
Acidmods Gaming Area => Console Games => PSP Software & Gaming => Topic started by: CheeZ! on August 27, 2007, 11:41:36 AM

Title: Runescape
Post by: CheeZ! on August 27, 2007, 11:41:36 AM
Is there anyway i can get Runescape to run on my psp.I have tried it on the internet browers but it didn't work.Can some plz :beg:  :help: me.

Thanks In Advace

P.S. Heres a link to Runescape

-CheeZ! :tup:
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: LIAMMR on August 27, 2007, 11:46:12 AM
Sorry, but as far as I know there isn't.

Runescape requires Java, something the PSP browser does not have
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: CheeZ! on August 27, 2007, 11:50:26 AM
Thanks i guess ill just play on my comp
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: LIAMMR on August 27, 2007, 11:51:48 AM
Thanks i guess ill just play on my comp

Might I suggest buying World of Warcraft?

It is much more fun than Runescape.  :tup:
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: CheeZ! on August 28, 2007, 08:20:20 AM
nah u have to buy it and then pay a membership which i don't like
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: 4dP on August 28, 2007, 08:24:37 AM
nah u have to buy it and then pay a membership which i don't like

worth it though
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: MattZani on August 28, 2007, 11:11:31 AM
£7 a month is WORTH IT????? HTF did you work that out???
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: serriph on September 01, 2007, 06:31:58 PM
when i had the time to be into MMOs [freshman year in highschool] i played Guildwars. Infinitely better than Runescape, not quite as in depth as WoW, but d@mn beautiful graphics and no monthly fee. Hit that  :censored: up.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: 4dP on September 02, 2007, 02:06:59 AM
£7 a month is WORTH IT????? HTF did you work that out???

there is a way to play the game for free :cool:
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: P3nnyw1se on September 02, 2007, 02:46:27 AM
Guild Wars is good if u don't want to subscribe which is why I have it!!!  Also, being a teen w/ no job makes it hard to pay $15 a month!!!!!
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: serriph on September 02, 2007, 09:34:28 AM
Yeah GW is amazing, i dont want to get sucked into it ever again -_- not much of a social life when ure playing that.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: FreeK on September 03, 2007, 02:46:52 PM
yea thats how i was when runescape was big in my town in 7th grade... everyone used to hang out at the town library till like 6:00 then went home and played there... now every once in a while i play WoW and now im looking back at how bad RS actually was even though i still have my char on it
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on September 03, 2007, 03:01:35 PM
I used to love RS, now I hate it. From a developer point of view, it's got simple yet effective controls and a laid-back battle system. I still have my char. Now I've been switching between MapleStory (gets kinda boring after a while, I'll play it for a month or 2 then take a break for a month or 2) and Return to Blockland. RTB is pretty amazing. It's an open-source torque mod based of the torque game Blockland. Simply put, RTB is a 1st/3rd person shooter where your a lego, I mean "Blocko", minifigure that builds "Blocko" stuff ranging from houses to castles to spacestations to about anything you can build with legos. In addition to all of that, you can turn on minigames like Best Builder Compotion (You get 3 minutes to build something, then people rate you on it), Cops and Robbers, and Deathmatch. It's very impressive for being a freeware game. Just recentally, the man behind Blockland got contacted by Lego. They encourged him to make a better version, so he did. That version is called Retail Blockland (often called Retail). It cost $20, but is way better than original Blockland. Once modders saw it, they switched from original to Retail. The few that didn't want to buy Retail (Including me) started a new site for non-retail RTB. Before you spend $20 on Retail, check out the free RTB and the Retail Demo.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: FreeK on September 03, 2007, 03:18:09 PM
yea i might give it a try but what i do when im really bored is play adventure quest... its not that bad of a game but its kinda kiddish but its not bad and kinda addicting when ur low lvl and its such an easy game
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: garra1345 on September 13, 2007, 06:59:50 PM
I saw a video of someone playing Runescape on their PSP, it wa on Youtube! :D

-sorry, all caps is never necessary, you can express your same excitement just as well with what i replaced it with-noah03ark
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on September 15, 2007, 12:09:56 PM
They probally wern't, just camera tricks. I'll check it out anyway.

