Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => Nintendo Wii => Nintendo Wii Software => Topic started by: SycoPthicManiac on December 17, 2011, 04:56:58 PM
I am sorry to bring back such an old topic but I am getting my son a Wii for X-Mas and he is into the mods since I am the one that does (Go figure).. I am wondering what softmods or even hardmods can be done to the system. I would LOVE to be able to "save" games so the original disk is not needed in order to play since he is 10 and goes through games like crazy! I already got the aftermarket case and a few others but I am really interested in whatever there is for the Wii since this is a system I have not modded yet.
Please give me any input that is helpful. I thank you for all your answers..
I was thinking of getting the Wiikey Fusion (
Dear SycoPthicManiac, instead of double posting please edit your last post, Now about your post, Here a tut for a softmod, i have not tryed it yet, but by the comments i looks pretty legit. I hoped this helped!
Sorry about the doublepost. I am used to my forum that after say 15 min, you can not modify your posting :) Anyway, where is the link for the TUT?? lol I think you may have forgot to post the link ;)
OMG lol, sorry dude i like just woke up 5 mins ago so im a lil out of it, here the tut (
OMG lol, sorry dude i like just woke up 5 mins ago so im a lil out of it, here the tut (
def +1 sammy for the link tried it myself time and time again
i wouldnt get a modchip what for? softmod does the same and if something goes wrong you can restore like if nothing ever happen...well in most cases
only thing u cant do on newer wii systems is boot games on a dvd r which is ehh but youll still be able to dump isos so dont really need dvd r's anyway
far as led the blue leds inside the wiimote are 0603 leds they be easily changed out
maybe add a windows?
endless things u can do to it
WODE is pretty epic.... Iam just sayin
WODE is pretty epic.... Iam just sayin
I am using the DriveKey as well as soft mod for MY Wii. I am in the process of soft modding my sons Wii as I type.. ;)
I am using the DriveKey as well as soft mod for MY Wii. I am in the process of soft modding my sons Wii as I type.. ;)
Get Wii Homebrew which will come up as a channel on the menu ( that's the main hack) this program runs apps like gecko OS a game launcher ( you can run iso of a SD or a burned DVD) also with gecko you can activate cheats/hacks so you can Swap your bullets for Helicopter Missiles in COD4, Moon Jump etc
I don't think Kamarov will see that coming!
Oh and it's FREE !
Gecko can only load games of a SD card or DVD, but others can run of USB storage devices, I use Gecko cause I have a WODE. ( (
Get Wii Homebrew which will come up as a channel on the menu ( that's the main hack) this program runs apps like gecko OS a game launcher ( you can run iso of a SD or a burned DVD) also with gecko you can activate cheats/hacks so you can Swap your bullets for Helicopter Missiles in COD4, Moon Jump etc
I don't think Kamarov will see that coming!
Oh and it's FREE !
Gecko can only load games of a SD card or DVD, but others can run of USB storage devices, I use Gecko cause I have a WODE. ( (
I also have the HBC. I use Configurable USB Loader. I just have the DriveKey so IF I wanted to use the drive for ISO DVD-R burns, I have the ability to do so. I have a 1TB external drive connected to mine so I will ALWAYS have room for I currently have over 40 games (WBFS) and adding more every day! Where do u get the codes to use?? My Configurable USB Loader also allows to add codes but I don't know where to get them.. Any help would be nic3. :)
You can find codes here : (
But you need to use this program to use them: ( (internet connection required)
Haven't seen this program but it's funky and user friendly!
It's a Homebrew App and it has the whole WiiRD Database with it and you just find the game and then it shows you all the availableliable and just click the selecdeselectedselect, then it saves the gtc file to your SD card for you. Then just run your game launcher and it will see the codeslaunchingnching and run them.
Note that the Numbers and Letters are the games code name, but are different for different regions.
eg R92P01 - Pikmin 2 (great game btw)
Accio Hacks v1.0.0 [url=] ([/url]
Ok well after further inspection, I noticed the CFG has an option to DL all cheats and save it to file. My only problem is when it comes to the hook type, how do I know which to use?? there are like 9
Ok well after further inspection, I noticed the CFG has an option to DL all cheats and save it to file. My only problem is when it comes to the hook type, how do I know which to use?? there are like 9
Can you explain it a little further.
Can you explain it a little further.
A HOOK type is what runs the Ocarina. If the Hook type is wrong, the cheat will not work. Kinda like trying to run a new car on a 6v battery. It just wont work..
A HOOK type is what runs the Ocarina. If the Hook type is wrong, the cheat will not work. Kinda like trying to run a new car on a 6v battery. It just wont work..
Try using the app in my post above, I used Ocarina before but never had that problem :/