
Acidmods Gaming Area => Console Games => Xbox 360 Gaming => Topic started by: GhoSt on January 07, 2012, 06:42:01 PM

Title: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: GhoSt on January 07, 2012, 06:42:01 PM
I have noticed that a lot of people still seem to thing gaming causes people to be violent, especially youth. I am really interested to see what your opinions are?

Obviously most of the people here are gamers themselves, so I guess its a little biased, but imo non-gamers are just sponges for the blown out of proportion media propaganda on gaming anyway.

Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: Monk3y on January 07, 2012, 08:31:11 PM
Personally I think a person's violence reflects more on how they were raised. Online gaming tends to make kids get angry pretty easily but that's the same with any competitive sport. So really their violence/anger I guess reflects a lot on how competitive they are as well. Overall I still think that how your parents raised you to deal with your anger/frustration has a huge impact on a person's violence.
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: COREGAMER on January 07, 2012, 09:27:57 PM
I think if you play games that are appropriate for your age then they won't promote violence but suppose if a 15 year was to play an M rated game then obviosly it would have a bad impact on his mind and might make him violent.

So follow the ratings and you'll be fine
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: FOOKz™ on January 07, 2012, 11:37:12 PM
I think if you play games that are appropriate for your age then they won't promote violence but suppose if a 15 year was to play an M rated game then obviosly it would have a bad impact on his mind and might make him violent.

So follow the ratings and you'll be fine

Been playing the Halo series since I was 6. I'm not a violet person.

I also listen to a lot of rap music. I know how to kill people with my bare hands. I'm a non example!!!! LOLOL
But one thing that makes me different is that im smarter person than all of those violent kids so my decisions are way.

my point is not-so-smart people are usually violent, and there are plenty of them in the gamer world.
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: Nevbox on January 08, 2012, 09:01:23 AM

and no
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: cyberboy109 on January 08, 2012, 11:03:10 AM
The problem is parenting, Iv notice an increase of kids under 12 getting laptops, pcs, iphones ect ect with no education whats so ever from the mum or dad never mind monitering on what the child is doing or viewing , as we all kno The internet its self can bring up some shocking stuff just by typing in the most basic of words.
Any way a child viewing a adult website or playing a violent game with out the proper guidence will think its oki to act or behave in a manner they have picked up from what ever source....monkey see monkey do

Oki how many here play gears of war 3 and are under 18?(its a 18 in the uk) and if so who bought you the game/does your parents kno you have it, have they played it them selfs to make sure it is suitable for you?.... in most case I bet your parents bought you the game and never once looked the game up to see if it was suitable for you.
Folk are to lazy now to bring up there children instead lets get mr xbox or iphone to raise my child and if summit goes wrong just blame it on that.

I have no issue with child playing a game thats maybe rated a bit more mature for ther age as long as they have been educated and its rite for them...

I wonder if they will ever blame pop vidoes for underage sex and pregnancy?
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: Monk3y on January 08, 2012, 11:59:02 AM
I love that picture Nevbox haha. But yea I think Fookz and Cyber both have good points. I agree with Fookz when he says it's on how smart of a person you are, you're not gonna be violent if you know there's consequences. Although when it comes to yelling and :censored:ing out the game I wouldn't really consider that violent, more of just an act of frustration. I yell a lot :D I'm a sore loser haha
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: Blazinkaos on January 08, 2012, 02:28:01 PM
I think Lag makes the violence xD.
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: robin1989 on January 08, 2012, 04:11:31 PM
i agree with fookz on intellect in part, the only issue i have is quite often the worst murders or serial killers etc are extremely smart people who think they can outsmart the police. they also usually have mental issues sometimes related to there intellect or childhood.

this doesn't apply to all clever people as i would consider myself very clever but im no psychopath.
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: GhoSt on January 08, 2012, 05:40:14 PM
I have been playing shooters since I was about 10, but in real life I am a really passive person. I think you have to already be mentally unstable for games to cause a person to be violent.

I also agree with Monk3y though, there are short term anger effects that go hand in hand with gaming. I have thrown controllers before, I can understand getting angry at games in the moment, but if I take a 5 minute breather then I am fine, no long term effects. This hasn't really happened since I stopped playing games competitively, leading me to believe that how seriously you take a game is directly linked to how infuriating it can be. In my opinion gaming needs to take a step away from being a competitive sport of sorts, and back toward making people just play it for fun.

As for people who go on rampages and stuff, I don't believe gaming can causes a sane human to justify themselves doing that. And all that :censored: about gaming glorifying war and killing, what a load, I would never even join the armed forces, and gaming has contributed to me deciding that.
Title: Re: Do you think gaming promotes violence?
Post by: Nevbox on January 09, 2012, 12:21:12 PM
Server speed internet for all = No crime or violent behavior
which means: Server speed internet for all = Utopia




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