I'm getting into runescape again, execpt for the bad stuff.(Hack)
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: MegaXZeo on October 07, 2007, 12:16:50 AM
wow. i remember runescape. ive seen a LOT of MMO's. i think runescape was my first, actually.

for everyone that wants to bash runescape, try finding some people to play with and get a little party going. its kind of entertaining the further into it you get.

but uh, even if the psp did have java, i dont think it would look ( or play ) well due to no mouse / keyboard.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: 4dP on October 07, 2007, 02:32:10 AM
heres the vid of runescape on a psp (not)

Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on October 07, 2007, 08:54:10 AM
I found that video a while ago, but never posted it. Good job 4dP for being less lazy than me.
wow. i remember runescape. ive seen a LOT of MMO's. i think runescape was my first, actually.

for everyone that wants to bash runescape, try finding some people to play with and get a little party going. its kind of entertaining the further into it you get.

but uh, even if the psp did have java, i dont think it would look ( or play ) well due to no mouse / keyboard.
Runescape was probally my first, too. Well, maybe it was second considering I played Neopets first... Maplestory is a great MMO. I think it's better than runescape in a lot of ways, but once you get to a high level, it kinda gets old. There's no PVP considering there a hacks like God Mode and Offscreen (Offscreen makes you go off the screen, but being able to still hit enemies) and the fact that a lot of the higher level skills are really good.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: lewson on October 16, 2007, 12:33:38 PM
runescape is like a drug --- its fun but adictive once you get into it you cant stop.... i never liked it bt every one else did (and most still do)
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: phenomenal on October 16, 2007, 01:28:56 PM
get guild wars, i find it more fun that WoW, and i like the no monthly fee's, and the beautiful graphics

also it is nowhere near as addicting as WoW or Runescape

Also runescape is one of the worse games EVER!!!!, even though it is free, WoW still has more players lol, owned

Also watch this vid, to see the difference between WoW and runescape


WoW is way better then Runescape, not an opinoin, its fact

Also why would you want to play an extrodianry crap game on the move, stupid eh
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on October 16, 2007, 02:06:42 PM
runescape is like a drug --- its fun but adictive once you get into it you cant stop.... i never liked it bt every one else did (and most still do)
Your right and wrong. It's fun and addictive for the first 20 levels, but then it just gets old... Most people keep playing after that because they have nothing else to do, they can't find another MMO that will work with their computer (If they are on a public computer and can't install anything), don't have money for something like WoW, have friends that move away and they play with them, or for reasons not supported by Jagex (Hacking/macroing, selling in-game items for real-world cash, etc.)

P.S. I play for the last reason :tup:
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: djb on December 17, 2007, 08:03:10 PM
Might I suggest buying World of Warcraft?

It is much more fun than Runescape.  :tup:

nerd... lol.... wait so am i...  :drunk: :drunk:
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Luka38 on December 19, 2007, 01:30:42 PM
Anarchy Online :drunk: :drunk: :drunk:
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on December 28, 2007, 07:36:13 AM ( is a pretty good game. It's easy to just sit down for 5 minutes and get a ton accomplished. If anyone wants to join, clickhere (
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: bustinthejus on January 09, 2008, 08:38:03 PM
Man I was so sucked into Runescape a few years back. I'd be playing it like 6 hours a day in the summer. Then I got bored of it, then got back to it, now I'm out of it and hackin' my psp =)
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on January 10, 2008, 02:23:36 PM
I never played for over an hour on average, but this one time I woke up REALLY early and snuck down and played it for like 7 hours strait. I got kicked off the computer, but I managed to get back on and play for about 3 more hours. After that day I lost interest in RS.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: oozysauce on January 28, 2008, 11:56:39 AM
Ciy of Heroes and Villians are where its at  :drunk:

