what i said.
v will fail this test Here: http://www.oddrob.com/acronymtest.asp
^ I think all grandmas were hot when they were younger. Yours included.
< My bank account balance is -$888,951.84 ._.;'
v Would be willing to sincerely offer to get my account back to a positive balance, but won't follow up on the offer. Because it's bloody crazy.
^ doesn't realize they are in a game where you first ^ write something about the poster before you, then < write something about yourself then last V write something about the next poster whom you have no idea who it will be
<explaining this game to the ones who were left behind
V was one one of the ones that got left behind