Well, I said awhile ago that I was going to make a thread about my car build and here it is. A little about the project. I bought a 1929 Chevy Tudor Sedan a couple months back for $300 planning on building a rat rot. A rat rod is basically an unfinished hot rod, meaning no paint, crappy lookings welds on the body and all that good stuff. My plan is to build the entire car for less than $1000, which I am almost sure I can do since I only have $570 into it to this date and I have everything except a transmision and a few minor parts. I am throwing a 300 cubic inch, in-line 6 out of a big ford truck into it. Here is some pics of my progress so far...
When I first got it, it was in pieces. This is what it looked like when we first tacked it together to transport it.

A good side view before I really went at it...

After long hours of welding I cut it all up again... but this time changing it dramatically... As of right now, from the roof to the ground, the car stands 35 inches tall. When it has a frame under it, it will go up about 3 to 4 inches...

Here we have the stock door next to the chopped door, just a little smaller eh?

Me standing next to it.

Here is the frame. I am custom building it from scratch

Let me know what you think. Please discuss