Hi by the way. Im Oozy, nice to meet you all   :victory:
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: seikene on January 28, 2008, 12:21:53 PM
Pfft, for all that said runescape and Guild Wars was fun, I salute you :D, I use to play that everyday, and the beta of guild wars, which was so much fun, I stopped at nightfall, and in runescape I stopped at lvl 103 but still got me account ^_^. If anyone wants to play me or talk to me on either game :P just im me in msn. On topic: That vid with the rs and psp doesn't look too fake but it looks like the game runs very slowly, which I wouldn't be suprised since both the psp and ds aren't meant for java, if the vid is real. The only way to see it possible that you can play rs or any other java based games on the ds/psp, is simply by having java on there, but seeing that the ds can't hold memory unlike the psp, unless through a flash cart, then it's impossible for the DS. As for the psp, it would be kinda pointless with the lack of keyboard, unless you'r going pking and have everyone think you're perma-muted lol, and runescape killed the wildy (wilderness), so I'd say no point in having rs in you're psp :-/, better to have java on there for like newgrounds or watching youtube vids, but that's just me :D.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: GhoSt on February 02, 2008, 03:08:14 PM
hmm i dont see wh you would want this game on the psp, it seems kinda budget. No currently you cannot play it.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Luke on February 13, 2008, 07:31:37 PM
i dont kno why u want to play runescape ever i tried it once couldnt get passed the first level o_O maybe its just me..... anyways i think sony has started to develop 4.00 im pretty sure! and they trying to get java flash to run on the internet possiably on 4.00 or 4.10 , 4.15 , 4.30 , 4.50 4.60 i have no idea
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on February 14, 2008, 12:28:27 PM
i dont kno why u want to play runescape ever i tried it once couldnt get passed the first level o_O maybe its just me..... anyways i think sony has started to develop 4.00 im pretty sure! and they trying to get java flash to run on the internet possiably on 4.00 or 4.10 , 4.15 , 4.30 , 4.50 4.60 i have no idea

java and flash are already on the PSP. There is a rumor going around that they are trying to get DivX to run on PSP. I don't really know if that will be a huge improvement, or just something that will let people watch movies when they are online.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Luke on February 14, 2008, 06:37:31 PM
java and flash are already on the PSP. There is a rumor going around that they are trying to get DivX to run on PSP. I don't really know if that will be a huge improvement, or just something that will let people watch movies when they are online.
no i meant java flash like the one from adobe ummm wait i dont think its called java ummm the that lest you play games on your computer adobe flash player i think thats it?
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on February 15, 2008, 07:04:22 PM
no i meant java flash like the one from adobe ummm wait i dont think its called java ummm the that lest you play games on your computer adobe flash player i think thats it?

It was macromedia flash player, but adobe bought macromedia, so now it is adobe flash player.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: i22foosh on February 17, 2008, 06:14:09 PM
some dude named 666roshan666 played runescape on the psp
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: 4dP on February 17, 2008, 06:15:22 PM
some dude named 666roshan666 played runescape on the psp

where did you see that youtube?
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: i22foosh on February 17, 2008, 10:12:45 PM
where did you see that youtube?

Yeah, his name is 111roshan111 btw sorry

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: cwn723 on February 18, 2008, 07:31:13 PM
lol, runescape is the most boring game(no offence), i just never found it fun. my friend introduced me like a year or so ago, and i never made it past the cooking part. i guess some people like certain games more than others.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on February 22, 2008, 11:27:29 AM
It's just one of those games that you log on, do a couple of clicks and you've leveled up.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Luke on March 06, 2008, 01:06:18 PM
no offence but i hate runescape i couldnt get passed tut level
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on March 06, 2008, 02:58:11 PM
no offence but i hate runescape i couldnt get passed tut level

