Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: WHITE 4ND N3RDY on January 23, 2014, 07:33:42 PM
So I was crusin around the internet and stumbled on a great find. I found a site that sells XB1 & PS4 ragnarok DIY chips. They come with easy instillation instructions and all the hardware like the quad multicolor LED indicator. They go for 40$ a pop or cheaper depending on the quantity of the buy. Instillation looks super easy. I'd rate it at 2/5 on difficulty level. Shouldn't take longer than 20 min to install!
So here is the site if anyone is interested. (
Viking doesn't sell these DIY chips yet which makes me wonder why this company has them for sale?
Anyways its a great find and will save u big $$ if your were wanting one of these controllers!
Update: orders this product will post a instillation tutorial including pics! Going to do a remapper and 3DS as well. So it will be a great instillation presentation for anyone considering copying my build!
its not a viking product, they have stolen the name.
Yea made me think cause they call it "viking software platform". It is the same viking chip/software just sold from a outside sourse.Hmmm.
Viking did that with the previous Ragnorok. They made a deal with another company where Viking would sell only controllers, and other companies could sell only kits. Or something close to that.