
Acid Mods Community Area => Competitions & Mod Offs => Community Created Competitions => Topic started by: drummerdude on August 08, 2011, 04:57:44 PM

Title: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on August 08, 2011, 04:57:44 PM
Heres the controller that i will be modding.


Plans: I will be putting in leds and bullet buttons(if i can find some). im going to atempt to do an anarchy theme, so i will atempt to paint an anarchy symbol on the controller. I have a general idea of what i want, but will prolly be adding more things as well.
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on August 08, 2011, 07:31:11 PM
Glad to see you could join us , this should be a very awsome competition got more people then I though. good luck thank you for join in  :hifive:
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on August 13, 2011, 11:18:53 AM
My red LEDs came in yesterday and i just soldered them in. It looks like there orange but there actually red though. I also found some bullets that i can use for the buttons. Ill make them as soon as im not lazy as there a pain to make.

Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on August 15, 2011, 07:22:36 PM
I installed some rapidfire into the controller today. I also planned out some more things too. In a marker, i practiced what i want to do on one of my scrap controllers tops. I want to make it look like blood splatter or something around the bullets. The marker smudged a bit, but you can still see the idea. Ill get to those buttons hopefully soon, i just really hate making them with a burning passion....

Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on August 15, 2011, 08:09:01 PM
Looking really good, I havent done nothing to mine yet other then program the rapid

Really nice job coming along great!
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Nevbox on August 16, 2011, 08:26:36 AM
when is the final deadline for the competition cause I have just started working on something
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on September 04, 2011, 11:53:36 AM
finally got around to making those buttons. starting to look good!
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on September 04, 2011, 11:57:52 AM
thats what i am waiting to do is  to cut the slots in the buttons.... usually would of had them done but , IDK just not in the mood to  looking really good, only 8  days left   to competition ends
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on September 09, 2011, 06:04:32 PM
Okay..... So this is my first paint mod i've done. so i just made a stencil and tested it on my bad controller shell... t came out okay, but the paint got underneath the tape. it looks kinda cool since its a little messy... but i wanna get it nice and crisp.. my dad said i should try putting more pressure on the tape and like rub it or something.... what would you guys do?
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on September 09, 2011, 06:33:36 PM
yea your dad is right, also trying using a fine line automotive tape its flexable and  easy to use, also if paint is dry try not to touch the controller and you can  peal it  off pretty easy and wont mark it  at all if it leaves a  fine line dont work little wet sand with some 1500 grit then wipe the  controller off free of water lint etc, and clear it will never be able to tell you masked it off at  all

Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: karfin55 on September 10, 2011, 08:29:41 AM
yea your dad is conservative, also plaguey using a amercement demarcation moving recording its flexable and  easygoing to use, also if blusher is dry try not to march the controller and you can  pronounceable it  off pretty easygoing and practice evangel it  at all if it leaves a  right produce dont spirit minuscule wet communicator with any 1500 fortitude
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Nevbox on September 11, 2011, 01:05:22 PM
I use frog tape with paint block in :D
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on September 11, 2011, 01:50:03 PM
I have some frog tape too but its not sticky enough to stay on the cutting board so i can make the stencil..
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Nevbox on September 14, 2011, 07:24:27 AM
yeah it does that :(
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on September 25, 2011, 05:05:02 PM
I don't have much left to do on my controller... some how my controller board just spontaneously stopped working after i did something.. so im gonna just use a different board for now and then fix the problem (if i can, i have no idea what happened)
another time. Im going to do some practice painting tonight on one of my practice shells. It seems like every time i check, the mod off gets more and more delayed, which is making me procrastinate more and more. I just want to get this thing done this week, as ive waited way to long to finish as the the date gets more delayed... so anyway.. just more work tonight... :)
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on September 25, 2011, 05:14:31 PM
yea i am sorry it got delayed again wasnt my doing, but i understand how your feeling
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on September 29, 2011, 09:27:40 AM
So after searching through my bag of broken controller mother boards... I finally found one that worked! I just started installing the 7 mode color mod on it, but it was way to hard to put 3 leds in it, so i'm only going to do 2, and it will be a 3 mode color changing mod. I also had to change up the code a bit to make it work for matrix controllers. So there's a red mode, a blue mode, and a beautiful purple mode! its looking pretty nice so far. I hope I can finish the mod with out braking the controller. If I finish it with out braking it, I post a video of it later today!
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on September 29, 2011, 09:40:51 AM
Glad to see you haven't given up thats Dedication . good luck sounds like its going to be pretty cool idea , got my fingers crossed for you wish you luck :)
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on September 29, 2011, 01:40:59 PM
I finished what I can do for now as I burnt out one of my 4 blue leds. But anyway, the mod looks great although its missing 1 led. I worked on this mod for about 5 hours this morning!
video shown below V
here are some pics of the insides
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on September 29, 2011, 02:02:33 PM
Nice work I couldnt edit your post but hopefully this will help out for people to see :)
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: hyper999 on September 29, 2011, 02:37:18 PM
So you see what I mean about this being difficult to install now? LOL
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on September 29, 2011, 02:42:26 PM
Yeah! I originally tried to have 3 leds, and i successfully did it on the first quadrant, but then i actcidently ripped the pad. I bet i could add a 3rd led now, but i dont wanna risk braking my last working controller.
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on September 29, 2011, 03:45:45 PM
Im planning to use flex rf. How would i wire the rf indicator leds with my color changing mod? if i cant figure it out ill just use leds in the guide button. do i just have multiple wires from the chip to both of the leds?
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: hyper999 on September 30, 2011, 08:02:23 AM
Im planning to use flex rf. How would i wire the rf indicator leds with my color changing mod? if i cant figure it out ill just use leds in the guide button. do i just have multiple wires from the chip to both of the leds?

Wire it to the same spot you normally would.
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Famas on October 01, 2011, 01:44:21 AM
follow the ripped pad back to the track scrape the pad with a exato knife or scribing tool till you can see the copper flux it with either liquid flux or paste flux and then you can make yourown track or just use some wire and it saves you shelling out for a new controller if the pads are coming off like that use less force when soldering. to stop this happening again turn the temperature of your soldering iron up to about 415 degrees celcuis flux the components/tin the wires before soldering them on and dont hold your iron on the pad for too long that causes it aswell i hope to see this working it looks fantastic
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on October 02, 2011, 05:41:13 PM
added flex and added a button for the color changer. I wish the purple came out better in the video, it just doesn't do it justice.
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on October 02, 2011, 05:43:06 PM
Nice touch to that drummerdude , looking good, think your going to be tuff to be , making your own code and stuff for the competition, Nice job keep up the good work , seems to be coming along pretty good for you :)
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on October 02, 2011, 05:46:47 PM
Thanks for all the encouragement, Rodent! Im gonna get my dad to take me to get some paint sometime soon so I can finish that. and my blue leds, to fix that last pad should come in soon, hopefully tomorrow. So thats pretty much all i have left to do.
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on October 02, 2011, 05:47:50 PM
you will give me a run, in the compeittion in my eyes

EDIT : your welcome
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on October 05, 2011, 03:23:51 AM
almost done!
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller [FINISHED]
Post by: drummerdude on October 08, 2011, 07:27:31 AM
I've grown a lot through this very long month of modding. It was the very first time i've painted an xbox 360 controller, and I must've practiced on other controllers, atleast 7 times, and every time It got better and better. I feel like i"ve mastered soldering smd parts for my color mod! I must've opened and closed my controller atleast 10 times too, so I could get the light shining through as good as I can get it! It felt like everydy, I was ordering more leds, so I could finish the mod too. just to show you how much better I got at painted... the one on the right, is the first one I did, the one on the left is the last practice I did.
well anyway.. onto the controller...


thanks for the great competition/encouragement/people who inspired me!
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: Rodent on October 08, 2011, 08:05:31 AM
NIce work you will be tuff to beat Nice work on your code also hope you  share :)
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: drummerdude on October 08, 2011, 08:45:27 AM
Nice work on your code also hope you  share :)
im working on it... :)
Title: Re: Drummerdude's Stand out controller
Post by: hyper999 on October 08, 2011, 04:07:35 PM
That paint job is sweeeeeeeeet!
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