I had to have one of my friends get me past that. I thought it was fun to do things not promoted by Jagex, like scamming and ambushing people in the wilderness. I did that for a couple of months and got bored. Then I played MapleStory. Now I play tribalwars.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: kow777 on March 08, 2008, 07:13:03 PM
yea thats how i was when runescape was big in my town in 7th grade... everyone used to hang out at the town library till like 6:00 then went home and played there... now every once in a while i play WoW and now im looking back at how bad RS actually was even though i still have my char on it
thats how it was in my town
same grade even
everyone played it at the library
when i got to level 52 i quit on my first character
then last year i found out one of my friends still played and i started to play again
made a character and got it to level 45 or so then quit again
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: GhoSt on March 15, 2008, 12:26:12 PM
for once i gota agree with luke101a i to find runescape kinda weird i played it for half an hour and it started hurting my eyes so i went to sleep lol and never played it again
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: kow777 on March 15, 2008, 02:43:30 PM
theres a tutorial
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: King Wolf 15 on April 16, 2008, 09:46:09 PM
I will have to try it out for my bro... LOL
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on May 03, 2008, 07:04:07 AM
I'm playing maplestory again and I seriously think everyone should check it out. It's a super-addictive, anime styled, 2d platforming mmo that's free. Find out more by clicking here ( If only it was on the PSP like Wizet said it would be...
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: psp matt on May 03, 2008, 08:53:22 AM
GET GUILDWARS!!!!!!!! ITS FUNNER THEN WOW PEOPLE DONT ANNOY YOU AND THERES NO MONTHLY PAY!!! IT ROCKS!! my username in it is "papa spoof" lol srry for caps
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: ProperBritish on May 06, 2008, 12:22:08 AM
Lol this page now has runescape moneymaking ads on it
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: noah03ark on May 06, 2008, 04:19:01 AM
lol for targeted advertising

good point-out, didnt see that before
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: External Darkness on May 20, 2008, 12:22:46 PM
I personally like Ever Quest over WOW and Runescape any day.......but guildwars was the shiizzzz nit
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: dstroup on May 20, 2008, 06:29:57 PM
dude MMORP are fun but you will realize in the end that you have wasted alot of time playing and wasted alot of money on them.  it all adds up quick: time, money, and enjoyment lvl.  you will soon realize that they aren't much fun anymore when you can go do things with your friends, party, or chill with your gf ( if you can get one, no offence). just a major waste of time, you'll look back on yourself and say "wow i could've bought that _________ but i wasted it on this game well i guess ill play this game and save up" and when that time comes around that you have the money you will want to pay for the game again b/c your about to lvl or something. just try and not waste your life doing something that will have no effect on your future.  :cool:
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: PsychoticWolf on May 20, 2008, 06:40:34 PM
Anarchy Online :drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

Thats one of my First MMOs man it was awesome I was OmniTek (sp) been years snice i last played i stop playing after that exps that came out
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on June 26, 2008, 03:52:03 AM
dude MMORP are fun but you will realize in the end that you have wasted alot of time playing and wasted alot of money on them.  it all adds up quick: time, money, and enjoyment lvl.  you will soon realize that they aren't much fun anymore when you can go do things with your friends, party, or chill with your gf ( if you can get one, no offence). just a major waste of time, you'll look back on yourself and say "wow i could've bought that Water Balloon but i wasted it on this free MMO well i guess ill play this free game and save up those 2 cents" and when that time comes around that you have the money you will want to pay for the game again b/c your about to lvl or something. just try and not waste your life doing something that will have no effect on your future.  :cool:

That's why I play MMOs for only 30 min to an hour. Gives me pleanty of time to do other stuff (Like airsoft, parties, movies, etc.).
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: i22foosh on July 09, 2008, 07:30:53 PM
ughh i dont see why you wana play runescape on psp
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: Thorax on July 12, 2008, 06:15:16 PM
It's an ok game. It has an easy learning curve and doesn't require a lot of skill to play. That's why a lot of people like it. They can just sit down a play.
Title: Re: Runescape
Post by: KyleP on August 10, 2008, 03:34:00 PM
runescape is a good cheap game if you want to be a member i did it when i was like in 8th grade now im in 11th so its something to look at once in a whille like how its changed when i played and stuff
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