Acidmods Gaming Area => Console Games => Xbox 360 Gaming => Topic started by: ViSioNXx on May 08, 2013, 05:42:44 AM
How about we set a time to try and meet weekly. Maybe once or twice at least. I know some of us have jobs and kids or just better things to do so lets try for 9pm. EST I made it as late as I could on my zone so it would be later in the evening as far across the US as possible.
I was thinking maybe the second would be either Sat. or sunday Midday. Just to have a set date lets say sundays at 2pm EST. If that needs to be changed then it will but for now it will stand.
Please post in this thread the chances of you making it to either time to game. I will keep this thread updated
Wednesday 9pm
Sunday 2pm.
Please also list the games you own and would like to play. Maybe we can rotate the game choices to keep it interesting!
ViSioNx: MW2, Black ops 2, Will grab LOTR soon
Modded Matt: I have almost the entire link game list in my library
I Could Be On For Both Days.
Updated. Thanks
I can commit to Wednesday, but Sunday is iffy. I will try is all I can say.
I can commit to Wednesday, but Sunday is iffy. I will try is all I can say.
Updated. Thanks.
Currently have All call Of Duty. Gonna Grab Lotr. But Im Currently Having IsSues With Black Ops 2 Dlc.
ok i fixed my black ops 2 and dlc. currently working on LOTR war in the north. i want to try this rpg game.
black ops2 if thers a game going let me know ill work around finals
black ops2 if thers a game going let me know ill work around finals
Need jtag or rgh :D
We will start this next week. Unless we can all agree on a time this weekend to meet. sunday time was only a placeholder anyways.
Lol, I Was Waiting. Its Kool Just Hit Me Up When You Guys Start Playing.
Yeh I should have mentioned that. I was planning to have a session tonight but things just didnt work out well..
What could Be More Important ThaN A Gaming Session With Fellow Am Members?
well to be honest.... My kids well being...
It Was A Joke Buddy. I Know How It Is, I Have 2 Daughters.
It Was A Joke Buddy. I Know How It Is, I Have 2 Daughters.
I know bro. Just letting everyone know that I did have a good reason to bail on gaming tonight :)
Bump this. Anyone willing to get together some time later tonight? Post in here and we can join up on Gtalk. I will try and finish up the teamspeak server unless we all can get on skype?
I'm Available Until 10Pm. I'm On That Grandpa Status.
Cool. I will try and be on around 8 est. Best for me to wait until later due to kids.
Yeah, I Hear Ya. My Baby Girl Isnt Feeling Well, Otherwise I Would Be Playing Some Games Right now.
Lol. I couldnt if I wanted. One kid is on the big tv watching spongebob and the other is watching Incredibles in his room. I guess I could take the box to my room but to much work lol.
( (
its online now.. (
oh yeah! andriod version was a bust but the pc is working better.
i will join as soon as i fix my rgh
gonna be on lotr war in the north today. let me know if you want to be on. g talk is neang 613
I got to get it over to the hdd. I finished downloading last night :)
Going to drop LOTR on the hdd and see what all the hub bub is about lol.
You Will See. If You Like Rpg At All, You Will Like This.
Well after a lot of troubles and a little bit of port forwarding we got to play a while. Not as long as I would have liked but it was pretty fun!!!!
Agreed! And Midnight Is Not A Good Time To Be Playing Video Games. lol
Lol. True. I guess now that we have the kinks ironed out it will not be so bad.
Im all set and I have most of the games, so just let me know when..
Cool deal. drop in the ts sometime and I will set up your admin powers
whats good. i'll probably practice as the healer girl. dont like the dwarf much on lotr.
there's not much for rpg co-op for link.
I will come off your character if you want. I don't mind being healer.
i want to try the healer anyway. looking to get a game going soon. but searching around for other games to play as well
Cool. It will be later b4 I can get on though :(
It is Wednesday again!! anyone going to be able to attend tonight?
LOTR for XBOX? legit or Modded?
this would be the first Wednesday, and I can be avail.
this would be the first Wednesday, and I can be avail.
Yeh I guess you are right. Hope we can get gizmo or snow to join us. That way we can have a full party!
And hacked LOTR war of the North.
well that sucks. looks like I will have to get a Modded XBOX. (RODIE!!!)
ill try my best to get on tonight.
what do you mean hacked LOTR? I don't have any hacks
what do you mean hacked LOTR? I don't have any hacks
It was meant like yes hacked xbox, and LOTR war of the north. Not hacked lotr hahaha my bad.
well that sucks. looks like I will have to get a Modded XBOX. (RODIE!!!)
let me know i will be making some this week and posting here on AM
lets get a game going with ghost recon future soldier. loving this game right now.
Let me grab it. I will get back with you. Teamspeak server is down right now because I had to borrow some parts to get my dvd drive flashing rig up and running. I will get it back up by tonight though.
shouldnt need team speak. but set it up just in case
Will do. Once I figure out why its bsod on me..
are we up for gaming tonight? im looking to do some hack and slash with lotr or shoot em up with recon future soldier
I forgot it was Wednesday..... I can be on tonight and I am off work tomorrow!!
I Should Be On Tonight. Leaving Fit Upstate Ny FridayEvening. Throwing My Parents Surprise 35Th Anniversary Party. Alomst Every One From My Family Is Gonna Be There.
Cool. I had some other stuff going on last night and was not home. I will be down to game today!
+i shall try and join
Well Lotr Is Out Of The Question Since We Can Only Get 2 Player At A Time. Dies Everyone Have Ghost Recon?
I do but not a fan of the third person...
I Am Too, But For Some Reason I Am Liking Future Soldier.
Well Lotr Is Out Of The Question Since We Can Only Get 2 Player At A Time. Dies Everyone Have Ghost Recon?
DID you confirm this with LOTR? Is that why we could not all join? Its a great game that they trashed the system link capabilities.
need more people to try and join the game for a more definate answer. theres no problem connecting to either you or vision. but when all 3 of us are in the same room, one of us get kick out. usually you or vision.
any rgh users gonna be on later? want to try to get 3 player lotr. not actually playing but to see what the problem is in the settings. also looking at the game fuse, a 4 player co-op.
Will have to grab fuse. I will try and grab up snow for testing lotr.
Fookz, this is a thread about LINK. It is the Jtag/RGH equivalent to xbox live. you must have a Jtag/RGH
Fuse Is Nit System Link Compatible. So, Itll Only Work 4 Player On Xbox live
You Guys Pick Up Ghost Recon Yet. Its A Great 3Rd Person Shooter. Looking To Get A Game Going Tonight.
I got it now. I will try and get some TV time later. WHat time are you aiming for?
I have it ready to go, its a 4 player coop, there are some gorilla modes also.
other games worth a look are:
Hunted: Demons forge - 2 player coop
lost planet 2 - 2 player coop
send me an pm here or an IM on Facebook to get my attention, both go to my phone.
kool kool. What ever time is fine. i dont have plans later on.
Ok. I will give a shout when I get a few minutes.
im ready to game if you guys are.
alright guys, im really liking cod ghost . it resembles the Modern warfare series to me. so i was wondering who has link and who wants to get on for a official AM game night. We can play what ever modes that on there, extinction is not bad at all. so reply here and lets go some details going.
i'm down for it
Got to throw it on my drive and make sure my link is still working but I would be down. Some one set a time and date.
Now that winter is coming and i hopefully have some free time i will try and join in. depends on how busy i am with my consoles
Now that winter is coming and i hopefully have some free time i will try and join in. depends on how busy i am with my consoles
That would be awesome. I wouldnt be the only old guy on lol.
Im at 92%
Anyone Down to play tomorrow evening around 7ish?
I dont have 360 headset so chat is open for discussion....
Sounds Good. I Was Stuck With Mid Terms Last Time .